<br />MOItTC;AGE
<br />MORTGAGE i,OAN NO. L 23, 799
<br />KNONALLMENBY7HFSEPRFSEN'IS:77ott Rodney L. Shade and Cheryl L. Shada, each in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />MortgBor, wheeler one or more, in tsresidetadon of the arm of
<br />fifty-six Thousand and No/100----------------------------------------------------- DoLLAxs
<br />laced to tad tamfgsor by The Equitable BuddittE and loan Assodation of Grand [stand, Nebra~a, MortplRee, upon a~fl sitaset of stock of
<br />acid ASSOCIATIfN, Cerfatote No. L 23, 799 , do hereby grant, ca,tvey and ruortga®e unto the said ASSOCIATION the fodrwrit6
<br />deaatt'hed real esgte, situated in Had County, Nebraska:
<br />ittde26er tvitFt atl the tenesoents, hereditartsents and appurtenances ther'euntn betot[ga5, indudiog attacia:d Floor covermss, aU vvurdar screats,
<br />sriodow shades., blinds, storm wiador_, aweirgo. heatirgf, air comlitartrmg, and ptumbiag and water equipment and acasaoties thereto, pampa, stare;
<br />tefsbeta[oes, and ether fatnra and aluipromt nosy or hereafter attached to nr used as cannatian with said Teat estate,
<br />Acrd trheseas the said mrxtptear has a6reed and does hereby agec t`tat the mortgagor shah and wid pay ad ta:d and meats levied or
<br />asaeaed trpon +aid premiss and upon this mwtgsge aed the bond secared iherebv before the sane .shad become delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />irrteaoce upon the Auiidot6f on said premises sitttated_itt the tam of s 56 , flflfl . flfl psyabk to said ASSOCIAT[ON and to denser to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the pdieies for said irtntrance; and not +o commit or pertait any wore na or about said premises;
<br />la cafe of defaalt in the performuta of any of the term: and coad:doas o. this mortgage os the bond secured hereby, the r»ortp~e stud,
<br />on dtrnmtd, be esrtiUed to itrrsnr~iarc poratmwan of the rm*nPlled premrxs and rho mortgaeur hereby assigw, transfers and sets over to the
<br />> ad the rents, revenues artd irtcamc to be rlenved from the rrtortpged premises dtuin6 sucb time ss the taortgt`e uaiebtednea alud remain
<br />ttapaid; and the ttsat~t(jee shall lave the power to appoint any agetrt a arrears it may defue for the purpou of reluaieg said premises and tentio6
<br />t4 ame and rndeaiae the Batts, revenues and iaoofoe, and it may py out of said inwme ad expenss of repmtirtg said prcmisea and aeae~ry
<br />atwiraions and espeaaes incurred to renttn~g and rtunasiryl the same and of cotledioR rentah thae(rom: the bahnta: remainkrs, if arty, to 6e
<br />aAYcd toward the disdtaree of said murtpg iodehtednea; these rghts of the mort~yec racy be exetaaed at any tstrc durius the enatams of atdt
<br />adt, irrespective of any temptxary waiver u[ the same.
<br />These Presnta, Iwsuerer, ate upcw the Corrditam, The[ ti the rod Mortgagor shall repay card k>an un nt hefo,e the nuttrrity of seat shares by
<br />payment: pay matthiy to said ASS{)r'IATiflN of dice sum specirsad its the Boni. scarred hereby as earnest and pruutpai an said loan, nn ar before
<br />the Twentieth day of Tacit amt Crory rannth, anti! raid luau rs f;tdY PLd• WY ad taus arrd aseesnnents ievitd sgamss said prcrrtnes std oa this Mortpre
<br />aed tba Bard secured tittarcby, befwc deiirgttency: ftrrnisb approved atsunace upon the bwidirrgs thereon m the snm of S 56 , OOfl . flQ wYa~
<br />to raid ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASSOCIATlOIV upon dewrtd aU rnatcy try rt paid fnr sudt tastes. aaesrfstents std ittatwaae with iatereat at
<br />tls tnaiienum igat rate thereon from date of paymeet ad of which -lortga~nr hereby a~eu to pay: pemat no waste oo aid ptenriaes;keep and mtaply
<br />stgtb ad the a~esments and cotsdittotn of the Boni for S 55 , Qfll'I , flfl title day given by the sad Mortpdor w said ASSiX:1ATION, and comply
<br />trifle all the rcgvtirsnteals of the C.ortAitutioa and By-Lay's o said ASStYCiATION: rhea [hoc presents shall tremne null and void. otherwise they
<br />shad retruia itt fed! fetes sad troy be foreclosd at the opttam of the sad A~'4(IC1ATiC7: after tailurc fnr three atonths to rmtke any of said
<br />pftyfaents ttr he ihrae naraths N arrears m rrukmt; card matfhty pymcnts, a to kcep and comply wrth the agteemcnu and cnndiiiorts of said Sand;
<br />and bo¢tlpfdcx aQees io have s Tea-fiver appt».nied furthwrth m Brach foaeekuae orcrceeslitq;s.
<br />if there a any a uwotsdrip of Ne real estate ntnrtjyed Benin, by tale at utherwts, then the entire raeuinittg utdebtedoea lercby
<br />seared shay. u the option of 7Uc Equitable BwTdifrg and Loan Assucaatioa of Grand ltiant,Nebrafka,become immaditttely due std payable without
<br />€iaAhet ttotia, and tie amotrm serttantiag due under said bond, std any oUsr bosd for any additiaul advances made therstmda, shag. from the
<br />defe of eaarciae of said apron hear interest at the rrtaaumrm kpl rats, and thn tnartaae Troy thtn be fotcelaaed to atidy the amasut due on said
<br />baed,asri say otlstx frond tot additivntl sdrxsres. taBaiiser wtlh aB swtts pad by said The Equitabb 73ttiiding and !mn Asaotaatioa of C:rand Isiattd,
<br />i'iabaafka fas fefuraoce, case std asesercnds, sad abstractute cxtensim .hsrBnt, with interest thereon, from date of psymau ai the arximuae
<br />kdpi rate.
<br />As peuridni in the Btsad secured hereby, whin this trnr[gattee rcraaats m effete the mongagce any hereafter advance additaroai sums to the
<br />ttrkers oT cacti dssn~, firm atstiBnit w sutttsors in mtercra, which sums shalt be svitbin the security of this nwrigs~ rite tarrc as the itmds ozgtinady
<br />secured thereby, the rose! amount of ps~pai ~bt nw to exceed at stay ttme the nrrgnal amount of this mortgage.
<br />o.i«ith. 22nd. aaynf September A.o.,l~0
<br />~~. -
<br />~ •~~~ '~
<br />Cheryl .Shada
<br />SfAYEUFIa`EB1BASiA, .. On this 22nd. dayaf September lr~fl .befarema,
<br />COf7197Y OE IIACL
<br />the trrrdefsi6raed, aN~tary Public m sod fur aid County. pasnaally Caere
<br />~~y L. Shada and Cheryl L. Shaday, each in his and her own right~,~ard areYppeiaona~rkettaitin
<br />Tae. W is the itkaL~l petraa S Y}Q~1..tMt_~yCS 91!;~;.;, affiaai to the above irWttrmcn3 as ttvxtpgnr S and they +cvnally
<br />,~.
<br />adteowYldBad tht sstid ,iaarttmniti la~, ~'r vrsirMia~ act artst dead.
<br />IWTTifhSS cry basYl wdlsotatiel,Saal the dafE s~efaki.
<br />.+ r !
<br />)My` Corora~snn °~pire# /fir ., ~T. ~j..r '; ~ I y. " f
<br />Notary Public
<br />rnsats at ,
<br />