$0--~ ~ S 2 ~ 5
<br />taOIYPGAGE
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23, J98
<br />iQiO1VALLIVtENBYT(IESEPRESEN7S:That Leonard E. Embree and Lela E. Embree, each in his and
<br />her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Mortgagor whether one or more_ in caomdebtioa of the atsm of
<br />Twenty-five Thousand Two Hundred fifty and No/100---------=------------ -
<br />oot.I.Atts
<br />loaned to said tnortgagrtr by The P.quiubk Strilding and t,tstn Association of C,nnd (stand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 252 shoes of atotic of
<br />sad ASSOCIATION, Certifiate No. L23s~g8 , do hereby gtaat, wnvry and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foBosring
<br />described real cable, stinted in Hail County, Nebradca:
<br />tasether with all the icnements, hereditarttmts and appttnenances thereunto belonging, incittdirtg attached Htwr wverittgs, all window staeens,
<br />vriedow shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, beating, air cortditiorting,snd plumbing and avatar equipment artd actxasoria thereto, pampa, s<~ves,
<br />reftigtvators, sad other fiatttrea and equiptttetri now or hereafter atta+:lted to or used in cannedian with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor fins agreed and does hereby agrce that the mongagar shall and will qy ail taus end anemnents kvied or
<br />afeaed upon said prem®es sad upon this mortgage and the lwnd secured therehz before the same shall 6eeoate deliogrtrnt; to furnish approved
<br />innaance upon [he buildings on said premises situated N the rum of S 25 , 256. UO payable to said ASSOCIATION seed to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insuraox; and not to tbm~t or permit any waste on or about said psemixs:
<br />In lase of default b the periorrmna of any of the terms and conditions of this rtmrtgage or the bond secured hereby, zhe rrvortgagee •ha6,
<br />0o dermnd, be eetitlod to irtmtedote ptnse>9on of the n,[ntgaged premitcs and the rtsongagor hereby assigns, traatfen and xis over to the
<br />ron[tga6e ail the rents, revenues and income to be derived from the mortgaged premises dining such tirnc as the mortgage indebttdtteaa dull [emairt
<br />ttogid; sad the tuortgagte shall lure the power to appoint any agrn: or agrnts it nay aesire tar the ourpoae of regiritg said prcroirs and tenting
<br />the same std wlkctiag the tents, teventtes sad income. and ii tmY PaY out of cud income all expenses of repairing said premifea and ttecesty
<br />ca~asiorts and expenses intoned in resting and zrnnag,ttg the same and ut culkctutg rentals therefrom; [he balance rettniaitg, if arty, to be
<br />applied towed the discharge of said mortgage utdebtedness; these rights of tlu mortgagee may be exercised at anY time during the existence of n[eit
<br />8eiatdt, irrespective of any ttnponry waiver of the carne.
<br />These Presents, however, art upon the Condition, Ttut tf ifte said Mortgagor shah regy card town on or before the uuturity of tail shoes by
<br />pnyment; pay rnontttty to said ASSOCIATION of the sum spasired in the Bond sec~-ured hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before
<br />the 7'arantieth day of tarA:rtd every month, until sod tour is leiliy paid: qy all taxes and assessments kvted against said premises and at this Mopgage
<br />asd the Bend stxured thetcby, before delirtquertcy: }urnisls approved itrrurance upon the buttdings thereon in the sum of S 25 , 2 5D . QO gyabk
<br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to slid ASSSOCIATION upon demand ati rnocey by it qtd for such taxes, assessments and insurance with interest at
<br />the ttrainntm leEai rate [hereon fmm date of payment a6 0( which Mortgagor hereby agrees to qy; permit no want on said prerrtises; keep and Damply
<br />with a0 she agreements and contlitiom of the Ootd fm S 2 5 L 5 Q. tf{) this day gtvrn by the said Mottpgur to said ASSOCIATION, and twrnpty
<br />with aII the regitiremenu d tt,c C-onnitut~rs and BY-Lours o~ said ASSOCIATION; tfiten these prr:stnts shal3 bxurne null and wed, otherwix they
<br />shalt cesoaia b FnB fare sad may be forecbaed a ifite optron of the said ASSOC[ATION after failure for throe months to malts say of said
<br />paymenu or be three rrtontlu ~ urears in tnakir~ card ttronthtY paynsents, or w keep and comply wrtir the agreements and wmliuons of said Bood;
<br />std Ntar'tgtgo[ agrees to have a recxiver apptnntai forthwuh m such foreclosure pro,.ro~tinps.
<br />ii thue is say r~uttge irs ownership of the real estate mtsr[gaged herein, by sak ur ottterwtae, then the entire remaining tntkbtedrttws hereby
<br />stsctrral shall, at the option of 74te £quitalsk Bui{dwg and Loan Asa„cntron of Grand Island, Nebraska, txuuute immediately due and gyabk without
<br />feather notice, and the aattount temaittutg due under said fixed, sad any other bored foe any addititxwl advaaaxs nude iheretueder, shall, from the
<br />doe of eurtaae of said option, txu interest at the rtuxirtutat legal rats. and this ntrmgage nuY ttxn Le t+rreclosed to satisfy the arrtottot due on said
<br />twrl,aad say outer bated for attdi[pnal astvaruzs, together wi[tt alt sums pad by said TTte Equitabk Baildirtg and Loan Asauciation of Grand Iskmd,
<br />Nfiggka for ixautar+~, [axes anti asarmaents, and aburactittg exterrston tlurt3~. wish inrcres[ thereon, from date of caYrrcnt at the vraximum
<br />lttytt rate.
<br />Aa proxided in the Bond sratred hereby, wtt:tc this mortgage reutarps ;n effect [hc rcwttgaget may hereafter advance additional stuns to the
<br />triceb of sad Itksrd, their asagrrs or succesnrs in irrurta, vtuch sums shall be within the security of this trxratPyge the same as the ftmds origitully
<br />tewuad t~by, the taut atrtount of principal debt nut to e;.eted at any time the original amount of teas tnongagt.
<br />hate ;< 19th. day .r September n.n-,,u 8D
<br />tsan.a,.fi~~l~,~
<br />ea_. ~mree
<br />STATE OF NEYRASICft, ~ ter. Ckt this 19th . day of 5eptett$e r ty $0 , beftve rise,
<br />COtINIY OF ttAi.L
<br />Leonard E . Etltb ree and Le i a E . Embree , ttte untkrtigttcd, a Notary fvblic ut and for card County. persunaliy came
<br />eaefi in his and her own ri ~ht and us, s~st~se of each other, ~h„ are persunatly kuawn to
<br />tqe to tsc the idegtiwt pesawt S where ~ S ~dr2_ _ afllip~:.ta the above uutrutrten[ u mortgagor 5 and f heY severally
<br />ackaowtd~cd the amid iostrttwwtt to be th&T r voluntary tree artt-iteed.
<br />tYtTKFSS lay )tsad and Ncgtartat ~t the Bats: afotetiiti.
<br />r
<br />My Comutitaitsrt expires i
<br />_ Notary Publrc
<br />tataita err
<br />