$~Ir' 0U53I:I
<br />(set)
<br />'[bs tawrtgyc.atads atsd :etaMaetl, ituo thi.• . ~3 ~ day of ~~
<br />l9~y'~S . bT'+nd ~~ Randq E. anti Alaaa M. Aolke,- ltnsband_ and wife,
<br />(heesi®ofterreterred to u mortgagor) and the Admioiatrator of the Small Boainer Adminiatratioat, an-aaattry of the
<br />C+ovenaaaeat of the Uaited State of America {hetrinafter referred to as morgagx), who mtiataina as ofiiea and
<br />!'iare[ieaiatr~at Empire State- Huilding, 19th and Farnam, Omaha, Nebraska b8IO2:
<br />weetaoa*tt;:-tLn fsr tbs e~ideratioa-hetrinaher..tated, reoaipt of which is Laeeif ackmwlsti~ad,-,the
<br />~tfMa''~ !^ aert~a;:atdi! gtrmK' aatien and convey wua the maetgagee, hia waoenots: ad atripa, all
<br />a/ the falietrisS~deaeilbd pto~crtq aiauted aad beid~ in the County of Aall
<br />gq,a,~; Nebraska.-
<br />Lat'Five (5) B1+ock-Two f2), 3aek-Voss 2nd Subdivision, City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall"'Countq, Nebraska.
<br />Ta~Cllter wits anti inchrdiq~_auTl 6ui#din~a, tat.6tswressoreludiag. bet not incited to ri! iriumbiog, hrstitts, light.
<br />nyC, yenti~Fatiaa,. nfrypnNrntt, iinntnerstigg, air conditiut»ug apparatus, and elevator. (the mortgagor hereby
<br />viNCLriwg that it i&,itate~ded that 4he itt<'nle beetle ewttnerate~l shall i,e deem; d to hate htea permaaeatly itt~
<br />stai{ed #r prrt of the realtj}, and all ~atpraveanents aoM or hereaClcr existing thereon; the heretiitan~ents and
<br />ayptsrseste,wee~ awd n11 other rptixs),e+ratnta ~ti~it,x,, ar in anywise sppeauinint;, awl flee revercwwt and re-
<br />•ts*ielnti-e~eridiwden-and rewraiaderri, sti rig6tic of rc,ifeanptiaa, gad the read. isruee, and protits.sf the above
<br />pN}lrtl..(+dexi, harerer, thrt the mort,~at;or nhaii be ratiiiebi io the poa«rm;ion aC wid pra~e:rry
<br />and t~c~tit+ta ~d eet~ ties e~tr, iasnus. +ttsd pt~dtr nattii. dr~'autt-heeeneyies)_ Tu-hale -+urd to bald eho ssa:r
<br />t+nt+a~tha~~ attd ilte a:tpeasiarrs is-t:~f the meet~ee Eo:tvcr 3n.fae aintpie ar »ueh wthrc tartate,
<br />wrsy. as3a~texa+ ltea~ain.- :,
<br />~ ~~Mn+~aM141141 xl~ett~tit-fa~trtttii~-;a~+tstl;~tatwad at~~/ bag dta ri~6t to.ail arFti aotay ..rid
<br />-t'eMmty ~M t4;.a~a i f~'ftw+s+tii uaetragit:ar.howainahawra 3at~i..e+r1 tlat.iN,ia~ry.hindn
<br />~wM1E>atMl;h4:,MKaarr. is iatet+.artt~e-rretErM~ axwl +ktssl the title sfarrsapi t.ureto and rusty part tbneaf against
<br />tIM r111titr a[+iI fatw+c,rgtasasyee.
<br />-.: ~...
<br />11tr Mwra~rat u girth to-ae{:Mise the ptyawatt of a n srwsiww~r .note d,1t~d ~~ ~:~ j i 1'i ~ f} '`'-4~,
<br />in tits itrrittaya! errw.ot f' 1 i, t}g$.4f1~'; .'i~ Randy E attd Alatta *# tiolke
<br />u+.irheN~nf thataaelvres.
<br />rrwt... v: t s^4a~i~,~,, ciw;}r..n. oa..).r_
<br />