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SO-- t~~~~~i3 <br />MORTGAGE <br />ts40ltTf:AGE LOAN NO. L23, 796 <br />Subject to L~ 22,2 9 <br />1LNOWA[.LMENBYTHFSEPRESENTS:That Russell D. Beberniss and Kathy S. Beberniss, each in <br />his and her oYrn right, and as spouse of each other <br />Ten Thousand and NO/100 M°`tp~°`-="n`-`e`-`-o,t`-o`-aot~ztinconaa"'taottofflteatmtof <br />----------°------------------- - oot.LAlts <br />f®ed to said atort~r by The Equitable Bttiding and t.rua Association of Grand !slatd, Nebraska, Motigsgce. upon 1 00 shares of tdasic of <br />said A.S9UCIATION, CMi;rate No. L23,796 , do hereby gent, convey and mortgage unto ttre said ASSti.;L1TION the fotbwittg <br />deanibpd real estate, sittuted in FIaB County, Nebraska: <br />FRACTIONAL LOT NINE (9) IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK SEVENTEEN (17) INFAIRVIEW PARK ADDITION TO <br />GRAND ISLAND; HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, ALSO ITS COMPLEMENT BEING A PART OF FRACTIONAL BLOCK <br />THREE (3) OF H. G. CLARK'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, NALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />DESCRIBED AS COPiMEIJCIiiG AT A POINT 38.2 FEET IN A.N EASTERLY DIRECTION FROM THE SOUTHWESTERLY <br />CORNER OF SAID FRACTIONAL LOT NINE (9) THENCE EASTERLY AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY LINE <br />OF SAID FRACTIONAL LOT NINE (9) 14.6 FEET, THENCE IN A NORTHERLY DIRECTION PARALLEL !WITH THE <br />WESTERLY LINE OF SAID FRACTIONAL LOT NINE (9) TC A POINT ,.HERE THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID <br />FRACTIONAL LOT 9, INTERSECTS THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID FRACTIONAL BLOCK THREE (3), THENCE <br />SOUTH TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. <br />5ua~ijeCt to prior ^,'E,'rt^ya^ye tC thn mrrtya~oo harain~ in tha nri nCi~al atnount of Nineteen <br />Thousand Seven Hundred ($19,700.00) dated June 29, 1976. <br />tgtllsr wah ad the tenements, hereditatrents and zppasrtettances thercunta belangtng, itrcirdtrrg attadsed Roar Coverings, ail window anE'11y. <br />rindow rhadea, bUods, storm wmtdorva, arttutgs, heatutg, err w+di[ioamg, and of utnbing and watu equipment and armories ttercto, pumps,stoves, <br />tefri~raton,and other fixtures and egmgrcnt now or herafter attadxii to or useA is wnnrctasn with sod teal estau. <br />And vvhercaa the said mortgage has agreed and does hrretsq agtre the rnortgagur shall and will pay all taxes and azaemnenu levied or <br />awed upon said presttiaes and t:pon ihs roongage sad the band secured thereby before fix same shall became delinquent; to furnish approved <br />itrtonce typos the bttddinp oo said premaes situased in rte sum of S 1 0 , 000 . DO payahk to said ASSOCIATION and to dttiver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said urstuanoe: sad not t„ enmmrt nr pcrrrut any waste on or about said premiss: <br />In case of deisuit to the perfazrtyrtcr of am of the terms end amdtiitntrs of thts rtrortgage nr the band sr,-u[ed hereby, [he mor[ga¢e sisals, <br />an deretaod_ be entitled to immedyte puaisson of the rrrortgaged premises and the mortgagor txreby asLgtts, tratufen and sets over to .ht <br />mart6stftee aB the yenta. tevenrres and iaarme to lx dented from the mortgtgicd prcmasa during sru:h acne as the mottgade indebtedtxn shag rctrsain <br />slnltt9d; and the nasrt~[[ shall have the power !o appamt wy agent a amts it nny dcsur for ttx purpose of repavitsg acid premises and rcnlirg <br />the same sod the rents, revenues std ittoume, and it may pay nut of said inwersr ail expenses d reptirittg said prcttrnq std noaesmty <br />oo ud expenses urcurred is rentusg sad nawgugt [he same and of «,Becetrrg rentals therefrom; the balsas rcrntioing, if any, to be <br />a~~~hed toward the disr»lruge of skid matga~ mdebtedttess, thes xgtftis of ttx rnottgagee rsray be extrcunt at any [itte during the exntetta of etch <br />defaup, irrespnctire of any temporary waive of the sure. <br />iTes Resnts, however, err up;m the CarWtinn,'f`hat d tfie sad Mwtygor slot! repay card loan on nr before the rrmturity of sod shoes by <br />pnyant; p.y rnoathlY to sad ASS(X'.tATItM of the stun spectfied its the Rand secured hrrehY as mteresi aztd prmetpal nn sad [oan, oa or baforc <br />tle Twemisah day of cacti and every rnrmeh. tmtd sad icaur is fusty paid; pay ail tares and assess,rscrrts kvxd agarnst sad prctauea and on this Mortprge <br />and the Baed secured thereby, before dehaqusncY, furrtott approved ensurarts upon the trtuldittgs thereon m ttx snm of 3 10.OOD. OD payxbk <br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to sad ASSOCIATIOOd spas deossnd all naxey by rt pxrd kx such esxrs, asresvtteuts std ipstuaoa with interest at <br />the rnaaiaarms leek rate therevxr from dtte of payment aU of wtrich MartgaBor hereby agrees to pay, permit no wasu an said pretaiss:keep and ooa~ly <br />ra$k a4 the aMeamrata and ttadttsom of the Had fffi S 10 ,000.00 t'te day ernes by the aid Mortgagor to said AS,SOt:IATION, std aattply <br />wig aY the rotNtircsrtrmts of the Comtittuion std By-Lws of sad ASSO(:IATiCNsI; then these prpentx styli bewttse nub and void, otherwise [trry <br />sMaH restNio as {di foam and ttyy be €otecloapd st the opted: of the sad ASSOCUTt(IN after fai}ure for three rtwatM to make arty of said <br />paymems of be ttsret tnot,tty m arrears m roaitrag sad trtonthly payts,entz, nr w keep std wmpiy with the agreements and condi[irms of aid Ikurd; <br />std dlorgptros apses to have a resxiva appomtet fotthwrih m stair fateckrswe prtwGalmgs. <br />U tbex n any clsatt0e m o+'ne+~ ~ the test estate nvortpppd hercia, by sale ur atherwssa, then the emus reayining indebtedoea hereby <br />atcvtnd spdi, at the aptiw of Ilse Egaitabk Buildin6 and L.oaa Asmciatroa u!' Crand lsiaod, Nebnsita, beaamt vnnediateiy due sad payable without <br />father notice, sad [ire ansart renniuiq dun under sad bond, rid say other bond for any additional adiwoea mode thercursder, ttuli, from the <br />chip of eaaiee of std option, bear duaen at the rnaxarowu kpd tau, and this mutaape may then be farerkued to satisfy the amount due on said <br /> sty other hood far additiouat advatsssx, tagetlter with all sums paid by ,aid The E,gwtabk $wklitsg and t.rsaa AsncuUrea of Gtand lsiard, <br />Neikwtka frx iaosnaoc, tanard asssusrentx, and aisstrnctieig extrsrsim cluugea, wsth intaresc tf,trean, from date of payment at the nyximum <br />IiRI ~. <br />As provided is the Bottd reaaaed hereby, while the trrarigal/e renvins :a etfer;t [he ar„rtgagee rosy hereafter advaarx addittunal luau to the <br />straal;;Midit of said Bond. Lbeir assigns nr stscresaurs ¢i mtetesi, which soars shall be wuhm the security of [hu trsxtgage rise same as the funds oci6toalty <br />eeawd 2Ypreby, tie total amount a{ psiacipat debt a,t io exarird u any sore the nrrgtrsal arro+mt of this moorage. <br />,i)atadthia 1~th. dayaf Septe:t>ber A. o., le 80 <br />s ~~~~~f ~-8',. ern] SS _______.._`-- <br />Kathy S, Beberniss <br />STATfs~~YNEiORPASp~,~~ th,thia 15th. daynt Septetr~er !~0 beftuetoc, <br />the uoderstgtved, a Notary Public in and for sxd t:ouary, perrusufly ramC <br />Russell D. Beberniss and Kathy S. Eeberniss, each in his and her ow right, and a~ use <br />f#f eiluth ether w~ are ~ly~t»wu to <br />tttt tri lye the itkatit3l ppnaia 5 whole natae °s are afiued to the shrive utstrrcnent as nxxtgarur S ud 'tley ,rvrrafly <br />aidisowladred Ure said instswtent to M tltei r vtr;yntary acK std deed. <br />IttI1TiELSS eery tsrd std Netuyl Seal the deft afnrcsad. <br />Noisry Public <br />1{A3a/ U <br />