<br />Lender's wriEten agreement or applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of ail mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph Z hertaf.
<br />Aay amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall beeome additional
<br />indtiuedness of Barcower securtti by this Mortgage. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shall be payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof, and shall hear interest from the
<br />date of disbursement at the rate payable from time to lima on outstanding principal under the Note unless payment of
<br />interest atstrch raft would be contrary to applicable law, in which event such amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />permissible undtr applicable law. Nothing contained in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take
<br />any action hereunder.
<br />S. lw~ettfow. Lendtr may make or cause to tae made reasonable tntrits upon and inspections of the Property. provided
<br />that Lender shall gi~re Horcowtr ttatice prior to any such insptctian specifying reasonable cause therefor related to- Lender's
<br />intttest in the Property. -
<br />9. CaademeaNon. The proceeds of aay award or claim for damages, direct or consequentiah in connection with any
<br />eondentnation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be paid fo Lendtr.
<br />In the evtnt of a fatal taking of the Property. the pnxceds shall 6c applied to the soon secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the exress, if any; paid to Borrower. In the evtni of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall be applied to the Bums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears m the fair market value of =.he Property immediately pricer to the date of taking, with iF.z balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If tbt Property is abandoned 6y Borrawer. ar tf. after notice by I-ender to Rarcow•er that the condemnor afters to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Harrower falls to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authnrired to collect and apply the pracecds. at Lender's option, either to restoratian or repair of the
<br />Propern- ar to the sums secured by this \Sartgage
<br />Untes_s Lender and Harrower otherwise agm in ~+•ririne. anc such appticahnn of proceeds in principa] shall not extend
<br />ar postpone the due date of the manth'v installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and ? boreal ar change the amount of
<br />such installments.
<br />f0, llerrotrar Not Reused. F_aenvon of the time for payment nr madificauen of amartiza[ion of the sums secured
<br />hs s6ic Marigagt granted by Leader to any successor :n in€erect of Borrower .hall not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />the tiabilin' of the ori¢inai~Bonawer and Borrower's successors ~n interest. tender shall not he required to commence
<br />pmcttdmgs against such succtssar nr refuse to exteml vme for paymem nr otherwise modify amartizatian of the sums
<br />secured h7 tfiis Martgage lay reason of any demand made by :he nristnal Harrower and Borrowers successors in interest.
<br />i1, Fnrberratace by Lender Not a tin%rer. Am fprbearance h5 t ender in exercising any right nr remedy hereunder, ar
<br />otherwise alla;ded by applirzbie law. -:hs1S oat t,t .r wsiver n. nr preclude the exercise of any, such right or remedy.
<br />Tbe pra`uretrxnt of insurance ar the paymem at taxes or nthtr hens or charges by Lender shall oat he a waiter of Lender's
<br />right to acttlerate the maturity of the indebtedness <ecured by ihts 17nngaee
<br />42 Re~etBes Cns~Mire. All remedies pees idtd : ;this tiSertgagt arc distinct and cumulative m any other right ar
<br />~emedy' ±mder this Mortgage ar afforded by tau :u equity .+nd ma< he exercised concurrenth~. independertiv nr successirely'.
<br />Y3. 5~ecessots yi AssiRm Isaarrrd: foirrt arced Se.eral i,iabilih: Captions. The ,o+'enants and agreements herein
<br />~tifaitted shall bind. and the rights hereunder shall ~nurr ta. the respective success.,n and assigns .,f Lender and Borrower.
<br />subject to iht provisions at paragraph 1? imrcar. AI! covenants and agreements c,f $arrauer sha?i }+e lnznt and several.
<br />The captions and headings of the paraeraphc ;,f tSis 'aSangage are tn, cnnventence ,,nk .~rd ar_ nM is t>e aced to
<br />interpret ar define ibe provisions hereof.
<br />11, Nottiee. Exctpt for any naurx rcgvired under applicable lau- tc be gt+'en .n another manner. ;al ant' notice m
<br />Rarcow•er pmvidtd for ~n this Martgage shall he given h. maviing .uch naucc ht <truf?ed m:u't .+ddres.cd t+, Bortcau-er at
<br />the Property' Address nr at such other address as &irnu~er mat dec,ena:e by nntite to tender as prm•ided herein, and
<br />tlt) any native to Lender shall be given ht utmfied maxi, return recr~pt requested. in t ender~+ address stated herein car to
<br />such ocher address as Lender may dtsignaft t+v name to Baurower as pro<rdtd hrrt+.n ~n;- notice pmvtded for .n this
<br />Martgage sltali Sae deetnad to have born gnren to Harrower ar !ender uiten ¢tven in the manner <itsignatcd herein.
<br />15. Uta[ore Meri~e; Gortrtaiw, Law: 5t.erabiity. Th:s t<,rnt of mortgage a.~mltints umfarm ~ "'enants for natianul
<br />use and rwirunifatm corrnanis with 1imired varta[ran» M- ,nrndiction t ~ansunne a taniferm sr'eurity insuument cos•ettng
<br />real property. This Mangagt shaft be governed by the law :,f tlit ;urisdrenoa :n which she Ftt,pcn<~ ,+ 1;3;ated. In the
<br />evtat that any provision ar clause of this ~iangage .~r the 'vote conflicts wish appVicahk 1as...uch c.rntl;ct shall not atiect
<br />otlret peaxisions of Rhts Mangage nr the 'v ate uhtch can hr .:s'en erlect ••aithnut the ccnfl+ctine pearl' on. and to this
<br />tad rite provisions of tltt Mortgage row the :': e ::~ :,e-,:Saaea', ;.' !R s:-a:a!^!_-
<br />16. >dorrowet's CaPv. Horrnuc't shall t+c furani<ed :_ ~r'niajrmed ct,pv of the ?laic ,.._a+ ~ . th;- 't rrtgat:. •.: the t.,.•_
<br />of txtcution nr alter reivrdatiot #rereat.
<br />17. Trtarftr of tie lhoterty: A:aeriaMtiorr. ]f al3 ;'t a;,+ par! tit the Froperty r,r :.a +r:tcrrs; therern ice. a>sd nr transtttred
<br />by Borrawer withotta Lender's prior u-rturn cone ra*.. rxciudmg ~.+~ the ,rratinn a~ s i:n :+r err, arn',branic sutwrahnate to
<br />thts Mortgage: fbi the crtauan ~^f a purihax manta .. a.r.t~. .;3ic°:u+e ':ar h+jr.~hcB.S :,pl'i+an;s•,. ... .. `=+ICt by de<~ise.
<br />descant <*r tsg c+pzration ~f lau up~,n the .ktach .*t a .,:r,t 'c:,Lt .•.r - .. -
<br />- I.trniti may, at LCnder~.+pt+~n. ale: ur „il the~nuni. sz«rrcd h< ihts Rlongage In be
<br />tmmtdiaaety dire cad payable. l.endtt shall hair :+a:. ed -:.h .>put,n „,cricrate .t, prtav r,, the ~ , . traes:er 1 cnJer
<br />atad the ptt~n to whtdrs the Psaptriy is tsa t,e xi.i i'z tranaterrcd teach •~groen3cnt ~~ ur=t+nt ':`tat t!re .~re.iit of such laerson
<br />is satisfactory to l ~n.kr and tha he mttrr*t p t- her n *~a :n .re+i h< tit \i~: rink, n-+11 t+r --t ..t.:h ra r' a, i entI::t
<br />s1Yal3 rtque»2. If l.tiidtz }tas n'arvei. tlt~ .+pt.a,.i _, i.~~ic a.a ^r. -.1~a3 „ =ht, ,,a,a3,at,h : - .. ..; R. .. gut. -~ _sace~f,z ,n
<br />iottrtsi Itas exttut~ a wtiEten assump;ran agrt-,emen; a. c-,*,t~d in ~-a ritang by ! rndzs. 1-udder ;halt rtlcu,c Sort.,uvr from ;rli
<br />abligat;ans uadtt ihts Mortgage anti the 1. tt. ;
<br />If Leruler exercises such optx» tc n... ~xtre:e. S. ide -t a.l maJ Ror t 3 ~. 'i r t~ + - rdar..e a nth
<br />paragraph i4 ltreaf. Such no;ke ch,.d pre+s:dt a yxrx» f n ? 'tss ihat+ ?) .ia.s :,tn :`ic da.e t uti.; r. lied u3thin
<br />which B~ar:,wrr tit:; pay t n s;~'ats~-13.ted ~? if B,~- +. uu •i~:;, ~ r pa. s,~ah ....ms rr„+r :.: the c+.pu:+r:.;;. -, ! .u.'.z ;,rr,:?d.
<br />Lesxhx race}, wrihc+ut fvn#ser ns'?tic;: ar demand r+, Race eau rr. :n<ai.c ~-ny rcn;cdres p.t rn:tz e:.l h: r•aracrapb: :.i hcreoi
<br />Moir'-UtrtY•oaat Cnvt+:etiis. &urawtt azid l.etide; turthez ca<casnt ,+nJ ,<~re~ a, ?,,1lcsa~s
<br />11 Attikraiiota; Rtt~edliec. Eacipt as prodded in paa'akrapq i 3 htrent, upon Buzn,aaci s breach at any rorenani or'
<br />a~tnttseJY of lorrtrwu io dtis Nor4sltge, intlydiste tit cwvrnants to pay ar,hrn due any .unr» recurrd fey rhi» 1laryt:tRe,
<br />S.a~Md /nn[ to arteld'atioa sinY ntttail naYkt to #orrecrrr ~ praaidrd in patsagrapYt iJ hercuf rptcifyitas: tli ibt hrra.tr;
<br />#211hr artitaa rgstired to sate atrcb bread, #~) a di#e, rot iesn abaa 18 dots trout the tlattt the aural ix mailed to Hurra,+rr,
<br />iY +riiei tatrei frgti wttst lac rand; and #a) t-pi fr$rre to cure »ucb breach as ut trrtazr tree date specified in the nutire
<br />tWW. resta#t ist rt~flaratis~ al tie tttseio x'rarred by tbh sWrtt~a tartcluwrt by judicial pturtcdirat; and nadc of Iht Pruptrty.
<br />Tic ttWltce sMY ftariber iitNtlotfo jorrowtr of the ri~bt to zeirstalt after aceekrmiuu and the right u, assert in the, furtcfu»urc
<br />I~toroediaRlllC rtaa;jtietrct-~' y_Cttfarlt ru awy atitr dtfetne at Harxa.+tz to zueeYtrstian and turrclaaure. tf the trrexh
<br />it ratl ertted+aa er before tit elide spttiic~ io tbt ~tir:t, Leader a4 lAndir'» uptinat ntay dretare a#1 of Ihr rum» »ecurtd by
<br />tic IdortLaBt !o be YtntsdiMdy doe toed pit)sbk .aitboot foribtr- demand and racy #urrclu,se br jndieiai prureed+tag. t_sude
<br />rdnN 6e atiNded W cxaM,ttrl is sorb ptvcredinft ell ex ft~er +tf farechaurr, irtcttlillAk but not limbed s+,, rail ,rt documentary
<br />eridtttct, ttigrrta and title rrporU.
<br />1!!. 1ltftiRp~# R~ 1a $al/WStt. 'r,~~tiith3ral ~ rte t -z<de( .c to , ,. f ., tl+ 4La r..,p~'
<br />}i>?rsawc> s3tall have th;< right to have uuy irre~;,^~r:drngs ttin,ur, !.a t :r.dc. ,.. ,ri..:.,. ,~-.., -•i Eon ,., ~.. , .~~..1 :i 3 ~..i:,:
<br />