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<br />$0---~ ~ ~j ~ 2 ? 4 <br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 23, 797 <br />KNO1yALLpET(By'THE3EpRESEE~PIS:That Alfred W, Beckler and Judith K. Beckler, each in his <br />and her own right, and as spouse of each other <br />Mortgagor, whether Doe or more, in txinsidetation of the sum of <br />Thirty Thousand and NoJ100 ------------------------_------------------------------ mLLARS <br />loanW to toil rtttritgtgw by The Equiubk Building attd Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagce, upon 30D share of ileac of <br />rid ASSOCIATION, Certrfiate No. L23,797 , do hereby grant, wnvey and mottgtege emto the said ASSOCIATION the folbwittg <br />dtmatbed tilt estate, situated io tta6 County, Nebraska: <br />LOT TWENTY-FIVE (25) IN BLOCK ONE (I) <br />KNICKREHM SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY <br />Of GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA. <br />tee/ether wiM a6 the teeretnents, fierediutrcnts and appurtemntxs thereunto bebngietg, including attached floor rnterugs, sU wirdow scants, <br />window shades, Minds, storm windows, awnings, heating, aW wnditionmg, and plumbing and water ~etipment and accessories thereto, ptivtps,slaves, <br />reitiBentots., aril other fixture and etptipment now or hereafter attached to or t:xd m connection with said real es[su. <br />Atd whereas the told trtvrtgagor Fur agreed and does hereby agree tlut the mortgagee shall artd will pay all lazes and astemteao kvi~ of <br />wetsd upon sail preireisa and upon this mortgage aced the bond secured thereby before the same stealF become dehngttt:nt; to famish approved <br />inaumtt tryon the buddmq on said premiss ateuted ir, the nun of S3D , DDD . DD payable to said ASSO('tATION aril to deliver to aid <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insutatece: and not fo commit or permit any waste on or about ssed premises; <br />In tae of defadt er the perforrtonce of any of the terms and madittons of this narngage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shill, <br />oa deaaod, Fe entitled to immediate ptasstion of the mortgaged premises and the mortgagor hereby assigns, trarisfrn and sets over to the <br />eewtgttpe all tht rents, tevutuec and mootnr to 6e derived from the mortpged prermses drtrirtg sorb time as [Cte ettortpge mdebtednea dub remain <br />tepid: and the trtarSgaese dtaB have the power to appoint any agent a agenu it rosy :awe for the purpose of repairing aid psemees soil tenting <br />the sae and aoYedis6 the tents, revcanes and itwovre, and rt rmy AY ont of said inmtoe all expeass of repairing aid prt:mnes std ttetstasry <br />toaaaswaa and cxpemes irtcrurcd in rentirtg an/ maeragw5 the same ant of cotkcting rentals therefrom; the baLnce rertaiaitg, if any, [o be <br />sap~pp~~eedd toward flee drsedrarge of said nnnpegevedebtadnea: thtae rights of the mortgagee tray be ezctcited at any time duritrg the existence of atcL <br />deCauh, aterpeciire of any te~totzry waiver of the eta. <br />Thee Fresno, however, are upon the Cordition, Tha[ tC the sail Martgagur stall repay seed loan o0 or beCote the maturity of said dtares by <br />pYttent; pay monthly to said ASSOt`IATiON of lire settee specified m the Boat secured hereby as mieteu and printapa! on said ban, on or before <br />lht Ta+erttieth day of ea-de aril every trwn[h, emtil said ban o fully paid; pay ail taxes and asaesaannts levied agairtst said premiss and on this MottgaBe <br />sad the Bernd tetwed tFrerehy, before deliognmcy: furnish approved insurame upon the btuidirtgs thereon itt the sum of S 3D , DDD. DD payable <br />to aid ASSOCIATION: repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand aB nxnrey by n paid Cot such taxes, asaesnirents and inwntta with interert u <br />the raaxiaatrm kgt rate ehneon from ilea of payment aG of which Mortgagor hereby agates to pay: pcrtoit to waste on aid preveaes; keep and mtttply <br />wiilt-all the aBteements std oorrdttons oC ilea Bald fa S .~i0 , DDD . DOthia day given by the sad Mortgagor to raid ASSOCIATION, attd Damply <br />wide all ltse inquiremeats of the CoeatitWtion soil Bylaws of said ASSOCIATION: tleen ties preamts daft beanie null and void. o[herwis they <br />stud remain in fug force aril rtaY 6e foreciutad at the option of the said ASSOCIATION afar faifruc Cot throe montlu to matte any of aid <br />paytnenta or 4e three tt+anths is steno in Waiting said mcxrihlY payments, or to leap and ctrmply with the apeeroeots and iwrtditions of said Bond; <br />sad Mttitppe'r epees to love a twelve: appointai fcxehwith ue strcFt faecbwre protsedirrgs. <br />If there u any duare a ovraerahip tst the teat crate mortwed hneut, by sale or otharue, tlern the entice retnaie~ usdxMadrresa heeby <br />tirctsead deli, at the oplim of The Egttilabie Bealdiag and loan Arocistioa of Grand Idaad, tiebraaka, became immediitety due and pryabk without <br />farther nWior., sad ibe amnttot setnain»g due Hader raid bmd. and any uthsr bona Ca any addkioatsl adancn mark thnewtder. drab, Cram the <br />dais of exttwe tai aid option, bear ireurest at the ttaxinaua kyal eau, soil thn mortgage may then be foracJoacd [o rtidy the atrttwnt due on aid <br />Goad, and any other bond for sdditianal advances, iebeiha with a8 alma paid by said The kgttitabk SetiMing antt Loan Asaoaatioa of Grand island, <br />Iiahraata for irmaanw, taxes and aiseantrtnis, and aMiracting eztetisian ciratges, with interest thereon, from due of payment at the nuzimtim <br />iepi nu. <br />U paovided in the Basil srcnrai hereby, while ibis tnurtgage rcrttains w rflcci the tttortgagre Way hcreafur sdvanx additiaul sums to tits <br />matprt of said Btsrd, their ataigats or svrcesacrr: b inurest, which t+utm shall be withWt the tectWity of tStis rtwngage the same u the Ctrnds originlly <br />apt9ued tlreaoby, the toW t of prittcipat debt not to ez~stt at any attest ttu or~itul amount oC this mortgage. <br />thin l tk dad of Septeltther A o-, la 80 <br />Judifh K. Becklejr <br />SFA'TCtflFNEBRASKA.~s. Ontitix 13th. days[ Septetlfber lv$0 ,beftxetnt, <br />CQIIN7'Y OP tIA4l. <br />the tradeesgrseti, a Notary Poetic: in and for said Comiy, peraoWally tame <br />S1ff"ed k, Beckler and r3udith K. Beckler, each in his and her own ri ht, and as spouse of <br />4aCh ALheP - w~tr are pertnnally kmwa to <br />~ b irR tAt idcntiN petaga5 y~ydFati~ ~ ~ afLued io the at>uve instrument as morti~or S au1 L he,}r ~~y <br />adtaowlad~sd the said ibtruraat tfg5., a; . 'ti#te i r ay~r act and d~cd- <br />1t1'It~lFSS icy hil~i aped' Natar»1 sAi the date ~areud, t ' j <br />MyCpawdwnaM>xida~ ~~ ' ~ J ~ -l t ,C~ ~ <br />INLLat M - ~ - Mary Public <br />