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~ ,, <br />~, .,. <br />80...E ~c~52~~ <br />~~~~:~~ <br />'~.-saga and wteted-into thin -E ~:s dad of n~i'~~~--i~.~.~,~' <br />19~i'J bTaod between F. Grant Fal.mlen and Marguerite M. Falmlen, husband- and wife, <br />(beteiadter referred to y tortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Sasiaer Adaainistratian. as a®me~ of the <br />Government aE the IJnited:Stata of America (hereina[ter referred to a. mortgagee), who aaiotaim ae:oiGeeand <br />piaeea[haainatsat Fmpire State Building, ?9th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68102 <br />ieetwrertiG that for the eaoaideratioa hereinafter acted, reedier oI which is heteb~ aeftitowlai~i, tha <br />~ort`r~t'doos ~! ae11, IQant. aaaiga, and eonrey mto tha mortgagee, his aeaeerara and ataig~a,:all <br />of the Solbwin6 deteai`ed`properq aitwted and being in the Coma of Hall <br />State af° Nebraska- <br />Lots One (1), Three. (3), Five (5), Seven (7), Nine (9),,E3.tven.. <br />fll), and Thirteen (13), Block Thirty (30), Highland Park <br />9ddition to the Gity of Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska. <br />Topet4ar.eauit:aatd iaa4adlntt all buildlatte, all Bxtares iw~lttdit}R bat not fimiled to. aU pfumbittK, heptittg, ti~ht- <br />}tsR, veoailatis-p„reieits;eeatinpt, inrineratiayt, air conditioniaR apparatu_+, and eievatorx, (tbe mortyaRur hereby <br />deelaritgt that it:ia intended etwt the items herein snRmeraled 5ha11 be deemed to have been permanently in- <br />stalteda, part of the•reaky), and.aU insprovetnenta naM' ur hereafter cxistitt~, thereon; the hereditaruents and <br />appurtenances and;all other r~his thetetat-to helanging,.or in anywise appentaiuin>;, and the rerersion and re- <br />vcnioas, ertaisinder and remainders, all rirltts of redemption, and the rents, issue, and profits of the above <br />described propertp (Fiei-ided, however, that the mortgagor shall he entitled to the po;.essian of said property <br />and to rcdlret sad tctain She refits, issues, and profits until default hereunder). To have and to hold the same <br />unity fife ipoet~agce rod: the anceeesora in interest aE the mortgagee forever in fee simple or .nrh other estate, <br />if nay, st is ttated herain. <br />7ha _trortgyor oorshaau thst he u Iswl'nll~•~eiaad sad posssnad of itad ha the right to tell arad oonrel. acid <br />prapettr;"flat the atfate i, free (roan "all eaeumbraoetl eacrpt a+ he'ninabava recited,• and that he herab) binds <br />hiatadf sad his tuaoararsb iacpteat:,to warrant and,defaod the title aforesaid thereto and every part thereof ag~iaat <br />ttNatMiw of ill pattytirspawpr,:, <br />This in.truaaeat is given to secure the payment of a ptnmiewry note dated ~ '-" ~ ~ ~ `~ <br />is the priaeipal'iwwm s~f'3 ~i6,~0fi:Of1 "',+s~posd by F. Grant Falmien and Marguerite M. Falmlea, <br />:nhk~l1P41f and cti#e, <br />themselves. <br />1a-.£R+- tii ! anrt7 he>N,u F~Ia~M,n OWNu. <br />