31-02-0566 ~ This form is used in conrtee-
<br />tion with mortgages insured
<br />Mf3RTGAGE under the one- Lo four-family
<br />provisionx~ of tfte National
<br />BQ._ ~3€354Q2 HatisingAtt.
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, strode and exeeated this 25th day of September .A.f7-
<br />19.80 .by and between -Ellard R- Fredrick and Ja Lene M- Fredrick, husband and wife
<br />of fLe County of Ha11 - - ,and Stan of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter ca(fed
<br />the Mortgagor, artd - Mortgage Plus incorporated -
<br />a corporation organiudand existing under the laws of the united States of Attterica
<br />party of tlfe stcond part, hereittafttr called [he Mortgagee.
<br />WITNESSETH: Thpt tree said Mortgagor, for attd in consideration of [he sum of Forty Thousand Three--Hundred
<br />and~00ref 100tt~s - - - -- -- - - - --Dollars (5 40, 300.00 ),paid by the Mort-
<br />gagte, cerpt o -which is htreby acknowtedged, has Granted and Sold andd by these presents dots Gran[, Bat-
<br />gairt, Seil, Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns. forever, thc.fotlowirtg-desaribbd
<br />rea#:estate, situated in the County of Hall ~ ,and Stott
<br />ofNt)naska;towit:-
<br />A tract of land located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest
<br />Quarter of Section Fourteen (14), Township Eleven (11) North; Range
<br />'Ten (10), West of theSixth Principal' Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska.,.
<br />more particularly described as follows:' Beginning at the Southwest
<br />Corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest, Quarter of'said Section
<br />14; thence N 0'56' E along the West lane of the Southeast Quarter of
<br />the Southwest Quarter of said Section 14, a distance of 409.00 £eet;
<br />thence S 139°11` 30" E a distance of 274.34 feet; thence due south a
<br />distance of 409.00 feet to the south line of the Southeast Quarter of
<br />the Southwest Quarter o€ said Section 14; theree N 89t 12'W a distance
<br />of 281.00 feet to the point of beginning; said tract containing ~.6i
<br />acres more or less of which 0.21 acres more of less is occupied by
<br />State Highway Right-of Way.
<br />also known as: Rt. 1, Box 430, !:rand Is1and,NE 68801
<br />of the Sixth RincipalMeridian, containing in a)i county proper ty noes according to {iovern-
<br />rnantsurvey:
<br />TO HAVE AND 1'O HOi t3 the premises :tiwvt dtu:ribed, with aft tht appurtenance. rhgreunto belonging .mJ inciudin
<br />aII)teating, plumbing and hghung tixmres and rgwpment stow orhereafter atta!-bed to or ,vrd in s nnc tom wtth atd rca Est le
<br />mttotht Mortgagee- and is its s!u_cesscxs and assigns. forever. 7'he Mart~,..gor :rpr,arntz .~, :;ad ;o.en,:nts .v„h. the S1~r,ga-
<br />gee. that the Mortgagor has good right to se13 and convey said premises: t'~hut they are free from encumbrance; and that the
<br />-Mortgagor wilfiwarranrand4tfettd the same against the Iawfufrfaimti bf aIf persons whomsoever; and [he said M1Tnrtgagor hrre-
<br />by.relinquishes alt rights of~hamestead, and atl martial rights, tither in taw or in equity, anJ rdl usher cuntingem inttrts[s of the
<br />Mortgagor in and to [Ftt~~ove-described premists, the intention hung to convey hereby an absolute title, in let simple, includ-
<br />ingalt rights of homestead, and other rights and interests as aforesaid.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to wie
<br />The Mortgagor agrees to pay m the Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum of Forty Thousand Three Hundred and
<br />OOf100ths -'°--°--°---------------- (Attars!?40,300.00 1.
<br />with inttrest from date at the rate of Thirteen per centmn ( 13.00 rr) per annum on
<br />the unpaid )talance until paid. Tttr said principal and interest shall be payable at the office of Mortgage Plus Incorporated
<br />in Englew»ai, Colorado . or at such other place as the huller of
<br />the note may designate in writing, in monthly instaltnrents of Four Hundred Forty mix and 12/ ~ 00*_hs ----
<br />Do;llarslS446 12 ~. c'ommrndmg on the tint Jay ,+f
<br />troy , )9 80, andon the first day of each month thereafter unnl the principal and in-
<br />terest are fatly paid, except that therfiaal payment of principal anJ interest, if oat ,onntr pail, ,b;dl he due ;utJ
<br />payaWt on the fitstday of October 2010 all according m the Irrms of a certain pnrrms-
<br />snrY n[HS of even daft herewith executed by the swid ~tortgal<ar
<br />'I'tre Mortgagor in ordermare fully to prmect the security of this Mortgage, agrees:
<br />t. That hti will pay the it~ebted~ss. as heroinf~fare-provided. f'rivitege iv reserved to pay the debt to wha{e, ur m art
<br />amewnt tgrtal.ts asst car moat mamhiy payments un tttt principal that are next due on the rsate, on the lust day u3 :ut} nuiuth
<br />prior to mattuity: Provided, however, That wriuen tartlet of an inientxtn m exarctse ,uch prfv drge n given :d least thuiy t iris
<br />days prior to prepayment,
<br />:. 's'itar, together with, and in addition to, the monthty payments of principal and interest puy.,hie under the tern, „i the
<br />rsute secured hereby, ttw Mortgagor will pay to the l7vrtgagte, un the first d-ay of each month !;mil the .,airs note is futlp p~rCd, the
<br />following soma:
<br />(ap Amount suffteient to provide the haldtr htrtof with lurtds iu pay the next atongage ussutana• prenuum d ttus
<br />tr[stratn$nt attd the note ~ctattd hereby are insurml, ar a monthly ettatge ten .rr-u n1 a rrrortgrtgr' uteurunrr pre
<br />reftrr~/ is t ate Itu:~ by tint Secretary of }Iaasdng and Urban I?~vml.~.nitiut. ~, tit!iows.
<br />(_f) }f. and asY laR~ as said note of avmt slate acid this instrument axe ursu reJ .a art ,rcnst,t~J under the rn>-
<br />viaktns of the National Hoasitte Act, art antotrnf suffktertt ;<+:tc~uututate <u rite startle ,+f the huidri ~ottr
<br />r.T~cr}:tr}~ vra[u..izr~.t
<br />~4WtK'ar FHA-~t0.1M Mr.ic#i nyy tee usrtl unto suoVt~r .s ext+aansq
<br />