80- 005342
<br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />matmer provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional
<br />indebtedttess of $orrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree [n other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement a[ the rate payable from time to time on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable law, iti which event such amounts shall bear interea at the highest rate
<br />ptn•missi6le under applicable law. Nothing contairnd in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any ufion hereunder.
<br />R haa~ecHo~. Lender may make or cause to he made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Lender shall give Borrower native prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable cause therefor related to Lender s
<br />interest in the Properly.
<br />9. Cattdentttatbn. The proceeds of am award er claim for damages. direct or consequential. in connection with any
<br />condemnation or other taking of the Property, or part [hereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to Lender.
<br />In tht event of a total taking of Che Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess, if am', paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borcower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />faking bears to the fair mazket value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandotxd by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender m Borrower Thai the condemnor often to make
<br />an award or sett;e a claim far damages, Borrower fails ro respond to Leader within 30 da}n after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to eoBcei grid apply the proceeds. at Lender's opting, either to restoration or repair of tht
<br />Property of to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing. any such application of proceeds so prncipai shaft got extend
<br />ar postpone the due date of the tttont!,n' installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />such inatalltttents.
<br />11. Barrearer Not Released. Extension of the ume for payment nr modifrcatiog of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by tt,_s M>~rtgage granted by i ender in any c+ecer-tsar rn interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the liability of the original Botrowtr agd Borrower's successors in interest. tender shall got be required m commence
<br />proceedings against such successor ar refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secttr~ by This Mortgage 6y reason of any dtmarzd made be :he original Borcgw~er and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />21. 1?otietraece lty Levier Not a Vt'afrrr. An} forhrararcr by Lender in exercising any right nr remedy herenndcr, or
<br />ntherrix afforded by applicable taw, snarl oat be a waiver of nr preclude the esrrcise of any such right or remedy.
<br />71ie procurement of insurance or the payzstem of taxes or other liens or shames h} 1_ender shalt not he a waiver of I_egder's
<br />rig}ti io accelerate the matgriry of the indtbttdness +.^cured b} this Mortgage.
<br />22. lttaeiea CsraNse_ AA remedies prn++ded in this ~inrtgage are distinct and cumnlaiive to any other right nr
<br />remedy under this Mortgage or a$ordcd ny law nr equity. gad may he exercrsed concurrently. independently nr successively.
<br />1J_ f3aeretaats a~! AsaiRw brad: Joiaf and Stveral I.iabilfty; Captions. The cn.•enants and agreements herein
<br />contaitted shall bind, and [he rights hereugdeT shall inure to, the respecuve successors and ass.gns of Lender and Aormwer.
<br />sgbjtcr to the provissons nI paragraph 17 hereof. .iii cacrgan[s and agreements of Borrow-cr shall tx joint and several.
<br />Tres captitms and hudings of the paragraphs of this Mnngage am f<+r convemencr .+nly :end arr not to he used to
<br />inte:-pmt ar define the provisions hertt=f.
<br />ti. \atite. Except far any- notice required under applicable law t++ hr green :n another manner. 1a) any notice :n
<br />Botrawes provided for in this Mortgage shalt he green M' mailing such naiicc b.:ertifted marl addrrest-ti to Borrower ai
<br />tAt Pn>ptrty Address or at such other address as $orrnarr may desi¢nate h} notice to Lender as provided herein. and
<br />tb) any notitx io Lender shall I?e givtn by certi$rd mail, return ras~r:ipt requested, to I ender', address stated herein or to
<br />such cMher address as L.tndtr may designate by Hotter to Aarrower as pran~ded here;n ~m• notice provided fcx an this
<br />Martgagt shalt he deemed to have been gtyen to $armner err I rrzdrr u-hen eiyen in the manner dtsfggated herein.
<br />IS. Utti(or• Matfra~e: Goiere"s~ Law: Seveiabtlr'tw. Thrs ?tyro of martgaer ~:+mbints untfnrm toyenagtc fee narnnal
<br />tese and tma-uniform covegagts with limited variatrons by iunsd~ction to cnnst:tute a untfarm sctitrnty instrctmrnt covering
<br />real proprttr. 'This Mnngagt shall ts: governed bt the !aw of the ;urisdicnnit in which the Pmpert}` is located. In the
<br />tvenI t#taS any provision or clause of this Mortgage +x the tietr cnnfiicts u ith ann±icai?ir law, such conflict shall not affect
<br />t+ther pmvzsicros of this Mortgage or the '.gore which :an be eeven eilecr Witten=g the cogfliciirzg prrnisron. gad to This
<br />crrd the prow~siors of the Mortgage and the iris arc .is-c'iascd in i+r +t.crabie-
<br />iid )wrawer's Corp, Borrower shall hr fa:rnrsttcd a c:+nformed copy t?f the +ate agd nC thts Mortgage at the tires
<br />:>f ettecutitxt nr after tecardatian hert~f.
<br />IT. Tnwfee of tYe Ivrarettts; Aswmption. If a}i r,r any' part of the Prapr^#: +,r an interest thereig is sold or iransftrrtd
<br />by Borrower without Leader's pricer utitten cegsent. excluding tar the .rcation of a hen nr rncumbrancr sut+ordmate to
<br />this Mortgage. tb} the creaitnn of a gumitase magey ucvria, ~nterrst i„r household apphanv-ts, tci a transfer by devise.
<br />descent ar by c+pesatian of law upon t}tt dtatit of a In<m tcnagt nr i,ir the era:+r of any ieasc:bnM rmrrrst ni three years ur less
<br />tioz containing an option in purchase, E.egder may. at I-rgdrr's nptean. drei3rr ail the sums secvrcu b} this Mortgage to be
<br />imtntdiattty due and payable. Lender snail have warred such option <~~ a>:celerate .t. per?r :++ the +alr :5r transfer. t.:^nder
<br />and the persons in whom the Prapeny i-, io tc sold or transfer red reach egrermrrt to wrn+nc that the credo of such perx?n
<br />is satisfactory to Lender acrd iha=. the imrrrs; oa}abte +?rz the ssrm+ secured M chi, Mortgage +ha3t he at such rate a, Lender
<br />shall request. If tender has wai'+td ttfr opuen to att-r:e.*3tr pen yitirx: in tires paragraph 3'+- and s€ Bnrrawer's successor in
<br />igteresi has eses3rteri a written assumption agreement ac,,epttd in uritmg by I.; nder. !_ender strati release Borrower from alt
<br />nbligat+orss under this Mortgage sad the Mott.
<br />If Lttrder ezercists sitclt c?ption to acc:ricratr. 1 LnJrr ,hat; mail $arrouer nonce ,~t atceleratinn in acrnrdanee with
<br />paragrapA 14 hereof. St+c_§ nnrict ihall praxtdt s pe.rrr?d .*f ru•t fess that, ?{t da•,< from the dale the notice it masted u'ithrn
<br />>.ijticb Bta'tt-=-t!r .+^'~, pug the +:~t=_ d~#aseit dx- ?! &'+rr_~+cr t,•ts ,•, pas such -vms pry.. ?he rxpiratron ,,.f ,ush prrtad.
<br />Lends max, wit3uNtt furihtt tiotict nr <3tmatn3 nr, &irrouer ~nsol.r any rrnartifet perm~ned h4 paragraph . ti hcrcut.
<br />lsiav-Ur.trwtM Ctx€E>~taais. Bnrr~'aver and lxnde: furthn co+rnant and agruu a+ t,?tinw°s
<br />Ir.. ,iedltsaliaw Reeat+diea, Etsapl as pwviettJ w raraRrapA 17 hereof, upon Brtrrnwrrs breacA of an} ruvetiant or
<br />aBt~seatasd of llaera+rer fa t~'a + +arlriorg tMe rnstaaats err pas when due am sums secwreJ by this lfottttatte.
<br />Rader rttfrr h aecataatisa iaN glad uglier to flarrawtr av provided tit para~grapA t4 ptrrol srrcifyi~: /f1 the brearA:
<br />tT1 Ike atlira n~eli f. ~ such iteeacic i3} a Jett, got frsa thug Nf days from the date tAe notice is mailed to Mirrower,
<br />I1y tt~frY elect irtaek cwt it caeeJe aaJ idl tYat frJfwt to curet siw-A ArracA un or Aefore lire dart cpceifird in the notice
<br />saiq a'NirM,ie act+tfrt.'Miaw id tYe Aa!raF txrYrtd 6} tltic ~lnrgta~t, toetclewrr AV juJiriaf proarrdiatt awJ sale of the Propert}•.
<br />'I'#t gullet >ai ltrtHwi-iatara Bltrruwer of iht rigs Io reia-latr after arv~tkrrilioa and the ri(ibe to gavel in for tonckvsure
<br />pMr~ fYt aaasaitteact ace[ a JetaaM ar atn Wirer dtfrast of f/nrrowv to actrfrratioa and Huecknirre. ff the breach
<br />M aM c7rtet rot or Irsfast tfte Jeu irretiietl tit ifrr vatic r, t_taJer W I crrtfrr'v option may decfarr ~ of tAe sates secure) A.
<br />lYf! MwtreBeq fR-ilaaNdiMef} Jta aaJ rtyaile wit-oat tatther daaaaJ and rag} t+rreriose Ay jrwlicial pnvreeJirrK. I.ervder
<br />tilitdf fee attdMrl t,a tuflectr sett pr«rt~et ate tsptwrats nt fnrcclwwrr. IncfudiaR, Ace[ gat iinwced a.. cnsis of docemratan
<br />ssiiratc> afirrrrtcfs and tills rtraAt.
<br />I1. MflRwatri fUtAd is ReittrlMt• Airetwirivsirandrv.g tsadtx'e ate. e=trataan ,rf the ~~+ms secured t3}, rhrs *iart$a#Y
<br />Ifbilhitet snail Mere the tfrln *in tour any pttrev:crlmg., F~gun by i ruder tc~ enfc3r~r rh+s .'-xTurtgage discurt+nr:ed ei aua- tune
<br />