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<br />19~~ ~betxem Ivnnie C. John and Connie L. .John, husband and wife, <br />{hesamafter referred to a. ctortgsgor) and the Administrator of the Sma11$tainew Adminietratian, an agency of the <br />Government: of -the United. $t:tea of America {heninafter referred to as tortgagee}, who maintain an o~ aad <br />plaesaf'hat®atnat Empire State Building, 19th and Fartiam Streets, Omaha, lebraska-68102 <br />~tttAassttr that ;fot the . wtnaidention : het~mefter opted, receipt of• which -is hentby }edg4~, .tae <br />ntarfaassr~doa ~y`martpge, se13:1,e+at. upi8v, rind etmvey tmto ths-morgtgee, his eeraotssoxe and atta;arr all <br />of the taliotrins°deariihd p~opertyeicatited aod'beinq m the Eamtgof' Hall <br />Stag of`l~braska. --- - - ~ . <br />The Easterly Five and Eighty-five Hundredths (5.85) feet of Lot Nine (9}, <br />''All of Lot Eight (8), and the Westerly Fifteen (TS'.0) Feet of Lot Seven <br />{T), in Block three {3), in PleasanE Vies Third Addition to the City of <br />Grand Island; Hsll County, Nebraska. <br />Tugeth~ar-wltlt.and.ineiudiq{g ai! hudiding~:, eft fitxtureti ineinding Itut.not tineited 1o alt pluenhiag,, healing, tight• <br />irtg, Fz+tt9ltdiafr„ refrigeraAing; ineinezatitaR, alrconditioning appsratw, entt elevatorh (the mortgagor herebp <br />derlarirtg 1haL,it ie igtended that the. itegsn herein equmeratrd .hail be deemed to Lava Lean penaanentlp in- <br />+talled aa.patt of-the realty), and etil in;prtavementa no?r or hereafter exietiris thereon; the heredilament~ and <br />appurtengnr:~-:agd,~i.ath~r.ri$#ttr ti~r•RUM+nheles}~ging,.ur, in aavwitie a{apertaining: aced the reversion and re- <br />-voraiartt±, remainder.artd rrrvtainder, aU ri}thts of redemption, and the rent., ieene., and profits of the ahoy <br />dewrt'ilietF pr4{piriy {provided, however, that=ttte mortgagor hhetl he entitled io the por.esaion of paid property <br />and M rolleri and reieitiihe reni3; is~ae., and profiiw unrit default hereunder}. To have awt in hold the name <br />tts€~ tlt;~ ,tL;se-`di:thr. ~nk'€easra ir. intet`ru,-t-e#-the mortgagee forea•er in ire Rt`mpln i r ~neh-outer r~,tate, <br />ZC,agy, aa.ia rtatcel-_.herein. - - <br />Tho moctFaaor Qo:earnb th#t ht. is ieitfolfy aeiaed and posse+eed of and has tha right. to se11 end eoavep acid <br />property; tot the same' is frcc_ Gatn alf encnmhzaneea a:rcpt as }~ereinr~ve recited; asd rat he herilry Linde <br />hittasaif and Iris weeaw:sia iatezeat to wamnt and rletead the title atareaaid thereto and every part thereat rgainat <br />dmstTsia+a ,d ir)t,~rr'yir$s-;s~ograr. <br />,.,, ~. <br />Th» iaYtrtettient ie given to eeanre the payment of a proraiaaery notes dated ~ .e,l ~ ~ , ., `{ (`,.' ", <br />io`thapziseips~'uuai=at~$ia,ji~•jg~ ,eij{nadiw Lotutler,• John and Connie 1,. John. husband and wife, <br />in itsi4alf of t1tE9.g@:..Jets`. <br />'WpA rrr.e »q4 rb-431 r..•r.., fAf,coa. e„ UN.S,~.. <br />