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./ <br />.1~~R~'GAGE <br />Tiia;t~oet6a~e nude ttn_ d entered into sLi. dy nt ;~ i~': ~`~ <br />19~$- .,iyand-between Richard W. Troester ~sit;d1~ <br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and the Administrator of the Small Satinet Administratiate, an asancy of the <br />Government of.the United- States of America (hereinafur referred to a. mortgagee), who maitataias u oflCcn wd <br />Iay+'~6'~0s,at Empire State Building, 19th & Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 69102. <br />Rr=r~easrta: fiat for ehc oondderatioa bereinafur ruled, receipt of which is hereby aei~o~wlsapd, the <br />ataart~~atr daaa bareby moetsase, aeli, Brant, arig0. and convey onto the motrtgagee, his anooeeaorc ttnd aaiti~oa, ttll <br />a! tha taiiawitas<dttaeribad properly .itaacei-and hero!{ in the Cantnq of Hall <br />Stare ~ Aebzaska. <br />The West One xundrt:d (100') Feet of the South Ninety. One (91') <br />Feet of Lot Twelve (12) Holcomb's Highway Homes a Subdivision <br />of a psrt of the Northeast Quarter (NEB) of the Northeast <br />grarter (NF~y} and a part of Lot Four (4) on Mainland all in <br />Section Twenty-Eight (28), Township Eleven (11) North, Range <br />iditte {y) Flest of the 6th P.M. , xall County Nebraska. <br />Togetiru witL rood intltadipyl alt buildings, sll tixtaret; iodudinX but nut littni-eti t<a aU ptambiag, heating, light- <br />Yeniilatia~,,re,Ir~eatitaR, incinerating, air conditionian apparata*, and etcvatarw (the mortgagor hereby <br />declaring tha- it is intended that the itRms herein enntnerateYi .hart Ise drrnied to have been permanently in- <br />staUed ab pan of the reach },and all impruvemrnta no+. err hertaftrr eaiasin_ ihereyn, the hereditamenis and <br />apparlenat~er and alt other rights !hereunto bctongittg,,ur in anxv~iec apptrrtatning, and. the reversion and re- <br />verionw cezi®ainder and remaindetn, atI righU- of redemption, and thr rent..., its~aee, and prnPus of the above <br />dtteid- prv*erty-(provided, hewGver, that the martkr;;rrr .hal! trr erttittrd o the of said property <br />and to eiteei +ntd retain the rtra+ta, iasttey, and pro&ts anti! defanh htrranderl. To have and io hoid the same <br />nniXt.dteee and~flte auoeesiwra is interest of tine moHf[oaer forever in fee simple or :uch other eetate, <br />if atry, as ie.natad herein; <br />;, <br />~'.itttar~l~~ aarwF~r Yiilr;.bf - biwi>r~ aeind,tttrd paaetred of sad iw tha mitt t4 self atyi omray Nid <br />pryaety: fiat tia..aase i frre fretw'alt ~ ettcapt. err bereiaabsrs teeitedt and t6.t ie bitchy binds <br />and -is etaccnssars io interest to warrant ara3 dafasd the title afaresrid thereto and every part tharaaf saaittat <br />cis d~a a( aH }aesrt~a wbauaeevar: <br />,T~tY pWtEYYSent p tfivrn to secarG fife payout td a pcotnirory note dated \ ~ . <br />tealtar,~eittt~aEtt~t,oth'°.b51IQ.f>~- ,~ai~red.hy Richard W. ?'raester <br />i., Iwf'raif,.t hiaselE. <br />strA t.,.~ +ai tai-rat r».w. tow...... os,,.t..+. <br />