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~ 1p3Sxi-AELE718E OF MORTG1lGE--Corpornllon Nutfman and Felton 8 Wo1t, V%alton, Ne. 68461 j <br />v ~,]D <br />I ON.1 ATIOAt of the payment of the debt named therein, the Barik of Doniphan, <br />Doniphan, Nebraska hereby redeases the mortgage made to <br />Nebraska Association. far Developmental Housing, a ATebraska Corporation, <br />v <br />Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, NE <br />ox the following described real estate, to-urct: <br />Lots Twenty Seven (27) and Twenty Eight (2$), Bison Meadows <br />Subdivision, Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />of Sectiax ix To srship liaxge a1 the P. b1., Ha~.],~. <br />Coxxty, State of Dlef?raska xolsirh is recorded in Book 79-~~5~77~ea! Estate hfortgages, pa;7e , <br />of the records of said Coxni~. <br />I.N TESTIA3C).~`}' tt'f1E12EOF, me said Bank of Doniphan, Doniphan, NE has caxsed <br />thest pres<'xis to be eset++zcd b`~ its (resident and its (:orporatr .Scut to be hereto this 24th <br />day of September , iq $0 <br />ti'itxess: .Fink:}.~'.ofD.~oni//p~h~a~.~Dgn: h- _ ._.NE.,_._ <br />. -.. _.... __-. ---_ _ . - _ _ I v _s ~sF O 1Lt' -4~ Vi~ea < ._. _.. _- resident <br />_... . - --lttast _y(t~'~as,:-.,..,<.~: ~ -- -- - -- - ashler, Secretary <br />J'TATfi OF -..-.--- _-. -DIEbS.3ska--- ---- - -- ..----. _ .? - <br />On this- hlitSl.- day ~f_ .-~'.@~2~SFiA~.P=.L...""__.., Ig..__~Q <br />st. <br />Hall t'oxxr; I, b:'lnre roe. she nndrrsietned. a ;Votary Public in and for said <br />Cownty, persoxaUl~ came._._G~Orge-_H._ }t?anitSChke _..-.., Preridext of tlxe <br />- _-_---._- ._._ __ __Ba.nk_nf Doniphan, . Dnnirhan, . NE __ _ _.__ a Corporation <br />to me persvnatli~ kxo-:cy: :,~ he rla. Prrsident and :Jcntica! fiersox u~f;osz xa»re a afJisrd to the abeze release and <br />atkxote~ledoed tkr esrruitrtn thrrrat to be his :•clxntary art and de='d as such ojTirrr, uttd tl:r rotuxtury act axd deed <br />of sand C ory.nraivax. <br />It/ttx<-ss rxV kand oxd .'r etZrirt lea? ri L0::1pIlaZ:-. - _... t» said Co tp^ the day axd year <br />tast abaz=e :xnitex. ~" .L~,~ '-7~;7. T ~i,~ <br />!N_t'rcrxmicsiax esy+ires t 2-2~ ro $1 ...~Illi/C..r-M~rf~ll~r .-..:Votary Public <br />C.iIY.EE1i M. W1/~E <br />ilrcanm;~t o: tt~r. 37; s11ft - <br />' t~ _,__J <br /> <br />