<br />-- -- _ _ ,_ _ .._ . -- J--
<br />52%2-A-SECONi) REAL ESTAT£ MORFGAGE Tax Clause {Revised 1962) 1`rr_ H:~xnsa rvnemt Scpyly Heu>r, i.scam :ctn.
<br />Charles A. Douglass d aaxine v. uauglass
<br />Ic
<br />~. j at jjal,l County and State of pjgbraSKa , in ccnsideraticn of the stun of ~- '
<br />~.; Three thousand five hundred. dollars and ncj100 {3,504,OOj DOLLARS ';
<br />~i in. hand paid, do hereby SELL end CONVEY unto
<br />~~~ Carl ainkler or his assigns
<br />Ili , {mortgagee).
<br />` of E~11 County, and State of NebrdSka -the following described premises i
<br />j situated in }fall County, and state of Nebraska to-wiE:
<br />i
<br />L.ot Seven (7) Block Two {2)
<br />I M•'~+Clarks Addition to the
<br />City of Grand Island, ball County,
<br />i i Nebraska
<br />The infra=.ntion Ereing to convey hereby an absolute titlr in fee wimple sntxiudinG ntl thw riGht:; o€ homestead and delver.
<br />'I'O HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with alt the appurtenances thereunto belangin~ onto the said `:
<br />mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or (Heir heirs and assigns. forever, prrn~id 1 always, and these presen±, are upon khe
<br />express condition that if the said mortgagor or mortgagors. his, her or Their fiein. executors. administrators or assigns shall pay '
<br />c- cause tar be paid to the said mortgagee or mortgagees and to his. her or their heirs executors, admin~crators or assigns. the !
<br />sum of Three thousand five nurtured dollars ano noj100---- D~ttar,. t,ayabte as fouow:;. e,.tw;t: ,
<br />A principle payment of (1,b00,00) ihte tnousand five nundrea Dollars ano no/100, to be
<br />paid with the 1979 Income tax return plus interest per dium of y1.44 until this principl@
<br />amount of 1,500.00 is Naia. the balance of ([,000,00) Iwo tnousand collars and no/100
<br />is to be paid in i~ equal monthly installments ~ this interest.
<br />with mtnre^,t LherMm nL 1Dib per cent per annum, psyabie 1.dont lily anmtally, uornrding fn the tenor slut ,fh^ct of the
<br />proraisaory nose with interest coupcna attached of said .furtg;agun;, i>r--wring even sate with thc~e r-• esenis, anti :
<br />nkkaj7 ;?av 3LL fia?s_ .and any interest en. or maruaing instaLme nt_z o€ erincipat, due cm any prior m. tga;r,e wax? rx:+.~e.,«n,Y:x
<br />See ate upim =;:id real astata and all other tares lc res and a ~,m..nis 1rsvint! :tl ort ..., rrortras+r i- thti. nr, t.= 4 .bin
<br />=rt~,ag.. given to secure befune the scone heu+mes delictrluent and k.~}. '-he bu~id t °. ,an .id ~ m. ,,, .._ r=.t f, +k . .,.._.
<br />$4fi,d50,00 ,loss, if ally, payable to such fire[ murtgagw•s rvr this mortgagee. or hr3th, then lhts r-zevents n old' ~.
<br />othen~ase to be end remain in full furre. -
<br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (]) That if the said mortgagor shell fait [n pay such taxes and such interest on, nr maturing
<br />installments of principal, due on soy prior mortgage and pra:u re such insurance, then this mortgagee may pssy ouch taxes and -
<br />such interest nn, or maturity installments of principal, due on such prier mortgage and pra:ure such insurance; and the sum -
<br />ao advanced with interest at nine per cent shall Ix paid by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as ~« cooly for the '
<br />same. {2I That a failure W pay any of ssid money. either principal or interest nn this or any other prior mortgage, when the
<br />same becomes due or a failure to comply with any of the foregoing agreements, shall cause the whole sum of nwney herein
<br />secured to become due and collectible at once at the option of the mortgagee.
<br />IT TS FURTHER AGREEA That said mortgagee, pending foreclosure of this mortgage and aBer decree and pcndmg
<br />stay thereon or appeal therefrom and pending sale of premises mortgagc•.al, mssy pa, such taxes and maturing interest or matur-
<br />ing installrnenta a principal, on prior mortgages, prtxure such in cranes slut such sums shall }re added to the ;mwunl due un '
<br />decree and upon confirmation of sale by the chart ordered taken out of prcx:eeds of sale; or if r+Yleemrcl during stay, appeal
<br />or sale, such amounts shta~ll~ be eolleded the some as though it were a Lwrt of such decree.
<br />Signed this ~ 8 M day of ('vim +~c-t, iFi ~ , '
<br />.. In presence of ~ ?
<br />?T!iTE ~F_ Nebraska _.- -. cnnnty of vial-l-- ~ sfx~~atxt?tanx stated x n !
<br />___ - - y ,,.a --. T7c
<br />Befara me, a nntary puls!!c qusllEed for satd county, personally e+une t
<br />. ~:dr i Lxp.rz~ .. ;
<br />Charles A. Douglass c ,..axine v, cuuylass a ---------•-=t=~
<br />known to me to be the identical person or persons who signed the foregoing instrument and a;:knutvixtgcci the execution -
<br />Bhaxeof to be his, her or their voluntary ack and deed. ~.
<br />Witaese my hand and notarial seal an_._.. . ':'~\. L:~~i~.e. _. :,.a.C~`.. ._. .. , i9.,:1 :~... ~,
<br />-5 , . -~
<br />My commission exPlres;.-..-:..?.f...>t. e. _.1..-. 11r>V _ `_.1 __.;_~'t5 >~ •_vti:;. •' ~,ta-v }'abbe
<br />STATE OF .................... ~ Entered on owns rich! index anti filed for record -
<br />Ctwnt in tha Rc-gistrr of Decwls C)9ice uE aatd t'nenty the
<br />y .....-......_...._..........__......._._..........._..... _.........~ss.
<br />...._ .................slay af......_....._.. _........__....._..... _..., 19..._.._..., at.. _._ _...._........... o <~luc's and...... muurte•s . b1.,
<br />and recorded in Book.._......__._._..........._........nP......... _......._.... _ ..............at page.. ...
<br />}iy_ Depnty
<br />