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84- 0~523~ <br />prior to entry of a judgment enforcing this Mortgage if: fa) Harrower pays i.ender alt sums which would be then due under <br />this MoTtgage,.tlie Note-and natrx securing Future Advances, if any, had no acseteration Decocted; fb) Barrcwer cotes-alt <br />hTeachos of `ally niher'cavrnant3 or agteements of Ecrmwer contained in this Mangage; (c) Borrower pays alt reasonable <br />expenses'ineurred by [xtttier in enforcing the covenants and agteetnems of Harrower contained in this Mortgage and. in <br />etdttieitigLetider's romedias asprovided in paragraph IR hereof, including but not limited to, reasonable attorn~'s fees;-and <br />(dllgomovxrlakessueh.actionas Lender may reasonably require [n assutr that the lien of this Mortgage, I.ettder's interest° <br />in'tlx~lrti~terty-.and 1lorrower'sobligatinn to pay the-stints secured by this Mortgage shall continue unimpaired.. Upon_such~ <br />payrtte+~t and cure by Borrower; this Mortgago sad the oblige[ions secured hereby shall remain im full force-and tsffeet as ii <br />na acce-eration find occurred. <br />~. Aaipst[stt of Reatx Ap*daasoeat of 8ecdser [,coder is Posaeaslon. As additional security hereunder, Harrower <br />herebyasigtktto Leader the tents of-the Property, praviaed that Borrower shad. prior to acceleration xmder pangrtiph`18 <br />hereof°uT-abandonttteni of the iroperty, have the right m collect and retain such rents as they become due and :payable:- <br />Upon' ac~kratiom utuder paragraph t R hereof or abandonment of the Property, Lender, in person, by agent. or. 6y <br />3udic+iliy;appaimed receiver, shat! be entitled to enter opal!, take possession of and manage the Ptnparty and to coils! the <br />rents of'thc'Property, including those past due. .411 rents collected by Lender or the receiver shall be applied first to paymrnt <br />afthe casts of rdanagement of the Property and cotlectiDn of cents, including, but not limited to, receiver's fees, premiums' on <br />rc+eeivec`s bands and reastmahie attarnev's fees. and then to the sums secured by this Martgsge. Lender and tFt-. receiver <br />shalt`be liable to-account only for those trots actually received. <br />:1: Frlw+e Aarwots. Upon request of Borrower. la°nder. at 1_ender's eptioa prior to release of this Mortgage: trtay <br />makrFnttue Advances to Borrower. Such Fuwre Advances, with (merest thereon, shad be secured by this Mortgage when <br />eviideoccd by promissory notex statiag that said notes are s; cured hereby. .At no time shall the principal amount of the <br />indebttditess secured bV-this Mortgage, not including sums advanced in accordance ':erewith to protect the security of this <br />Motgage: exctxd-the origins} amount of the Note plus USS.. 7.r875...fl0...... <br />2E: Mlaaae: Upon payment of ati sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender shall discharge thix Mortgage without <br />charse to Borrower. HarTOwer shalt pay all casts of recardatiDn, ~: any. <br />Ix Wrrx~ WttFxet~, Borrower has executed this Mortgage. ,,~ <br />........ ......... -eanoi... <br />A. rJ . 8uc,,k~- <br />Ttsataaa, tan k-ristieIIalton -a°1°"" <br />S~rwrr of N~sstes~a.... , irR.LL . . ................................County ss: <br />Qn thi:....jl af... $Bptl~EtEfi...., t9 ffQ _, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public <br />defy comotasi~ed and qualitied for said ctmnty, per~nally came. stop. A,. Kuck .atd.:>R'Cty ..1.. ~ttcic .hasSand <br />sad wi#e: soli. Tta . J, . i+pttt7t> .3r?d. Rrisi 3C ~okx~n, .I1as'vattli ,and . Ki f~....... _ .. , to the known to be the <br />identleal petsonCs) whost !tassels) err subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />tlfateaf to be...tbsi.r........vdtmtary act attd deed. <br />Witness my band and notarial seal at... Gs'RTUi .'aSidAd .......................... in said county, the <br />date sfortsaid. <br />~, ~ ~~ <br />My Gassnissiott expires: <br />t~t.,r ~t.~ <br />.~gal.~l.•>BIL....Y <br />,~~ <br />~.....~.1~: <br />(S.PKS ath3le Ttas tins Rsrr.res Fw itn0d sr.5 AecarGr3 <br />