~j~~t/ti er.
<br />]. aa~ aoef6a/ttr O07elaYb ated't epees Y tt
<br />a He will promptly pr.7 the indebteier evidenced b7 said peomirory note at the times seed is the
<br />tlweia prodded
<br />b. Bs triII pq all teems, aaseatmaata, water ratty, and other sovettameatal or municipal charpti fiiaay or
<br />ispertiaey f«r which pro~sioa has not bees sage hereisbetore, and trio promptly deliver the oieial' eaeeipb
<br />thereier to the acid mortgagee.
<br />c. Ht will pay each eapetteee and Eees as may bt incurred in the protection and maintenance of said
<br />propr:rty; iaclading the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the wlleetion of say or all of
<br />efts indeb[alneae hereby secured, or for foreclosure by mortgagee's sale, or court proceedings, or in'any other
<br />litigation or proceeding affecting said premises. Attorneys' fees reasonably incurred in any-other way shall bt
<br />paid by the mortgagor.
<br />d Far. better seeaeiiy of the indeb[edeer hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, iL wo-
<br />season or assigns, he shalt execute and deliver a supplemental martgago or mortgagee covering any additiana,
<br />imptovementa, or betterments made to the property heninabove described and all property acgaired.by
<br />u abet the data hereof fall in form satisfactory io mortgagee). Furthermore, should mortgagor fail to rum
<br />uy default in the payment of a prior or interior escumbnnee an-the property described by thin instramtat,
<br />mortgagor hereby agrees to permit mortgagee to cnre such default, but mortgagee is not obligated to do sn;
<br />and asth advances ehdl become part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, subject to the same
<br />terms seed canditiarts.
<br />e. The rights created by this conveyance shall remain in Eull force and eBect during any postponement
<br />or etterteion of dte time of payment of the indebtedneae evidenced by said promisaon note or any part thereat
<br />ercared hercbv.
<br />J. He will continuously maintain hazard insurance, asi such type ar types and in such amountB as the
<br />mortgagee mac from time to time require on the nnprovements now or hereafter on said property, and
<br />will Pay P~PU7 when der say premimaa thenfar. Ail ioniraaee shall be carried in c~paaties acceptable
<br />to mast~ee and the policies and-renewak thereof shall be Geld by mart6asee and have attached thereto
<br />been payable cLaaea in favor o[ sad in torn aoeeptabk to the mortgagee. Ia event of lay, mortgagor will give
<br />isaasediate notice is writing to otortga6ee, and mortgagee may make proof of far if not meek promptly b7
<br />motep ffse sad eae6 iawrance company twncerned i • hereby authorised and directed to make payment for atedt
<br />loan directly >• iaatead o[ to mortgagor and moriga~er. jointly, and the inatuaaee proceeds, or any
<br />part thereof, may bs applied by mortgagee a iU option either to the reduetioa of the indebtedoe!s 6etreby
<br />sneered or to the xatoratian or repair of the property damaged or detmycd. Ia treat of toreelattare of thin
<br />aaart~ge, or other traaater of title to said property in tstinguuhmmt of the indebtedness secured hereby, all
<br />r~ title, asd iaterer of the mortgagor in sad to say itruraace policies then in force shall par to the
<br />purrk:aser or mortgagee or, at the option of the mortgagee, may be surrendered for a refund.
<br />g. He wilt keep aIi buifdinp and other improvements on said property in goad repair and condition;
<br />will permit, commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or any part thereof;
<br />in the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the 6uiidinge on said premises and thosr erected on said
<br />pirmises, or improvte> _-ttsa there«t, in good repair, the moregattte mry make such repairs a~ in its discretion it
<br />may aktart ntccarary for the proper preservation thereat: and the full amount of each and a wch payment
<br />shall be isntnediateiy due and payable and shall be sa~rurtd by the titre of this martttaae.
<br />h, He will cwt voluntarily create or permit to bt created against the property subject to this mortgage
<br />my lien ar liens interior or superior to the lien of this marigaKe without the written consent of the mort-
<br />{taRee; and turt6er, he will keep and maintain the same fret tram the claim of all persons supplying labor or
<br />rateria4 tar construction ai any and all buildings or improvements now being rrrtttd or to bt erected on
<br />said premises,
<br />i. He will net r«ne or asatgn any part of the rent of said marif<sged property or dtmolisla, or remove,
<br />or sttbetaetialh alter any building without the written consent of tbt mottgaptee.
<br />j. All'atvatrle o[ damages in eoenatioa wtth say condemnation for public use ai or injury to any of the
<br />prtrprrty w-jteet to tests mortgage see haneht .reigned and shah be -paid to mortgagee, who may apply the
<br />seams-ia payaaaat,ot tba iaNall~as. hart doe-under said note, and anorigtagee b beery authorissd, in the
<br />uarme of else raarngagsnr. to caseate aced deiivtr valid acquittances thereof and to appeal tram any such award.
<br />k. Tire. aswtiateF.slteA pace the. riitht to iaapcct the mortgaged pretoises rt any rrawrtable time.
<br />'2. Ullstfh iw say-st tbs. coveaaats ar coraditiatu of this instntmtnt or art the note ar lean attrremeni acaured
<br />baieti} s1wi1-tttatj~Natcasgagoti right w possession, use, aer) rujevtntnt of the property, at the option of efts
<br />arunga~at ar his assigata 4it being a,amd that the mortttaltor shall hart such right until afttsult. Capon any aateh
<br />~anlt, tfre mwigsµse abal) become the owtser ant a13 a! the rents and profits accruing after default as ntcurily
<br />tt~ they usdebtsedrew ssa~ttred Ltrtby. evith the ril[ht to rates open Said feroprrty for tltr purpose of rnilectina such
<br />resters and pra(tis. Thin iaatrrtaeri shalt optrMS as=# ~t of asy tenula on said proptny to that extrne.
<br />