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8G-- €~G53i~4 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. ~~+804 <br />IQ701YALLMENBYIHFSEPRESEh"fS:That Craig A. Hellwege and Kathleen S. Hellwege, each in <br />his and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in cotnideration of the ruin of <br />Forty-one Thousand Two Hundred and No/100 ---------------------------------------- ~~~ <br />Maned to .mid mortgagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand [cloud, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 412 shares of stodt of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23 , 8D4 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION ttx follenvisig <br />eteraibed real estate, sittuud in FIa6 Cotmty, Nebraska: <br />THE NORTH FOURTEEN FEET (14') OF LOT EIGHTEEN (18) <br />AND THE SOUTH FIFTY-FIVf FEET (55') OF LOT SEVENTEEN <br />(I7), IN "ANDERSON SUBDIVISION," AN ADDITION TO THE <br />CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br />trrgethrr vvirfi aB the teneasents, ltereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, uttluding attached Floor coverings, aU window sexeens, <br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, hating, air conditioning, and plumbing and woos equipment and accessories thereto, pampa, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and other factures and equipment Flaw or hereafur attached to or coed ut cannecoon with card real estate. <br />Atd whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does #tereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asaesartents levied ar <br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mongagt and the bond secured thereby before the same shalt became dehnqurnt; to ftiraish approved <br />irtsssrance upon the 6ttildirtgs an said premises situated.m the sum of S 41 , 2DD . DD payable to card ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and not to rbmatit or pertmt any waste on ac about and premises; <br />In as of defadt in the perfoemance of any of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the band ucterrd hereby, the mortgagee shaq, <br />on derssand, be entitled is uranediate posscstion of the mortgaged pcemrscs and the rrtongagor turrby assns, transfers and sets over [o the <br />rnortgasee all the reau, revenues sad income to tc derived from the mrrtgtgod pretrlises durirgt such time as the nrongage intkbtedrtes :lull remain <br />ttopaid; amt the mortgagee dull have the power to appwrit any agent or agents et may ae>.re fur the purpose of rtpairittg said premises and rrntiog <br />the saute and cotketiag the rents, revenues acsd income, and it tray pay out of card urwme all expenses of repairing said prcrttises and netxaaty <br />comstriasioees and expenses inrxirrcd in renting and trlatuguto the carne and of wikcting rentals therefrom; thr balance «maitting, if say, to Fse <br />toward the dischuge of said mortgage Indebtedness: then rtgltts of the mortgagee tiny be exercueti at any time during the existence of such <br />~, irreapeciivt of any temporay waiver a(ilu same. <br />The.-e Presents, lrowevez, are upon the Conditwn, That i£ tht card Mortgagor shah repay sa=d loan on or before the ataturity of said shares by <br />paytmnt; paY monthly to cud ASSCY(A710N +at the sum spectftal m the Band se~vred hereby as mtereu and prtnnpai on said loan, on or before <br />the Ttisratieih day of each and every month, untlt said loan is fully paid; pay a6 taxes uui asussments levied against raid prcmists and an thin Mongage <br />and the Bond secured thereby, be[ore dtlirtgttencq; t'umah approved ins'utana upon the buildings thereon m the soar o(S 41 , 20D. OD Payable <br />to said ASSOCiAT10N; repay to seed ASSL1CiATION upon demand a1! money by tt peed Cer such taxes, assessments and instmnce with interest at <br />the tcuavnum legal rate thereon from date of paytrtrr=e all a# which Mangagar hereby agrees E~ pay: pemut Fla waste on slid presmses;keep and comply <br />vrish a6 the agreeosents sad ~aditirxs of tttt Barad tar 3 41 , 2nn , DD thh day giszn by the :std Mars~or to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with aB the ragttirstnptis of the Cvnstitutw,n artd BY-Laws a s>~ ASSOCiATtON; then these pre:senu siW! bermr'm null artd void. otttenviae they <br />shag rensrtin in ftrB force aru! rrDy M foreclosed at the aptirtn of the said ASSOCIATION alter fai}ttir for three rtwatlis to make any of said <br />payments tit 6e throe months in arrears in tnaitsng said mcwrhly paytrtents, or to keep and comply with the agrtetreenu artd conditions oC said Bond; <br />asd Mortppivt agrtts to have a rerxiver appotnte4 fartlswith in such (oreckntue pra.ttdittgs. <br />if thttr is any chaage in ovvntrahip of the real esuu rsxirlgagrd herein, by salt or atberwife, then the ratite retnailting ictdebtediteu hereby <br />scented shag, at-ibr option of T>x Equiubk $uilding and Lga[t Aaocs[ion of Grand Island, Nebraska, become inu»ettuuty dot aml payable without <br />farther stotice, and the attsewut remaining due tenikr said band, and any other bond far any additiorul advances audt thereunder, shah, tram the <br />date of exescne of slid option, bpc interest xt the rtuximtun legal race, and this taortgage maY then be foreclosed to satisfy the amauot due on sad <br />hoad,and at3Y tither rood far addisxinai advances. together with ail susm paid by said The Egwtahk Bitildutg and IRL't Asaodation of C.rsnd taWsd, <br />Nebraska (a insurance, taxes and aaesrrrtrnts, and absuacting extension charges, wills iatcrest therrpn, Crom dau of payrma[ at the maximum <br />leYl rate. <br />As pxavided in the Bcutd secured hereby, while ibis mortgage remains m rtTect tt•.e mortpgee may hereafter advance additional sums to the <br />>aaitrn fif said Band, Clair ssaigCis ar sucecators in utteresr, which srynss she?! ht within itlt security of this rtxirigage ihr saute as the funds originally <br />satsurd thereby, the total amaemt of principal debt nit to rxaeed at any time the original amount of this rrtsirtgage. <br />~u.dutia 23rd. asynf September a 80 <br />v,,...~ <br />i~thleen S. Hellwege <br />Si`s~E of NE.~itASIGA, ~ ta. on the 23rd. say a( September 19 80 , beiare rrte, <br />t~ptaNt'1' crP tlAtt: <br />the uttderaipsed, a Nat~y Public in sad Cot said County, perwtu4y kame <br />Craig A. Hellwege arld Kathleen S. Hellwege, each in hoc and her own right, and as spouse <br />of eacfi other --~'°°~} wtw are P~t~y kmrwn ra <br />arc fa tie tlse idsatiaasi psraua S wirife Florae S dre aff(xsd to the abort muriaaeot M''iiar5/ater S and they severalty <br />adusawpdtZMi the aai4 itWrtmaestt to be thB ~ r voluntary act and decd. / . '~ <br />MIt7a`k:XS ray lurid sad Notarul ¢ t1 tin date afrrresaid. j ~ )~ ~ <br />!ty Csramsiwion ritpires C ~"" ~~ <br />......, .Wt ,,,{ r y , <br />',fcagAk! #, +t_Y , tr-a r? a i=.aa3a ~ .. _. _ :~i ~l~ _.. /~~.~ ~_" <br />r ` ~_ - <br />r-ta,tr au 3{JY r?, ~ ",2- -Y j i utuy tic <br />