<br />KNOFALLMQdBYTNfSE.PRESENTS:That Gary L. Klein and Mary M. Klein, each in his and her
<br />own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Forty-Six Thousand and No/100-------------------- Mortgagor,tvhethersaneormore,inwnaidentionoftiraumof
<br />-- OOLLARS
<br />loured to acid mortgagor by The Equitable Brrilding and Loan Association of C.rand [slued, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 46D shares of starJc of
<br />acid ASSOCIA'170N, Certifinte No. L23,HO3 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the aid ASSOCIATION thta folbwius
<br />deaasbat cal state, situated in Hall County, Nebrasiu:
<br />tapaher with a8 tie tetsearean, heredttatrrarrs sad appwtcnaracn therrunra brkrrrgmg, rardudirpt attached fhror Coverio¢, ail wi/daw succor,
<br />ri.dn. irdec, blind:. stem wiadoas, :wntsrRs, lratioE, an iR3ndiiiottmg, and pirunMrrq scut watcr equrpment a~ arxeaoriea :trereto, pump, strafes,
<br />eefs~eataes-sad other fatorea sad eQtupmnsj crow ur hereafter attached to a wed rn amnexrwn wrth ear! real estate.
<br />And vsirveaa the slid mor[itartsr hu weed and does hereby agrx that the srrcutgaeor shalt and wdf pay alt rues and aaeaments levied os
<br />aafesd trpoa said peeaoQS and upon this mortgage and ttx bond secured tExrcbs~ Ex£ore the same shall 6ecotnt delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />iaruaece rapsan the btriidirrgt rue sasd peeawsss scooted sn lire sum of S $f3 , ODD. DD payable to std .ASSfxIATiON and to defier to said
<br />ASSYJC.IATION the porisaes for sand rasrrransr; and reel ro wmmrt ax permit am nraste +,n u; about card prerwes.
<br />in safe tN default m the pedoattiocr of any of the items a~ ccmdrtwns of [hit mcrctgatte ur the band secured txreby, the miutgree shay,
<br />oa sintrrrd_ br taiitkd ro rrnmetiiate paasmon of the mortgaged prrrncres acrd the mottgagor hereby assrgns, transfers and sets over to the
<br />anrtwee adi the erns, revenrrea sal rnmpne to trc denied from the awstgaged prrnuacs drrnnE such lure: as the mortgage indebtedness thrall rerrria
<br />report; sad the mortpa~nr slag have the power io appramt anY spent or agents st rimy desae for the propose of repaiiirtg art premges and rentitrg
<br />tie same sad s»Iifctart6 the rsatts, rrvcnraes and inaxrx, amt it nny pay snit of sand motrme all expenses of rapairisrg said prrarises and namsrry
<br />r;ragrHitma sad rxpeauu occurred w retrtrrtt and aranasma the same amt of ~a>ikurn6 rrntaEs therefrom: the balance rentaioirrg, if any, to 6a
<br />ttsvard the ducEuttgp ssf sod mortgage indebtedrreas: these rights a rr,. mutgagce may t+e exrrasrd at any tune dunrig the ctigarx of wdt
<br />~, irrris'ctive of amy temporary waiter at tie cart.
<br />Thuar lreseois, Ir,v,rset, are upon the f:sarditi„n, That rf the sans Mortgafior sluff repay s;td loser un or brfrxe the maturity of sod scares by
<br />pywesi: AY aasotidY so sod ASSYIi:tA'FION of ttw sum spwfied m the tkrat .secured ixaeby as rn[rrest and prmcipai en said loan, on or before
<br />}ie Tatentreth dry of each and curry msrrsth-uatii card loser a frdty pord: pay aft toga xndassessnrnt: kvrcd agaamn aid prtmisa acrd oa this Mortp~e
<br />ad the Hood sawed thereby. befsxr delaagraerrcy; ftunrtl2 appr+awd >nxrrrstrce r,prm the huridayp ttrerean m the sour of Sob, DOD. OD paYabk
<br />w said AS'SCICl.ATION; ropy w said ASS{yClAT10N :;+txt drrrrnd all rrru+cY by is pard lot such roan. aaaeaamnts and inaruaoa with interest at
<br />tie rariimrnrt kgd rail tbmn,n from Garr s9f twyrtrent aIl of which Mangarur here~s astnes to pay , aetmrt rw waue un sod prsoints' keep andanmply
<br />a~itth ref the agsrtemcntt oat ramdttwxcs of the Bond for 3 ~ DOO.130 taus day gaven by the art Martpror tea std ASSOCIATION, and «>mpty
<br />+vith ail tbesaynirementsrdttEtxeruat~nandBY-t.awsz~sad ASSt7E.:tAi7C?N; etten txvt paeraets sha#! 6ec:rrne null a>•sf vod,otMrvriae they
<br />sin/ remaaa m frdt foasx ant maY ~ fines;ktasd xt tbt aptwn r5i the sari ASrtiCK'IATfftH after daiturr far these :rrrur[ttt to maim any of said
<br />pyrreals srs La tiax rrrauttu to arears sit t»aktrrR sand rrwnthty pYtrar'.arn, au to keep apd cx+rFt¢iy rnth the at{reemertts acrd rnmiitians of sad Band:
<br />and Mtrst#trMor ages w have a reGxrvw apprwttai ftathrrt}t sit surer kxecfaxate prsx~vvisagts.
<br />1! tint a soy shrvtp in awrzrtrsidp of the lead also tosatjyit-0 #zrrMnr, ny sate .,r ntherwtse, turn tfx enters rsenaauivag rndebtesLreas hereby
<br />strayed sbaB. a3 ilr apcipa o! Tie L`sstuatabk Buiidaag urd t..uar Assurariran of [:rand tsiaad. *.cbrasaa, btcume rrsuavedsflely Cue end pyabk without
<br />fuetMar tantiare, sad the asttsnsut tertaaasra~ Gar under sari bumd, amt site :aher [,curd f~ say ~ sdraraces tnuit thtrrundtr, shall. from lire
<br />daft saf --~^- esE ofd sspticw, bw setsaasi ai the maaun,:ot k;f3 rats, and 'thm murigaie m-Y iSrro rte f wsxiraaed W .satad'p the amauoi drat on stet
<br />iiaad: Glad aa5' attic Maid ft4' addRrunal advars~s, tt>,estter watt aU sann pad f,y cad 'fart lytsta',fie Harridrtrg and f.oan Aseapatron ,>c' GFard lataod,
<br />lidrardts flu iauauaoae, taxes and aartuao9enta. ansV abstzar:tese sytssrsarxr i~sgr'+_ wsth tntsnna thasaxi; Irma date of pay~rent at the maximam
<br />coat.
<br />As.providad ffi tbt 8an+1 se«d'rrrr§y, w#rdr t tnurifagte tstasata~ cfi'srt tits t=rartg~ar rrtY hrseattrr mwnz additianai stuns to the
<br />sarairaa raf said flared, rim ari/ea cx ar:aeisars ur inrrrem. a~hre6 sans s3ral3 bt wttirm r#se rausxiy at tin rtnut~e ahc ssrnt as tort ftwds orrginstiY
<br />atwrad tieaeby, tEu total amr°wrt of psitacapat dtkt uxt to cresetd ar ar:y rune the ..sr>ljrnst sn.ruar of the, tr+r+rtdair.
<br />~ - /~
<br />. nary 1, t .~~~~~i"6 .""~..jj. ~-~
<br />SCfi!'!'EfJF ?~ASIC~, ~. t±n tots 22nd. d+rY of $e#7 tetT r 14 ~ , lrsfuen me,
<br />~ovxsr of t+tAl,ia~. ,
<br />a8ry ~.. i4lein and ~rY M. klein, the utrttrar~rrei, a `Mary f'uhlu in sad for said County, taers,rullYsaart
<br />eacfl 4!r his and free Dior right and as spouse of each other, whsr ire pstaossallY krrr+'n to
<br />ere w if cYa idniiaat pisaa 5 whys rrur: S are aftiard to the abr,vr it:diuirtaaas'yr' martgfur s ~ ttley xcvct:ily
<br />tie sled werarart to ba their vutruwrry sit and deed. ' ~ ~ ..
<br />i~1TliFS+4 taY head and NrMarral Snit the dais af<uevaad_ -"'~~- ,
<br />My Crroawst<aa. ettpap .~r~fic t'` .. ~--~ ~
<br />... , . - may-.- ~~
<br />-._ -- aR-~ ~._ .. _ -
<br />asauaa rt Il MldKlt->NIIYM -F - "lrstuy Pubic
<br />JAi1i# uKQLM111
<br />~ TiM` ~l-~Mlr.fl. f111
<br />