<br />~~-,~ (~0~3~1 nAf~l~TtaACyE
<br />THIS INDENTURE, made this- 14th _----_ day o£~_SeQtembe_r_ __--.-_-_, 19 $~ _. by and between
<br />Chester C. Castor and Donna 3. Castor, husband and wife, each in his and her awn right
<br />alyti~ :,poke of the prhPr_ _.--- -
<br />of _~t3.j t County, Nebras@s, as mortgagor _S ,and Grand island Trust Company of Grand Islemd, n corporation
<br />organined and existing uade.* the laws of Nebraska with its principal office sad placE of business et Grand Island, Nebraska, es mortgagee;
<br />W ]TNESSETH: That said mortgagor 3 . ,for and in ccnsideraUon of the sum of
<br />Five Thousand Six Aundred Five dollars and_28/100 *********,*f<_.pot~.f 5«6DS„18,, !
<br />the reee~t of which is hereby aelmowlodged, da _- by these presents mortgage and warrsutuuto saidawrtgagee its ~coeysora end assigns,
<br />forever, all the following described real estate, situated in the County of - - -.- _1___._,Aall -~
<br />and State of Nebn+ka, to-wit:
<br />Lot Four (4) in Block Nine (9), Lamberts Addition to the City of Grand
<br />Esland, Aall County, Nebraska
<br />TgatYr waL all hstmg, sir ooaditioaing, f~htiag, sad Plumbing equipment a~ fixtures, including screens. awnings, storm windows end
<br />tiaaes,aad wiadsw shads or bliais, used on or in mnneetioo with acid property, whether the same are now lorated on sail. property or hereafter
<br />pirtoad. th~son.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAI11E, waetlnr with all and stetguler the tenemmta, hereditataenta and appurtenaaze thereunto be-
<br />~. or in soywis appeetaiaisg, toeevar, sad warrant the Citle to the same. Said tortgagor F3_-- hereby covenant _ with said
<br />tJw _ t~ Y are __ . at the delivery heeeof, the lawful owrter_ S _ of the pret~ixe above conveyed snd described.
<br />ad are seQed of s good aed irtdetaasihle estate at ittheritanm therein. rsee and char of all enct•mbranms. and that _.t by will
<br />eseraat cud dtttaad the title thereW iatavac araiasl the claims and dtaaetds of all persona whom„roevet.
<br />l'ROVIDEI) ALWAYS. std thin iaattttettat s matured sad delivered m secure the payment of the sum of .- __ ---- --
<br />Five Thousand Six Aundred_Five dollars and 18.100 ******* x,605.18 __
<br />with otsaaat tlreaoa, trptbr witA atat6 chstas and advanQe v may 6e due a~ payabb to aced rmrigagee under the temnx and conditions
<br />d tie paesiasaer gate o[ e+ee data hatswith acct aet~ervd hereby, esetuted by said mortgagors _ to said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />is sail osr, sad L teaaota tY parfoesaoe el all thr tarme sad coafitioos wotaioad ttteteia. The carats ct said note are hereby incorporated
<br />lswia hT tiffs airas_
<br />It r-W iettatitrsad-tylwsaat of the partrs hereto trot thin mortgage shall also secure any future advances made to said martgegarS-.
<br />hie aid sslp'a, sad soy sad aft iadrhtadetaes in addubn to the emewnt above stand which said mortgagor,, or any of them, may owe u>
<br />said ttaael/yea, htlwevar eridmr7ad, whether by note, hack account or otFreawise. This mortgage shell remain is full force sad effect between
<br />t-a pstis Itatatu ad tiac hies. patsoaal raptvaeatatives. sueeeasora and asaigas, uatii all amounts secured 6ereurder, ineiudirtg future
<br />adraoaaa, a paid is tttC with intae+at.
<br />Thee asprtp~Ir.~_ hesby at+apt _-_. to Mel mortaagae ail seats and income arising N say and all Cimee iran avid Property and
<br />htashy saslroeiae acid ewtpys a its a/eot, a6 its optim, upon default.. to take charge of acid Property sod collect all rents and irxame
<br />tin~hoto-~ood ttppiy tlr woe-to tie pttyteast d latest., pnoctpat, itttatrattes ptsotiuma, toes. aaasse®aots, xepaire or im'pt»vtataetts
<br />ttaosaaaty i4 hwpaaidpspoAy io teoaotahfe oaod'etioo, a to other charge w paymsta Provided for Iteeeia or in the rata hereby aecucect- This
<br />tat aatipeat mall owtiaraa Isaoatsti- the ttaprid lrlaots of said note is fully paid. The taitiog of poesesioa hereur>dcr shall in no manner
<br />ptossoc s-aMrtt-acid mtipipa ia. t-a ceWetioo of said attma by foredosaee a atbenriee.
<br />TV fails a(tts satt8aps W assert arty of its rights Ftaeeunder at say time shall not be construed u a waiver of its right W assert the
<br />roc at tyy satyr tuna,. wd to itrirt ttpoa anti ertforoe earict magpliaaca with alt the terms sad proviaiooa of acid note and of this nwrtgage.
<br />I! said eaaAp~sr S ehaL caaw W 6a paid to said asartsagr the entire amount due it heesuetder, sad wafer the terns anti provisions
<br />d aatd crab Ie~af/y aaQrod, fates advance, and say axtaaama ax reoerela iheeeof m aceordaaw wah the terms and provrsnns
<br />Hrtat. Ned ii oriel ott~fppr _;~__ aWl ooraply with all the peoviaiwu of said rtota sal at this mcrtpage, thm iheae PrmamW sltaU be void:
<br />tWetiosfra t~oio is /d tiseorr aoisflott, ad mitt rtaatKaays aiyt3 6a entitled to the posaesaioa ut rlt at said prgwety, a~ may, at its aptian,
<br />tierlsu /iosaiMlt d acid ttato oad Y iadahf¢art spasaatad tl,atahy to ba imm.aiately due sad payable. sat tray forerbss thin etnrtg-rge
<br />s f/i4 Mp mist irsl oRla is paatatt its rigit- Appniaaorot waived,
<br />'11os aatef~ye a1rY ha ltititot ttpoa std alat0 outs W the hrwltl. of the letta, exewtrus. adminiatratora, auceeeeora end assigns at the
<br />~a f+ott!t!a lMnto
<br />IPI Wi'PNldt18 WHSRBOF. said llattp~orC.-_ __ he sta...- htaaueca sat-_--_t:k~i=-. --- h.ads_... the day a~ year first above
<br />terlttset• ~ r ~c, J ~ C~
<br />i!
<br />..~.~..._~___ _.__..._ .____ .. .~ +' to ..
<br />Che x C C to
<br />.~._.. ~.__~._.____._...._.,_..~.~__ Oonna 3. GasEQr
<br />~~..,.
<br />