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THE MORTGAGOR FURTHER COVENANTS AND hGREES: <br />That the Mortgagor wil( pay-the indebtedness as-hereinFiefore provided. <br />That the Mortgagor Is-.the-t5wner of said property in fee simple and has good right and lawful authority to sell and <br />convey the seine and that the•sameis Free-and clear of any lien or encumbrance; and that Mortgagor will warrant and defend the <br />title to said-premises ageinst;ftie °ctafina-oF alt persons whomsoever. <br />Ta pay immediatelywhen due-siidpaya~le alt general taxes,-specter taxes, special assessments. wafer charges, sewerserv- <br />ice charges, and-other taxes- and charges against said property, and- aU taxes levied on the debt seen red hereby. and to furnish the <br />T"1Mortgagee, upon regiiest; with the original or duplicate receipts therefor. The Mortgagor agrees that there shalt be added to <br />'°"ieach monthly payment required hereunder nr under the evidence u[ debt secured hereby an amount estimated by rho Mortgagee <br />l~ljto be sufficient tb rnalile ttie~-Mortgagee to pay, as they become due, all taxes, assessments, and similar charges ulwn Ehe prem- <br />4,'~iaes'sul>jeetthereto; any-dafrcieticy because of the insufficiency of such additional payments shalt Fie forthwith deposited by the <br />w.~ Mortgagor, with-the Mortgagee upon deanand by the Mortgagee. Any defauk under this paragraph shall he deemed a drFault in <br />payment-oF taxes, assessments, nr similar charges required hereunder. <br />1 The :Mortgagor agrees Lhat there shall also he added [v each monthly payment of principal and interest required here- <br />under an amount estimated by the Aortgagee to tie sufficient to enable the hlortgager to pay, as i[ becomes due, the insurance <br />premium on any insurance policy delivered to the Mortgagee. Any deficx-ncy because n[ the insuffidency of such additional pay- <br />meats-shalt tie forthwith deryasited by the Mortgagor with the Mortgagee upon demand by the l~Fortgager. Any default undei this <br />paragraph shalt be deemed a default in ihr payment of insurance premiums. If the policy or policies deposited are such a5 home- <br />owners or all risk policies, and ihr depanit err insufficient to pay ihr rstfir~ premium, the Mortgagee may apply the deposit to <br />pay premiums on risks required fa tie also red by this mortgage. <br />Payments made by the Mortgagor under the above paragraphs may. at <he option ai the Mortgagee, be held by it and <br />cammingled with other such funds or its awn funds for the payment of such items, and until so applied, such paymenfb.aie-6Preby ~ ~`~~"" <br />pledged as security for the unpaid balsam of the mortgage indrtitednrss <br />To procure, deliver to, and maintain &cr ihr f-•.=nrfit of ihr '+tnrt-t-agr,• dunng thN hfr .xf ihs mortgage ortgirtaF poh<~srs and <br />renewaty thereof. dehverrd at I<-ast :en daps heroic th.~ ~•st>s ra!sr~n of am~ .uch !~o6,-ss>_.. snsu nog against fs re and uth~r insurable <br />hazards, casualties, and contingencies as the 4ortgagee mar require, in an amount equal to the indebtedness secured by thin <br />Mortgage, and in companies aceeptahle to she Ytnrtgagre. wnh h•s: payahh• clause in favor of and in foray ai~ceptah[e to She Mortra- <br />gee. In the event any lmlicy n nut rr ww# ., „r tw•fore tin taus of BLS =zpiration. tt;<~ ate r!gagre may pnxure uisurancr c rh-^ <br />improvements, pay' the premium ihrrefn r. sod ,uch ,um ,hall tw•c+rnc smmerirata{v due and payable wilt, in4•rest at the rate sit <br />Torch in said note until paie# and shall ;r .reu rid h+ this; mortgage }'adore on ilia part of ihr ~#ortgagnr to furnish such renewals <br />as are herein required ar failure e, pa y~ .<a} -u. s a+tvanced hereunder .hall- at ihr option nF the :19ortgaKN<• cn ash tutee rlrfault <br />under the terms of this mortgage The dr6crn n•.t ~w n pohria, ,hall n ehr ,vent :~£ default. ,onstn;i to an as,ignmrnt ..f ihr t;n~ <br />earned premsum. <br />Any sums rereirrd by ihr Mertga=m t-. , n•a+,•n „f '.os~ •,r damage ms ci against rr• +~ ix' retained by the Vt urtgagee <br />sod applied tacrard ihr payment „f the rirht hrreh•: -r<u:ed- ..r at the c,pnan rfrt he 'tlartgagee such .urns rithr; ~.vhull•: crt ut <br />par! may txe paid n r m the Mai-t~gn .c, !w ,r_wd t.: mpi:_ ,~eh hu;;d tags or .o i~udd new hm!Amgs ut their !~iar,~ .,r h,r env <br />oihrt purpose ur abler! sahstactcry to ihr V•rtteaee<- wn!:• vi tftec•ung she hen .w ihr mortgage for the fill! am,n;nt "-e acrd here <br />6y Mtare such payment rvrr taok place. <br />Tu protnpily repvr. rrsfnre •:r retnuld am !.uddur;;•. „ ,mt;roarsnents n,w I:err=it.•r ~.n the prrmrs<•s which mac be- <br />come damage rl nr destrnyev.i: in keep =•aid Prvrnisrs i.. „ rd ~ ondthon and reyrn r mod tre:• L-nm any mechanic'. lu•n ur other hen or <br />claim .,! Lien ant expressly' sutwrdinatrd to ihr" lu-n !.r ire=f ant !o ,u}Ter -.r !•.:rrut ~.mlawfut :. - ~~f •=r an+ mu.ancr to , s. nn <br />aatd Ptoprrty nor to lce•rmit waste ,xt sasd pr .e.. n<.r i== d.~ .say •atrrr ace .. heri~i,c the protxirt} hereby ntnve}ed shall br come <br />lees valt3~+le, nor so dtmmish or Impair etc value by anc act •=s n.,w .n . , .rct .• , c.mpl+ :+rth all tr~gwremrnts u( law with respect <br />La the mprtgagrai premises anal the use thereof. <br />That should the premiNS nr am part ihrrrof br taken ~~r damaged by r ., .,f an; !,abbe ~mpn ~•-meat ur condemnaUan <br />prareding, or under the right of .~nu rsrnl ctamam. ~. :! anu ether manm~r the Mortgagor ,hail In• coot h~d to all cam#x•nsnnoi>_1. <br />awards, and any other payment .,r rehe£ therefor, andishall rte en tit#ed, xt its nptian, to commence. appear in earl protsecu[e in its <br />Diva [tame any aettan ur prtK•eedang, or to mnkr :toy ca.tnpre:mise •.=r ,..-i:i.~m,~r,s ;r. ;nnrcuctn with >uch isksng ter damage Ali such <br />compensation. awards, damages, right a€ action and procti:cds err hereby assigned ra the !tlcrtgagee, who may. attic derluctmg <br />therefrom ill its expenses release any moneys sn received by t2 or apply the saute nn arty tndebtednc~ secured hereby. The Mnrt- <br />flispor~rtgrees to exetNte such furLher~assignments of any mmpensaStan. awards, daenflgee- and rights of acttun and pratceeds as the <br />Meee maY reipuire.. <br />That in cast of failure to perform any of the cvvrnants herein. titr Mortgagor may do on the MoHgagnr's behalf <•vrr.tMng <br />so cawenaatecl.; that the Mortgagee may also do any act rt may deem :u=c<•c~sary~ :o prntr~ct fhr hen thereof. thxit the Mortgagor will <br />reply upon -deteiarat any mrrneys paid or ~dislnrtsed~by the Mortgagee for any of the above pssr•,insrs, and such menrys together with <br />interest thereon at-the rate provided in said Hole shalt #terame sn much additional mde$iedness hereby ,rcurecl and may Ftc in- <br />dtrdevf in any decree foreclosing this mortgage and be Paid ant of the rents nr prorredz of Hale of seal pnmtuu=s if nut otherwise <br />paid; that it shall rat he obligati:ry upon the Mortgagee to inquere +nta the validity of any hen. rnrum},rancr+ ur claim m ad- - <br />vaaCipg-. a.above authorised, but clothing herein can tamed shall ttr ennstrurd as requtrmg the Mortgagor to advatu'r arty <br />rmaeya.for any such prtrfxrse nor to do any set hereunder, slid that Mortgagee shal# n,at incur any penunal liataibty ttecause :ii any- <br />thiatE 3t may do or aunt W do hereutader. <br />- Ln the event of the default try Mortgagor in the payment of any installment, as required by the Note secured hereby. nr <br />iet.tbe Perforrna*rre of Lire ahligatiare in this mortgage ar in the note secured thereby, the Morgagot• shall hr rn4tlyd to declare the <br />deht.saaaiited hereby due amt payable without nctice, and Ette Mortgagee shat! be entitled at its option. »ithcut ostler, Tither tsy tt_.r#f <br />w Ity_a teeei>.'ei W i>E appaisLtd !?y the cvuC ihertvf, and without regard tr, tie adequacy of any <.-eru city for tfre indebtedness se- <br />Cljtied hsreby, to enter upon and take Itosiieacian cd the mortgaged premises, and to rot#ert and reawive ihr• rents, issues and pmfifs <br />tElerae(,` EIrld apply rho saute, less roars e,t rrperatatn scut eolhxtion, upon the indebtedness srcurrd by this mortgage;. said rents, <br />irrges~^trti pedi[is 1lsing hereby assigned to khe rsFuriitaga,e~aa furthec security For the payment u( elf indehtedeieatt secured hereby. <br />The Mortgagee siwll have the power to apfx,tnt any agent ar agents it nary des, rr for the purpare of rrpairtng said prem- <br />ises; rN, riLrrt.iba.-apple; t',tdMeRia~ Ehe reEt4,. reveruutrr and irieonre, and it may pay out of sand income all exf>e•risrs incurred to renE- <br />itrg a~~ M the ifaa4e and rd- collsl3irrg ihr rkLitals theretrorn. The hslanee remaining, if anY, shalt tx• applied toward t1M <br />aisellsrtpr at the enort;age iudadEsdrwrr. This asttiiitment is to terminate and ttrrtimr null anA v:ud upon release at this mortgage- <br /> <br />IT <br />t.,_.~ <br />