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<br /> <br />1l0RTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. LZ3, 806 <br />t~lowALLMENBVTHESEPRESEN"fS:That Kirk G. Arnold and Manila D. Arnold, each in his and <br />her own right and as spouse of each other, <br />--------------- Mortgagor,whetherotteormorc_imm~ddentiooof~~~ <br />Eight Thousand and No/700---------- ---------- <br />bared to acid moripgor by TM Fgttitahk Buadntg and [.out Aaociation of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagtx, upon 8D shams of stadt of <br />aid ASSSOCIATION, Certifinte No. L 23 , 8D6 , do hereby grant, convey and tttongage unto the aid ASSOCIATION the faBowny <br />titearn'bed teal estate, situated in Hall County, Nebradc.a~ <br />LOT SEVEN (7) IN BLOCK ONE (1) IN "KOEHLER PLACE", AN ADDITIQN <br />OT THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />taBctiter with a6 rite terterrtrnts, hcredaamems sold appuneaancrs tbercuato txbngtrtg, aatcittdirtg atiaaised floor coverittgs, all window scrota, <br />window shades, minds. storm windows, awntttgs, Mating, air i~ndi4ontng, and plumbing and water rgtripmsnt and araxaories thereto, ptimpa,stovsa, <br />tefri~talon. and otMr fiaxtttres and equipntenr >•.aw ar Mrnftea atasctsed to or used m coancetaon wits said eta! estate. <br />And whereas the aid mangagar ttu agreed and does hereby agm tlma the mongagor shall and will pay a0 taxes and assessments levied or <br />assessed upon sad premises std upon [ass mortgage and the band secured thereby briore tM same shall txco[oe delinquent; to furnish approved <br />insteaoce upmt the btaiidirtgs an ad prenrrrs ntwtsd en the sum vi 5 $,OOD. DO payable to sad ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION iM policies for sad insurance; and not ~2o wmmn of pcrmtt any wastc on ar about rod ineauses; <br />In txr of defauh in the prttarmatkc of aary al tM terms znd madatoru 3f ttus mortgage « tM bond scctned Mrrbp, the mortgsBss shall, <br />on drt®od. tae entit.~l to poucsston at tiu rruxtgs;~_' F"pR, and the martgaear hereby asstgrs, transfrn and sets over to the <br />morira~x aFl tM rents, rcvernses and artaartx to he derrvctt From tht mortgaged prcmssne during such runt xs the mortgage mdebtedetea shah rcaasin <br />raaptaid; srtd the nttxigagtx stroll have the power «r appoint any agtnr or agents xt may devrc tot the puryast of rrpauartg aid prenenes and rentirt6 <br />the sane sad coikctutg the rcnta. revenues and :etaroane. sad a may pax out at sad mcaxrte all expatses of rtpauing said premises artd twasary <br />cusrtmimams and raprnsn incurred an renting and rrtanagang tM same xrtd at ;.-olkcitng trntals tttrrefrom; the balance rctnaiaio?„ if any, to bs <br />applied toward tttt discharge eC soul mungage tmtxbttdnesa; these rights of the rttuateagcr may tx exercerd at any hate doting ttte ezistena of ststdt <br />default, irrespertm of say tttnpnary wedver of tM same <br />TMae Presents. twwcxer, ue upon the Cartdstron, ?7ur d the said Mortgagor shall reps} saixi hart an or txeforc iM tnatunty at said shorts by <br />p.ymertt. pay rtmtttdy to sad ASSOCiA'fl{}N a# tae Burn spseafimt m the Borut sratrrC horsy as mzrrrst sad prtaaapa! on ad ban. on or before <br />the Twentieth day of skit ud every texanifl, until sxtd lwn is fu}iy pout. pay zll taxes and asseastttmu kvisd aptnu sad prtmtsa and on this MortBys <br />turd rite Band awed ttrreby, br#orr deliayueo•:y, fumrtlt appsuvcst vtwrance upon the btetMtngs thereon m iht sum of S $ QDD. DQ payable <br />to sstd ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION ttpan dramsrd all nKmcy by n Pad fw suds taxn, azreavatnts std mstuanrx whit ittterest at <br />the tttaaimum ieBai ntc thertan from date of pxyttxnt >v of wtactx Noatitapur Mreby aulees in pay, ptrmtt axe waste an sad prretttues; keep and comply <br />witk ail the agr~itats amt assndrrrans ai xtm Borr3 tar Sq QOQ . DD true day gtvrn by tf•~ saad Mortgagor to aaxt AS=OCIATIQ~i, and mruptyy <br />wish sit the rsquuctttents of tM Caasta[utton and By-Laws a!'saad ASSSOCIATION; then atxse prexerzts sisa23 tttexrme nail and void. otMrwtss they <br />fhail remain m iuH fosse aced nmy be totcciosrd az the opttou of t'tx sold ASSOCIATION after fadurt tar three months to trmkr any n( said <br />pyttteats to ire three nxsnths m a: rears xa amkittg utd attuuihi} payments, ar [o keep amt c.,mph wnh the agrcer±tents and conditions of sold Bond; <br />and Mtrttprttr a{tres tt, have a rtxxver npparnied fcvtawrih rn wall f,arn-issuer prtseesdtttgs. <br />i# lister s arty cftangs m awarrsWp of the teal rstatt rrwngtt~ed hnetn, by salt or a[trsrwsss, then tat entire rcaonmyog mdsbtsdrtess Mreby <br />sxared shaJd, at iftt igattm of Tits p.rjtutabk Btrildtag oral Losaa Aswnatruu of {;xansf Is2wsd, Nsbraska.bearax srttrrtcdiately due sled payable without <br />I'urthn notax, atvd the attxwnt rrntaatmg due undtr sand bard, card arty aiixa t;attd fur any addiixms! advamxs tirade taercttnda, shalt, from tht <br />date of erxessxe of aid optwn, bear uatrrest at ihr nscnnaum legal rats. atad tiau ttntrigage may ttttn be for_ciosed to satisfy tM amotmt dos an said <br />ita~d,asd asty t4itrr toad f~ adeiitknsal advanses, tagtti+ea wttit >d stereo pard try sod Tate Egmtabk Building sad i.oan Aa+ociation of C,rand Isiaad, <br />Nebraska f~ tnssu'rnsat, tors toad aatessrnents, oral abstraaxrttg cxts;asan charges, wtih misresi tMaean, from date of payment at the rtuxittntm <br />~ ~. <br />As paovideti in sir Baod stettrtd ixinby, whsle teas mvtga~ge retrains m rf feet the attungagee may beteaf'ter advaace addniarml stints to the <br />tmskess of aid Bestd, rhea a~TS aK surxssw-s m tnttrr,,t, wroth sums stmil in wtt4+m its security of tilts morgage tM same as the funds artginat}y <br />secsssei t6neby, the twat amtwnt of ptpai dtbi sot to rxcttd at any trine the ura(prul amours of this traartgage <br />audti~r,!` ~4t7t~ dar.,€ 5etltef'#~er A ff. ~u ;:0 <br />`'~E~,r <br />a t t~v~~a ~.3.:h~~ <br />STATE OFNEYiiASKA,~~ On :its 24th. dsyot ~2ptet7~er 1~8Q .before me, <br />Cf?tMil"Y't'yF itA1L <br />~Si rk G. Arnitt7d $nd Alani la D. Arno? d, etas turdea.F `d. a Nrrary Ftabbc ux an4:ar and C~uunty. ptrrcrna2TY extne <br />@3Cft in his slid i±er OHt3 rit}1tt an{i a5 S~.ttSe Cif ea{h o*heC who are psrsauaity knowuw <br />tisiaa 6a the Nisntitai patawx S whose nasge.~r °:"~sS'~'~~~:;. ,-fhxtd ur t}te above truxmattus as rnarigttgut ~~ s.-.d ~heY stvtraity <br />tbs rod seatrtatrstr+t. tabs „~~. ~.sr4.ptaty °,itF, alai deed. <br />M'ITN'iW~S ~' tutnd atstl I~t'slstl'tslSttal the sloes ftwa~d ~ <br />M Ct'.~arastssun is q - r _ r <br />. 14atar} Fntblk <br />Mraaaf au <br />