$p~ {~~,~~~~. iVi4RTGAGE
<br />~~iISMf)ItTGAG~umadethis.. ..............22nd.......dayof.. September . _ .....
<br />18...., betwasnahei4lortgagrtr;~A•R~Y.G,. Y45T. fil~ll .SHARON ,K, _ POST, _ husband and. wi to
<br />...........
<br />................._..,................,.(herein "$otmwer"i, and the Mortgagee, Horne Federal
<br />3avi~ and Loan:Aseooiatioa, a corporation organiaed.and striating under the taws of 'the United States of
<br />1-naericn~ whose addtass is Z21 South Lowst Streets Grand Island, Nebraska (herein "Lender"l.
<br />yrdr~ae•a; Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum of FOIiRTI'. THOUSAN(7. ANQ NO/ (QO------
<br />" " """"'°""-"Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />,September` .22, ..i ~f34 , . , . (.herein "Note"), providing far monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />witl, the• bsli+rta of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, dnc and payable on.. ~tober, 1,, ,2,O,Q4 , , , , , . , . , , .
<br />To Sgcoae to I:ender (a) the repa}~ttent of the indebtednes evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of -alt other stems, with interest thereon, advanced in aceordan~ herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the perfornwnee of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment
<br />of aay Intone advances; with inferrer thereon, made to Borrower by Ia.nder pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />°`F~ftine-.4dvrtn~'), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described grogetty
<br />locst~-io the Cotmty of ........................................... State of Nebraska:
<br />lrssltw adtiass-of...... )~.-.1_ .RGStsc. ltv~ltue .................."`rartc .1 s7and ...............,
<br />- - - tsr..u [Carl
<br />.. ~["is5~ ... _Q~,. , ,-{isreia "Property Addrea+:" };
<br />tsMSw sr ~ o.~i,
<br />'1'cr~+tl'1~tR.+ddt. sm tlw ~~ now. or hcreai'tcr erecttal trn the property, and all earements, rights.
<br />~, retNw.,ro~ naocrat, ad and gas, rigbra and profits, water. water rights, anti water stock, a°^td ail
<br />i>tiulsa aow or berealler atcitsd w-tits ptopesty, aU of wdisch, it+ciading replacements attd additions thereto, shall he
<br />desased b twe ar! rcaYfia s,pvt of iltc Pr+RPyrxY r~ered try chit ?-lprtg~e: and all of the foregoing, together with said
<br />psogszsr (or tlrc -easeiwid e~3rAe 8 tiiK:~a is ~. a f~srdtnl4 j att+ hcrrirt g+cfc~t~d tsr as the "Property".
<br />/orrrnrer cwvetta~ts ttlgA,Bp[il±ts~cc s:la«fwtly asiaed rd tlse.esfate h~taelry catveyy:d.and hoe the right m mortga~,
<br />~aat aced coarcy tYe P~4*+i5ti that- tirc Fyst?pYM; a asteacsrsntwrr<i, anti that Bocrowur wiU warrtrnt and defend
<br />g~tcr~ the tWe to titePittti~ t atl el+ and dt~a-a,.subjcst to auy declarations, raselrtents or resttic=ti
<br />is a seasgirlt of ~ to ~ tat any lint i~ur+~c ls~2icY insurir~ L ander's intarext in the. 1'rtapertp.
<br />~:.-t b##M~-~i1~~~Y1R MMtNII II
<br />