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I <br /> <br />1~[Q-~TG~GE <br />'n». aM~etaaBs sale aid wueaa lets tlL....~' ~~ day of '~``-w..~ <br />19~~i,:by-and=between pfax A. Beyeradt3rf and Sadie, R. Beyersdorf, husband and-wife, <br />{hereinafut referred to as rsortga6or) and the Admimirtrator of the Small Bnsinew Administration, an agancp of the <br />6overament of tie United Sates of Ameri+ea {hereinafter referred to as mortaa6ee), who maintaios'sa office and <br />p~sm-of6syirr u Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebr§ka 68702. <br />~eert~« tint Hr'tfi~e wosideratioa-henie+ftcr sated, reecipt of which is herob~r aeknowistl~ti, tYa <br />,_ tines httreby- sortps fio.-sell. IRsat+ ars`ts; and convey Hater. the .mott6aa8ee, his saoressess a>ad aaeipts, all <br />o[ the folloiri~~ tleeriisd ~prttpeety .itelaeed -and btriaR in ebe Goth of Hail <br />Seats of Nebraska. <br />The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, in Township iZ, <br />North of Range 10, FTest of the Sixth P.rf. <br />Tite¢ei}ter with and inetudi+itg aU baildinge, all fixtures including but not finutcd to alt plnmbiaft, hratinR, lighi• <br />itsg, reatif~infi, rtftigeratinR, ineittrratiM„ air condilianing apparatn+, and elevators {the mttrt~afior hereby <br />deela[iug, that it i~ intendtxl shat the items herein enu~~rated shall be deemed to have been permanently ia- <br />su(led as.part of the realty}, and all improtiements now br hereafter existing thereon; the herediumeau and <br />appurleautnees-and Ail-other rights therrtmto heiongittg, or in anywitce appertaining, and the reversion and rr <br />vearian~, .~.~ °~wdcr snd'remaiadrr:, aU tiYhu of redemption, sod.the rent.;, i6aues, and. profits of the .above <br />tk~seri6exl.`pratpeaay- (provided, howevrr, ihw the mortgagor shall be rntitied io the po+se~nibn of said proprrty <br />sad to t.dkct and-retsinthe seteti, iasuet` and pivfiu tueiii default. hetronnder}, To have. and. ao hold the same <br />ants 1ie~.asrd-tlYe,a is ialta'e.t of-tile mortgagr~ fonrver in fee-aiauple or aueL otbes e4lstte, <br />if . w,ia gated bessia, <br />~~~+!M~M~tatletRths y~ osssr~.asd:~pos~sfrpd;~;wd 4aa:tlwr-r+~t,to +di,sod,-eoavEg iatd <br />Prol~l~=~ lip +tttnt.i! :ftsa fewa- a8=:eacusalgranas..eaesspta-.6erniw>wave .wraud, awd-lbas,ha.iensby,biads <br />b a*d;:bir.wecessq~ai, warrant and_ dafend tht: title afoteatid therein and every part thtueof agauist <br />tlettalii~t~f ad peeettteel~rYtr~swtter. <br />'llbis iwitrtwteat is given to secure the liayment of i promiswry note dated , -. ~'~~~ ~, "}, ?' ~ ~~ . <br />inthp~px,af~n;=,3y#;5~(yC,l .~i~,y,:4j Pfax A, and Sadie R, Heyersdorf <br />i11 I,Mhalf of themstalvee., <br />tia4 >`~M fl7'~7i1,-~ rry~j~W,Liif,~M r» 4N~tM~- <br />