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T.HE MORTGAQOR PURTI~R.COVENANTS AND-AGREES: <br />That-the.-Mortgagor wit} pal the indebtedness-ashe~reinbefore provided? `• - •. - - - - <br />That the Mortgagoris the dwner of said property in tee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sill and' <br />rbnvey the sameand that the serne:is free and clear of any jien or encurttbtance; and that Mortgagor will warrant-attd defend- the..:- <br />titte to said pixrr}ises against the daima n[--aE( parsons-whomsoeger: - - .. .- - - <br />To pay ~iatmediateiy whea.due and payable-all gederal taxes, special taxes, spacial assessments, water charges, sewei•serv=-.- <br />ice charges, and other~.taxes and charges against said ptopetty, and-~ali~-taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, and fo turnish~4he <br />Mortgagee, upon-tequexd, with the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees th'at.ahere. shat( br:addad 'to-:-~.: <br />each monthly payment required hereunder or under the evidence of debt aerated hereby an amount estimated by the Mortgagee <br />~ to be suBicieaC to: ettalile the Mortgagee-to pay, as they bernme dye, all taxes, nssessments, and similar charges upon-the:prem• - <br />ices subject thereto; ally deficiency l±irause of the insufficiency of such additional payments shall be Forthwith deposited-by the - <br />~. Moriga$or with the Mortgagee upon demand by [he Af ortgagee-. Any default w+der this paragraph shall he deemed a default in <br />payment of taxes, assessments, nr similar charges required hereunder <br />~ The Mortgagor agrees that them shall also be added to cad: monthly payment of principal .and interest required here- - <br />under en amounf estimated by the Mortgagee to be etilTicienl to enablo the Mortgagee to pay, as it becomes due, the insurance <br />premium on any insurance ixilicy delivered to the Mortgagees, Any deficiency because of the insufficiency of such additional pay- <br />celesta shell be (orihwith deposited try th«= Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the Mortgagee. Rny default irndee this <br />paragraph shall he deemed a default in the payment nt insurancer premiums. 7[ the policy or polio}es deposited are such as home- <br />owners nr ell risk {wlicies, and the de{waits err insufficient hr pny the entire premium. the Mortgagee, may apply the de}xasit to <br />pay premiums nn risks required io he insured by this mortgage. <br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the aMve pnragrrphs mny, at the option of the Aortgagee, !m heM~hy it and <br />commingled with Mhrr each lands a itv own funds for th€ payment Of such items, and until sp applied, such payments err hereby <br />pledged as security for the unpaid balance of the mortgage indebtednesw:. <br />To procure, deliver ru, and maintain fur the benefit of the Murtdagea duruzR [he lifw of this mortgage original {whcies and <br />renewals them[, delivered nt leas! ten days tx•fore the expaaLun of any s~arch Polirirs, insunng aganst (ire and other insurable <br />hazards, casualties, and a~nutingenriea as the Mortgagoe• mny require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness soured by this <br />MortRnge, and in comps .+<,oeptehk• to ttm \L:rtgagrr. J.ith bus payable clause in faa<rr of and in form a reptable to fhe Mnrtga- <br />qee, Jn the event any n~lo" t> not rrnewwl ., ~r hn6,rr n ..t ivs o•xpirati the Martengee may prrwurr , suranre on the <br />imptwementa PaY the ;! m the=refor- and ~turh ,um ±hall he}.rv~mr i ,e~~elian•Iv~,+i u,- and pnpsblr ..~ith interval at thr~ rate .rt <br />dumb ie said note until ;~a,d J.+ a +halF f.~ .., un-d bs the n „rtvotr P'nilnr.,• nu thin r:vt nt 11+v ,Mortgagor re furauh such renewals <br />us +b nt heeem required a=r fmlu rr to pay u . advanr.^d h,vr=under -.bath .at th+• option of the Mortgagee, ronsutute a rlefautt <br />under abe terms of then rnortgaer 'The dr~hv<r. ~.[.w ,,ohru, .boll ,n H,r ,uRnt „f drfanlt. <on=hhrte an a_vignment ,=f the tin <br />earn .i premium. <br />An• sums r ned the 9t,,rtgae,~e ±. creme ,.t .".. ,r ~t:unuge w+umd aguimi may IK~ aaa:uerl by the 1lortgaRre <br />and aPPhrd^ roward ;be pa, moot .=t the debt hcrebc .,, ~. n.Jl .. et the opbun sit the ALrrtgngee, s:ch s, vnhrr .wholly „ in <br />part may t>N patd . r o, tho Mortea~,:r ~ tus a,rd ,-, n~pa,c ~,rh huddmg_v or o, build , uv huddims Jrrtlu^,r place .,r For any <br />othea PurfwaN •r ohFect .at,niaa•tun~ to ihr• Mvrtunero ••-niuwt :rRerh na th:• hen ,~n th,• m. rigx;e for the full auu,+, of =s•ru n~d Lon• <br />by Mdorr such payment rv r t,sJk place. - <br />., i,r -mpt}t , =i..-- .. - t .:..... .. . .. ..t,.-~.: - ,. ,.... ., ,,. ,.rJ . , .,n : F., , n n, ra <br />come dmm~geda r d t , eai: keep . u+ _, „d ., nett a,- , +ut { .r{cure an-i leer foam t. _- c i,at_ - ire a,r - - -.- -. _ <br />~c}ann of hen not r'x pn•>'~ly .,~utx,rrlina trd to thenlrrn hr-..•J,( n~,t ~., •uR,~r •:r r,i~Raut ~~ ~nlat+ful ~5, ,~( ar +mv »uu ., t" . ut ~,n <br />satd (,troix.rty nor to io,rmtt ante. ,•n -t } ; n , - ,. ., ds= ,ahr - ~ hen t-ti +h, ; r_y_ ~ leech} ,., ,.,.z Af la>. ~„ .:.came <br />Rtes. v~aluaklr, tz:,r to dnnyn:~ m~rr r :.x ,:. nr, r i , _ _ ~,- .a,-r .,, ., : .. ..., F. ,. .... ,..._ _ - . _ <br />to t11e martgageri 1>iem+nrx all,} Ehe ,:w tt:e n•<,! •i - ~ ~ ~ ,-~ <br />Tt:ai sn .u,r -he },:„~-Y..m ;. ,...:.h. n= -. --sk+„, p~..a ..i_. n r .., {.•:i•~:.- .... .. ,...n., v..n <br />r,: <br />_---s. ar :r- r - r_. n. rmtn ;a~.atn. °av~ •• <br />prm -nr _ - r - - ,. r r-t. ter., ~ _,,. - - -_. _.... _.. ._. <br />awards and a v•Lhrr a ,.nt -. :lad ,h~r.-2 u: .o»~ ,h ,h t_>ti t t1,v}r+r t ,tn :t,t,, n ,nr. _- ~_ .-4 , _ _._ _ <br />, w r i.Ut r d:F. - i ca-.. ... .. ...n 3.+- ..,. .,,,~ .. ... ... ... .. . .. .: . r :,: ., r.R r 'lit a}r ~nrn <br />rampnnaatian, awarcla. ~damagra, nght of .u•rrun ,end }n>rr nls ur, hr relr nx+r,n. ~ ,,, the \{... rt„u., ... ~>tu. n+ne Nt, 1 hn-~:, ;! <br />lhertirorn all ita exprrtsrs, rr{raace soy mourvs s, , .ra ht- rt r.r ;.pply ttx, ,- - , .any snd.•hn•dnr„ „-.urrd },rrrhv 'l'hr \lort <br />ttaaor eytrvea to exeavte such further ace,gnmrni. r„( not „au#wvr.~npou- e.•anis~aamxgcs- ,r n•1 rtght-, ~~E :rsb••o ..nd r ra. ,><i_, as the <br />Mortgagor may require. <br />T"has m ,.4 ~-' fay: r . , p.~r.~ . , ~ f e.-.. „_,,,.,,,.. •~ .,,~....,, `.i,,, tr;.tti _.u. .~ ... tt„ `.L. , . ..9 i.df , •, , <br />ra;np•= .U„nx <br />aw covpnantert; that the Mrsrtgagre may also d.•,nr: as n nary deem , .. .. pn,tevt th,- boo ihrrsq first Ih,~ AY=,rtgakvr will <br />repay upon drrtutnxl arty mrvrrys peed nr i+,vrxrrw.•d by the hl ortRxA.r'r f„r anvyof the aMrvr pu rpasvs. ami yuck moneys together w-rth <br />interest therrsm at the rate tvwrr}erl r xatd note shall }re, sore . urh ad;imm~al uu}rMs<}new karrhy ~.. n ,n} and n v i-a. ,ra~ <br />cinded uz any decrc~ ior«rtrsng ibis marigaKe and 6e peal , ui of ttx^ rr^nts er pr.x r.~dw ••! ,ale sd ,ani r,r,vae,rs tf not otherwise <br />lwui; that LL eelsll nut txe o6ltgatury ulxr-: t6r Mortgs*ex= 4. my u,rr into Ih<• ,rehrlA y' ~.} am hen. mhra nr~,.... ~ s!ann n. ad <br />wearing monrzys as abrwr Guth+rnzrd. but nuU,mg heve,n rmumned vhali Is= umntruaai xy nvurnng the +rR7nrtxaRee •t+, arlvnna. .urv <br />nwtWYa iur anY such I+urlxaw cwt to du any act hr rrundnr, sort that Mortgagor shall nut Incur env to=rxonai Irahdrty hr, .ur~,• .~, xn. <br />thing tt forty :M or eantt to du harau cuter. <br />!n the Gwent ,?t ttr€ +~lastit Gp "rtoreKayyr,e ,ar the pn,>nnvrt :,t nay , ,stalho.-„t. r.- .•yu, n=d by ~t,r Rotr s ,-,t }wreF.v ,- <br />iu the ~rfornwnce rd the »b{igatpxt in thrs mrutgnge , n the note Mu•wed-thereby, the~Mortgager shall ix snuffed tr, des lar,^ the <br />debt eksttretf harelry dtte :end TxtYalrl+° wut,out n<Rrcc; :uvi rhr, Moe taagr. -hen i,r eni,tlyd at ds agaron wuhvmt noarw .,uhrr t.y ,t.,ra~ <br />or try a Lx+ceivrr to t*~ aptxrinGtyi by tbs±aY.urt tkertb,f wn,l wlt}r.,ut regard to th.• odes-yuuvy a} tuzY =q'+tritr E,r the in=ht t rlna•-~ s.~ <br />>=u=~ rreiiGy. if=~~'.z€r ri`#~a_. m =a - __. - ,-,.<~&`ss°-~3i ;z~~:.a~a- a. .- ir~t ;.},a-a . - - <!~: .z-. .._~_ a >.._. <br />tkarirrtf: sad ap~i`x t`r~ eat=. ..~: t-,.its --t ,pxrstr-r, and ~urn'~ti s,t, a}'wn fete end.-bta.,~n•yn ~rco,..e. br t,,,, ,.n,rtgaya, u.n rr„~+- <br />'tgartaa and ptb$t! lteing harabyr a~itttred to tlu• htnrtxuxvr as isertFrur sev'n city joe ikta payment o[ ell }ndrhir.7or•» s,r•urwri Fwrehy <br />`$trr Mert~agF~ shall leave ihr f~'rr t.-, ap{h,mt any ag„nt <. -rots rt n ~ .awns- fry rkr par}xxw• ..f rrpar r,ng sare# i-ar-ns- <br />lees; renttng the dance; CxJ!!M'tirta ihr rents, revenaen artci incnna+, andast may pay rJnt ,at wglr} tmxtme sit r•xFx'ntie`a lrxvrrrKi n) rrsir <br />ityt and managing the Hama seal a( colleutinR the rentals thtvei'rom 'The hatanc.= n n, icing if n .whall hr etgrhwi toward the <br />di;c ad fire nter}gagv` irdabf~Frrv~s. Thin ax*:rg nnzrnt rs to trrrnsa+atr :era,} },r.~,.:rr , uh an.i a-.,,.,`ui:.,nn r~}ra..r ..i t`:a m..e#gaxa <br /> <br />