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BQ..... ~G5~45 <br />UNraotaM Covercstvrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />1. Rapee~t of PthdpY ad Ietereaf. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedrtess evidenced by the Nofe, prepayment and lair: charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and interest <br />on arty Future Aeivaaces sectued by this Mortgage. <br />2. Ifrtii~ for Tatter aM Imaraace. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lrnder on the day rooathly iastallments of principat anti interest are payat•!e under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a stun (heroin "Funda'~ equal 2a oartwelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments wfiicfi may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Properly, if any, plus one-twrolfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus esna«twelfth of yearly ptsmittm iastallments for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to time by Lender on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shat] be held in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are insured err guaranteed hp a Federal or <br />state agency fftrcheding Leader if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />irsoraoee premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account, <br />ear vaifyittg and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />peemits leader io make atec}t a charge. B,~rrrawer and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mottga~e that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires sut:h intennt to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds, Ixnder <br />Sha11 give to Borrower, witlutat charge, an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />pttxpose far which rack debit to the Funds was made. the Funds are pledged as additiaeal sexutity for the sums secured <br />b4 this Milrty~e. <br />If the atttouat of the Ftuxit held by Lender, together with the torero monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground renu, shalt exceed the amount required to pay said taxes, <br />aaeaments. insurance premituas and ground rents as they fall due, such excess shall be, at Borrower's option, either <br />ptompHy repaid to Borrower or creditai to Borrower an monthly instaltinenu of Funds. If the amormt of tfie Fends <br />held by Lender shall net be sufficient io pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />BMrttmer shag pay to Leader any amrsunr necessary to make up the deficiency witlvn 3i) days from the dale notice is mailed <br />bg Isader to Borrower requesting payment thereof, <br />Upton payment io full of all stuns secured by thrs 'stortgage, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />txld by Leader. If under paragraph Ig hereof the Property !s said or the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shoo apply, no `safer titan immediately priox to the sale of rte Property or its acqutsuion by Lender, any Funds held by <br />Leader at the time of application as a credit sgatnst the sums secured by ttus Mortgage. <br />3. Agllie~iaa ttf IPapseasa Urdexs applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Leerier under the <br />Note and parag[aphs 1 and 2 hueof shah be applred by Lender Arse in payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, rhea to mteres~ payable on ihr Note, thin ro the principal of the Note, and then to interest and <br />pti~ipat on any Future Advances. <br />i. ~ IJta Borrower shall pay at! raze, assesssnenu and other charges. fines and impositions attrrbuiahle ao <br />the Property which map again a priority aver this Isiortgage, and Lraschald gavments err ground rents, if any, in the tnartixr <br />provided under puaaaph 2 hereof err, if oat paid in Birch manner, by Borrower making payment, when due, directly to the <br />papa thereof. Borrower shall prompdy furnrsh ro Lender all ponces of amcruats due under this paragraph, and is the tutor <br />Borrower shall nuke paymeai drretzfv, Bexrawrr shaft promp[;y #urnrsh zo ].ender receipts evrdeaong such payments. <br />Borrower shalt popmpdy discharge any area w•hi:h has pnanry over this hiartgage; provided, that Berrow^er shall not be <br />regtdroti to eiischatge any such lien so Song as Borrower shall sgrec in wntrng w the payment of the obligation secured by <br />such iirx in a manner stxegtable ro Leader, or shall in good faith contest such lien by, nr defend entarcement at Beth Lien in, <br />kpti protxedings wtiie~ opmte to greveni the eaforcement al the Len ur fozfcnure of the Properly or any part r`itreof. <br />~. iluar, l~oe. Borrower shall keep the rmprovements now rztstmg or hereafter erected on ihr Property insured <br />agaiasi Sass tsy tire, haxaeds inditded within the t:nn "extrrtded coverage", and such ozltcr hazards as i rndrr may regwre <br />a¢d is such amounts and for snch peririds as lxnder eta} rrqutrn: provided, ;hat Lender shall not mquue that the amount of <br />such envrtsgr extend ttut amount of coverage t~equ:red io pat the stems secured b} this :Mortgage. <br />'Ilte iawraaee curler prariding the rn5ttrance shall be chaser by Borrower subirrr ro approval h5 Lender; provrded. <br />that such approval shag not be unteasttat>,bty withheld. Ail pt`rntrtims an insurance gola:rea shall be paid [n the manner <br />provided utrder paragraph 2 ltercot at, tf not paid in such murrtu. by Borrower making payment, when due, --drrecdy to the <br />inWraCCC Cattier. <br />Alt inatttraaee policies attd rstsrw°als thtreKrt shat] br to fomr acctptabSe to ? and sitaii mdrrde a standard mongagz <br />ciatrse is favor of gad in farce aczptabk ra Linder. Lender sbai! have the right torokf ihr polities anti tetimwals therraf. <br />;rod ]sertt',a't<s; prvmptlg' f;;rt~ •,.; Lcaa#ss>u"a r~+aS rw.,c-ts and rsii1-cccipts of paid psetnrums. in [ire event of less. <br />Brxrowet shall give prompt notice to Sue Ctrsurauce cartr,:s azrd Lender. Lender may make prat.,[ n# k,ss iY not ntadr promptly <br />try $orrawu. <br />Uakss Lender and Borrower othrrwxsr agree in wntrng, uxsurarnr. prcMeeds shall tae applied n, rt~suxatian err rrgair of <br />the Property daatagpd, ptovtded such mtoratron or rrpsu is ~-r°.onomrcally irasrNe and the ucurity of this wiartgage i+ <br />not thereby impattpi. ff sttckt restoraItars at rep-err x not rcutxxmt`a:1iy tcasrblr or rf the sootier}^ of this Mortgage would <br />be tmpatrtd, the rnauraaee proaeads ;hall be applied to the svttts setuted by this Mangage, well the excess, if any, paid <br />to Borrower. tf the Ptuperty is ahandsuteil :+} Borrower, or :t Harrower !arts ro respond to Letxirr w[thm 30 days tram ihr <br />data antics is rnaeied by i.endrr to tiknrpwer chat the -.nsrrraate carnet atTrrs za settle a claim for insurance brn,:frts, Lender <br />is axuhorsapd to collect and apply the rttsurancr practM.+tia at Lrnder's option either to restorauoa or repair of the Pragrrty <br />tx• to ihr waac socured by this Moth. <br />Lrtthxs leer gad B."aTaTic-r c*ths;tti.isc ayrex rn w•rrung, oat Buell apgticaraart i,f prsAreds to gnncapal scaa2l rsa ex[ertd <br />or pwtpo&t tilt due date of rise aranthly mstallnunts refcrrad :., ,n gatagraphs t and ? 6errof err change the amount et <br />snch instsiytmeats.. I3 ttadet paragraph lit Lterewf fix Pry peaty is a~cyurresl D} Lender, ail right. title a:sd erxcrsst et Barrrwtr <br />tit and io gay rruuraace policies and in arui :a tilt gri>eee~is thereat rssulrmg from damage to the Property prior to the sale <br />err atsluisitaoa shalt pass to Lender to the uteri of the svnis seturrd h} th;s binrtgage tmrnedra[efy prior to such sa{e err <br />~- <br />i. Haseesasiaa aai Maiaisarace trE Trapest~: t.easritdir~ C:nrdomiairza~; INaaaed bait t)evele.pwenN. Barrowrr <br />shirt!]-kept the Property sn ga'd reg-ir stiff shall text cxxusrit waste .u perntu :mpatrutrnt or dtterwrauon tit the Praprr[y <br />said sbail ~araply with the provirscsas of anY base sJ the htort$;.ge .s nu a ieac,;hultt. if this 'kfangage -, .,n a watt to a <br />::aadoeaiaium or a plaaaad trait de«rk'+ptaeat, Barzawtr shall prtiorm aH .zt Borzowtc s nhhgazians uadrr the dec :.ration <br />ur ~veaaata rteatiag at gnutg trio ctnriasmtaium err pluuted unit dcvefc>pastrt, rhr b}-?awl artd rrgulauona .,! the <br />rmdosniaiuto er piaased unit derrkBanent. atuf ::onstttrrem dex:unterus. ft a .undorttroium ar planned u[ui ,levclopxnrnr <br />radar is tt[swtpt by Botr<twet anst ttc.'urled tagct +rttt this f,tartgagc. the cx'.ccrartts arni agrenntents .~t ~;u.h rider <br />Fitatt ~ ~ utW auef smell atnesud and suppuerxtent ;he ,~,rstants ariai agrrrments of thrs Mongage an d rtw rider <br />x part hat[wf. <br />y~ 7~..~~,l,.4tFlatYaa ~ t~risr's 5st+itritg. It Borttx•~ (axis ro pzrturm tht i:evrtants anti agrsertu;nt:.,xntainat ra rh[s <br />~#rD,. ~ if '~ xctuu ,xr ptacag as ~.aaed ~hitih ms;rri~,t -fleets i.ender'a nrarcesi in the Prt~rsy, <br />asc#r~iirg, lwt ts~ l~rstnad tear, inr~t dutaaa, tus:.lrracq, t:cxie entc,rcen;en[. r,r arrangcrxte;ris or prcrCrrstings ;nvolsmg <br />b[mt~t~+toa decedptt, tlteu leader aY Leacfet's op[iaxn, upon trrx:ce [., Harurwcr, may make such appeat'nnu-s.:#,siturx Both <br />stew sad take Bach actkxi as as ttesrsariry to prturet l.eruirr's rntcrest, ,nciud;ng, liar rxrt trmurd tu, drsfrursenrrnt tit <br />ntasoaabie attmotln4te~Y's lass aty4 t-Wiry upcm the i'rtrperry to nuke reparrr,. !t Lander regcrited mortgage imurar.~e a, <br />rioa tf """"°~ [he ]colt YCCk#['r+3 ~ rtai~ tr9r.'lttfagC, BctFSwtr 1 err, {+av nc~ pre:nrun rrqurt9d +,, ;riatnrrin ~,i4;1 <br />iA etTUCt tortit lilac 3;: the trs•,rritrntenl: lAt ath:It .ns an.:e 4°3 n'.rn,rstea ,n s..wc.rdarrc xith Bc.. r<~u c: , anJ <br />