~Q-= X05306
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gene A. Olsen and Florence A. Olsen, each in his and
<br />her trvn right and as spouse of each other,
<br />------------- Mortgagor, whether one orttrorc,inconaiderationofthesumof
<br />Twenty-four Thousand and No/100------ ----------------°----------
<br />- DOLLAtiS
<br />lowed to acid mortgagor by The Fquitabk Building soil Litan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon ~ 2$O shares of Hods of
<br />aid ASSOLATION, Certifiate No. L23,BOI , do hereby gent, convey and mortgage auto the aid ASSOCIATION the following
<br />darn'bed real state, sitwted in FIaII County, Nebraska:
<br />taFlher whir a6 the terremertts, hereditaments and appiatenwm thereunto batangtng, metudtng attached Cloor coxrmgs, all window tereans,
<br />wodow shades, blinds., storm windows, awnuigs, tteatiitg, au wtiditaninR,aad plumbing and water wmptrcnt and accesaorks thereto, pomps,stoves,
<br />refrieetatars. a~ other fixtures sad equipment saw nr hereafter attached to or used m cunneUam with card real estate.
<br />Aal whmtxs the said imrtgagor has agreed am: does hereby zgree that the murcvagar shall and will pay a!l taxes and asssanenta levied or
<br />assasd uptm said premiss attd upon this tnongage sad the band se~vrcd therzbyy btfars ttte same slvdl bacome dslingtrenr; to furnish approxd
<br />fmwana upon the bwldings cars said pretmss situated in the sum of S 2$ , OOO. UO payatrk to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies far said insurance; and sot to wmrmt or pcrani any waste an or about said premises;
<br />in tae of default in tare perfsxmaaix of any of the firms and taaditions of t[ai rnortRage or the bated ,ecined hereby. [ht mortgagee sha8,
<br />on demand, be en[itkd to irorssnifatt psraession of fix tnortRaged premises grid the ¢artgagor hereby assrgns, transfers xnd sets oxr to the
<br />mrxtpsee all the real:, reversrres gird irimrne to he denxd from the rsiartgaged ptemrss during such titnt as [he arortgage mdebtedrsesa dull remain
<br />unpaid; and the mtutRagee stub have the puwtr ra appoint any agent ox agents it may des-~c far the purpose o[ repairing said prctaiss and rcntirµ
<br />the sense and colEectueR ttx rents, revenues and intart~, and rt may pay out of said masme alt expcitses of reporting said premiss and nerxsary
<br />corrmiisruns and txpeases rn -inrod m reannR and rrianaRm~ the sanrr and of colkctrr.R rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, if any, to 6e
<br />applied toward the disc-lurRt at sand tttortRsage indcbicdness. lhts rights u! the mortgagee niav be eztrrised at any tmre during the existence of such
<br />suit, mespedive of say temporary warvcr a( the ssme_
<br />TMx Presents, trowavtr, are opus rite Caoditatrn, That d the said Mortgagor shall repay said h>an ua ur before the maturity of said shwas by
<br />payment; pay masthly to said ASSO('iATION of the sum spetif:td m the Eiwid scared hereby as interest and principal on said tow, on or before
<br />the Tweatitth day of sadi and every mooch, until card roan n frtliy paid; pay all axes and asssvrrents kvkd against said premiss sail on this Mortgage
<br />and the Bared aerated thtrtbY. beturc dtfinquenty: f i,rnssR approved insursnce upur, the bmMiags ttrereon m the sum of S 2 $ , DOO.OO payable
<br />to aid ASSOCIATION; rtpay to said ASSOCIATION upon dtrrund all nwney by it paid far such texas, assessrrrenu sad insurance with hitetest ai
<br />the maximum kgai cart tistreoa from dart of payment alt of which Mungapx hereby agrees ro pay; permit ra waste on aid Ixtmiaes; keep and mmply
<br />wiUi Mi rise agaamenta grid Qorrditsons of test Bsmd fors 2$, OOO. OO tF*t~ day gixn by ri,t sand Murtgagos to said ASSOC lATtON, and :amply
<br />with aN the rtgrtirt:rxnts of !FZ^, Cc-nstitu=tea and SY',.aws of said AS;OC'I.ATtON: t!icn these prasnts shat' bt~irae ntilk and void, atherwis (trey
<br />shah carrots in full fortx amF tnay be fureeiosed u ttav optraa of the taut ASSLX IATFON niter failure far three months to make say of raid
<br />payments or M three ttnmtirs in arrears m niakutg said mr,uthly paymtwts, ui to kelp and cumpiy with the agrttments and amditions of aid Bond-
<br />and Mortpppnr agrees to hex a recetarr appointed fu:thwuh rn sw:h lase ~l..tsurc prucctdurRs.
<br />It tht=t is any t~nffi in owatrship of tFic rtai (state mortgaged Extras, by sale ur uthttwtvr, ttxa the entue remaining utdebtedness hereby
<br />seritred sitsli, at iht tijKion of The Equitable Building aitd Fawn Aatottatwn vi grand Istartd, Nebraska. becarrx taimedistefy dot and payable without
<br />Tatthn aatica, acrd the amount rcmaumrg due under said bt„nd, sad any other bond feu any addnianal advances mad( therturider, shall, from the
<br />dart of eapciire of aid option, bear uuttest at the trraxiatum kllat cart, sad flits rtwrtgage stay then R:z iorrclasd to satisfy the amount dot on aid
<br />boad,and awy Wt,er bond fur atlditxxul advana°s, together with all suitts paid try said The Egm[abk BmltLng and Lawn Association otGrarid Island,
<br />Nahealca far imuranu, taxes and a:a..~..a...[s, and atrstractrng tatestsiun ;:forges, with inttrtu thereon, from date of payment a[ the tntxitnum
<br />~ ~.
<br />As provided in the Bond secuxtd k,tieby, while (tits martgisgt ttararns m cftcct the mortgagee may hereafter advance additsonal auras to the
<br />makers of aid 13txad, then asggsis or siacttssurs fn mtertst, whrch gums shalt bt wuhm the secwity at the rra,rtgage the same as the funds angittally
<br />asaatad thereby, iFte total amount of pnra;fpal debt nut to ez ~i at arsy unit the ariRinat amount of ttus mortgage.
<br />ohs` ~Zryd. _ dayaf Septe:s~er A Ia.,ty 80
<br />.+iA7€OF>.kYi2A"sKA`~ ta. [yntFsta 22nd. day o! Septerr~er lv $O ,txfureme,
<br />COtfl+I'ft' Of^ FIAI.L )
<br />Gene A. Ol Sea dad F 1 flret3Ce A. Olsen , [tit uewkttagtted, a Notary I'ubtit m sad far raid County, perwrratfy data
<br />each in his and her OMn right dad a5 spouse Of EdCfl other, w.~ rl re persotraiiy knows to
<br />rw is !ra lira tds~<ttiraik prison 3 wirost saint 5 art? at#"ixed to tfx attavc utstruarem as tttartgagw `' and they sreaatly
<br />a~dtrswiulrct4 Lht scud hrtxrnmatt to ba the 1 r vol+sruary au and dctd
<br />Wl"F'N~.. w tzey tutrod sail Alatara:.:itx". ktu rGte afarttiasd. , ~ _~~,
<br />Ray Cantsttctpua t~cy
<br />.-,- ,-may,. c:: -~ o G-
<br />f kj ~j ,.. G_ ~,. ar't.
<br />~ s 'A` 1.`.`. rotary M'ti 5:
<br />m rwxas rt
<br />i,"E)iFN9tt fKittrRt~'Stize / trhNWa
<br />)AYEt3 W. Olik~N
<br />~fAtM EY MNt 1~ 31H
<br />