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g0 =~~i~~ 9 0 <br />BQ~OG4596 <br />3afd protrtiesory Hate was given to secure a loan in which the Sma11 $usiness Administration, an agency of the <br />t3aited;'Stata oC America,, has participated. In compliance with section 103.1 (d) of the Rules and Regulations of <br />the 5iteall Business Administration [13 C.F.R. 101.1(d1 ), this instrument is to be construed- and enforced in accord- <br />aneawith applieabk Faferat Lty. <br />' 1. The tnortgasor ~venanb sad agrees as Colloxa: <br />a: lie will promptly pay the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note at the times and in the <br />maunar therein prorided- <br />b. CCe wil!`pay ail lases, asacsementa, water rates, and other governmental or mntvcipai c}targta, fines, or <br />impadtiotr, Cor which provision has not been made heninbefore, and will promptly deliver the official rec~ipL- <br />therefor to the erid ittottgagee. <br />c -He- wi}t pay- such expenses aad fees as may lie incurred in the protection and maintenance of said <br />property; inefuding the fees oC any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection oC any or aU of <br />the indebtedness hereby secured, or £oreelnsure by mortgagee'. sale, or court i]roceedings, or in any other <br />litigatioe or proceeding aFlecting said property. Auornecs' fees reasonably incurred in anv other wav shat} be <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. For better security of the indebtedness herebv secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its <br />successors or assigns, he shat! execute and deliver a supplements[ mortgage nr ntortgage9 covering anv <br />additions, improvements. or betterments made to the property iu•rcinabote described .aui ail property <br />acquired by i[ after the date hereoF ~ all in (arm satinfacton~ ro nuntgagee{. I•lu~thermore, should mortuagor <br />Call to cure anv default i_.t the pavme-nt of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the prauerty described b) <br />this inetrumen4 mortgagor herebv agrees to permit mortgagee to cure >urh default. but nlortgagec ]s not <br />obligated to do so; and such advances shall hecun+r part of the indebtr~lne<~ •rru red by this i+lstrumenG <br />=object to the same terms and conditions. <br />c. The rights created by this conveyance <hall remain iu full fore and effect during out postpuneu+rnt <br />or extension of [be time of the payment of ilte indebtedness evidenced bt .aid prncni<sarv sore or ant part <br />thereof secured herebv. <br />f. He will continuously maintain hasard inauzance, oC such type or types and in suc}t amottnla as the <br />mortgagee may from time to time require on the inlirnrte+nent> not. ur ilrn•a[ter oa maid pruporlt, and <br />wiU pay promptly when due, any premiums therefor. All insurance shall he carried is cutapaniee acceptable <br />to mortgagee and the paliciea and renewals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and lave attached there!o <br />Iaas- payable clauses in favor of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of lass, mortgagor wit} give <br />immediate notice ila writiirg to mortgagee, and mortgagee may make proof of 3os. iE not made promptly by <br />mortgagor, and each insurance compa4y concerned is hereby aut}orized and directed to make payment for ouch <br />loss dirtctly to mortgagee instead oC to mortgagor and morigaree jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any <br />Bart therroG may be applied by morig:gee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby <br />secured or to the restaratinn or repot o£ the property damaged or dtatrayed, In scent of foreclosure of this <br />mortgage ar other crataafer of title to said property in esunquiaitmewt of the indebtedness secured hereby, all <br />right, title and interest of the maraga}tor in and to any itreutance palicier then in force shall pees to the <br />puttlraser c+r ntort{taRee. or, at the optiott of iftc +nortt;aRrr. nta. Eu >urrrn.irrc.t i'ur a refund. <br />g. f{e ~.-iII keep ;ill buiidi~ and other intptovettten# to said }srapatt~ ut gaud repair attd condition: <br />wit! pcrtnit, commit, ar suffer ifo waste. impairment, detetioratiott of sal+i property or au. part iherrof: <br />is the event of Caihtre of the mortgagor to keep the buiWintts ou vi+f pt~emisza vud tlxre erretrll one sail <br />iireetues, or improvetttents thereon, in rood repair. the nwrigagee n+ay make >urh repairs as in its discretion <br />it ntay deem necessaxv for the proper preservatiat thereof; and the full anwun! of each and ever. -ncb <br />payment shall be immediately +}tte and }>at able: and shall be secured I/t til.• lien ..i thir nu+rt r,ay;.. <br />!t. lie will not voiurttarily crests or permit to be erealed against the p;operty subjer_t to this mortgage anv <br />lien or liens inFerior or 4uprrior to the lien aC this mortgage without the written consent nC the mortgagee; and <br />Further, that he will kee}~ and ntaituaiat the -attu• free from the Maim ui all pe r,.uns ~upplt ing lalwr ur <br />mafEria}a-for.cattsiruGion of any' .ansl al} buildings. or inapratem.-nts now befog rrrrard or to he erected au <br />said •prcmiaea. <br />i. He will riot ren# ar aaaigtt sny part of the rent of raid ntongagrd prupc-r1) ur de•moli.h, or rrtnutc. <br />ar subatan#ialiv alter anv Iruildin¢ without the wri itrn conaeatt of the mutit;agee. <br />j. Ali awatdsuf damages in conusction with any candeautatian for public use of ut u+jur) to out u[ tllr <br />ittolxrt} subjecE to ihi< nx/rtgxge are Ilrreby aasigneil and shall he paid to mortKa{tae, who ma) apply the <br />sitrre to }wynitnt of ti,e itwtallntenls la,i dne wtdet said note, an<} nmrtgagce i. hereh. authorized, in the <br />gamt+ qtI the mortgagor, to earrnte and deliver valid acquittancet« thereof" amt to .+ppral from ant sucl+ at.ani. <br />~. T1u' 3tu;r~a)trx. aLal) bate tltezytftt to inspect Ihr utartK,tge+l fareminr,. nt an} n•ununaltle rim+•. <br />.3:'C)efault`iit :try oC #lsa oaveaat#b or conditioru of this imtrumeat or of the note or lOYli agreement secured <br />hiereby shall terminaae the mort{tagor'a right to posaessioa, use, and enja}meat aC tb_ proprny, at the option of the <br />nr~i[ his aa-iturs [i# being agreed that the mortgagor shall have suth :Rht until default?. llpan any such <br />dti'auh, the mortgagee shall become the owner aC sll aI, the rents and profits accruing alter defau}t as securiiv <br />feR the int+tls#edr+tta secured hereby, with lire. ri[bt to antnr upon,aad property for the purpose of collecting such <br />rents aqd Probr~, ~tjt}~i+Ft}tsrt~~rnt sus}} operate as art atrigametrt o[ arty rentals nn said property to that extent. <br />ffi rdA 1='3 flat 91'a t2-911 ~ ~ ~ <br />