<br />8U"..~ ~'~ 2 ~ 0 MORTGAGE
<br />THIS- INDILNI4TRE, mach tits i6th day of Segte&sffer-- 19 80 by and'bet~n
<br />David'A: Pokorney and Julie 'R. Pokorney, husband and wife, each in his and fret own
<br />s~g}yt ,mod as nnouse of the other __
<br />~_ Hall County, Nabtaska, as mortgagor s ,and Grand Island Trust Company of trend Island, a Corporation
<br />osganiaed and existing under the 4ws of Nebraska with its prindpal office and place of business et Grand Isfead, Nebraska. a_s m_ortgegae_:
<br />W ITNF.SSETH: That aaidmortgagor- ,for and fn consfdeniion of the sum of ~ _
<br />Five Thousand Thirteen dollars and ODl1D0 ****************+ S'Y#.)2__~#~~r J
<br />thetecapt, ofwhich is hereby acknowledged, do _ by these presents mortgage aad warrant unto sakimwtgage-:ita sttCtidf~ika imd assigns,
<br />forever, all the following descn-bed r~l as[ate, situated in the County of _ Kail _
<br />and 3tste of Nebraska; to-wit:
<br />Ali of Lot Seventy Eight (78) and The Westerly Ten Feet
<br />(W10') of Lot Seventy Nine (79) in Wolfe` Subdivision
<br />in the Ci[y of Grand island, !fail County, Nebraska.
<br />Totoetiar wit aH heating, air conditioning, tightipg, a~ phrmhing equipment aad fiztares, induding screens, awn+-:gs, s[orm windows end
<br />doom, and window shades or blinds, uxd on or in conrrection with said property, whether the same are now located on said property or hereafter
<br />Plsosd tieraoa.
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, together with all and singular the ter aneats, hereditaments and appurtenanera theraaato be-
<br />Iowgiog, or in apYwiK appsrtainipg, foever, and warrant the title: to the same. Said morgagor 9 _ __. hereby covenant _~_ with said
<br />mortgegae that _._ the ~ are , at the delivery hereof, the Lwful owner 9 __ of the premises above conveyed and described,
<br />cad art _ seized ~ a good aad indsfeasihfe estate o[ inheritance therein, free and clear of ell entwnbra aces. and that ~ hq_r__ _ wilt
<br />wartapt aad dafasd the title thereto forever against the clime and demands of all persona whomsoever.
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, acrd this ipatrumenc is ezecuted and delivered to secure the payment of the sum of __ _ _
<br />Five Thousand Thirteen dollars and 00/100 ***************+>~~tt_S,OI3.00________ 1.
<br />with iaheaat, tisreon, together with suti charge aad sdvanoea ere may be dce apd payable to said mortgagee under the tetnts and conditions
<br />d the-proeraaory sots of even date herewith aad secured hereby. executed by sand arortgagor4 _ to said mortgagee. payable as expressed
<br />is sad-aster, aad w astute the pado®eaoe of all the farms and conditions captained therein. The term9 of said Hate are hereby incorporated
<br />harm bg firs ntaasa.
<br />It is cis iataatioe aad ~ of tlr parties hsnto that chin atoetgage shall also assure any future advances made to said mortgagor 8
<br />hY said tpattpIIM, aad soy aad all indeMa~ss in addition to the amount above stated which said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to
<br />acid moetpaw, however evidasoad, whether by pore, book account or oihenriee. This mortgage shall remain in fuU force and effect between
<br />kit parties panto aad that haws, personal repeea®[ativae, seracesaors and sssigas, until all arnourts secured hereunder, including future
<br />advaaor, an paid fp fuf! wftb fastest.
<br />Tie moRaNsr 8 haraby -sagn - LO said mortgagee ad rents and income atisipg at any a~ all banes from said properzy and
<br />keraby aeiioriae acid anrtgagee rr its agmc, at its optiem, upon defaWt, to tales charge of said property acrd called ev rents and income
<br />--tircptti~art-apply ihs saes Gf tie payntmt of iDtsaot, Mt*aP1, insurance premiums. tasse, aseesemsata, repairs of imprwemertts
<br />'-m kasp afd peoparty in tsaastabismna§tica, or to otter charges or p•_vm~te provided for herein rx in the rote hereby secured. This
<br />cwt s*rigataaataialleoatamua fn fines until the uapaid balsas of said note is fully paid. The taking of poase~ion hereunder shall in no manner
<br />pMaY,at_tsord said ssefp/r io tie Cwllectina of gawk. soma by forecloeura a otherwiae-
<br />Tie Liluia of the awrt~prjse to aaaat any of its rights hereundm •t any time shall not be rnnscrraed as • waiver of its right to assert, the
<br />errs K ary ke7rr time, apd to roost upon a~ eaioru artier complicate with ell the teams end provisions of said trots and of this mortgage.
<br />It said 6 shay t~rras tea lr paid W said mortgagee the entire amount due it hereunder, and under, the terms and provisions
<br />d-said seta rattly saasad, intidigg future advapoea, aad any extapsiorts or renewal thereofu aorordance rvith. the farina and provisions
<br />tisMMp, aad ip atW Dec}}t~~~as_~ aWl egpeply with aR Lha provieioas of sad wKe and of this mortgage. tlrep these p[raeats stall be vaid:
<br />atierirtsrwt4s~ fill! fsrq adadaxt, aad said artatagaa shall ba antkJsd tv the poaasasian of all of said pnapwty. and rosy, at its npl.ion.
<br />dlDlale the ultaleD[ sari i~M ttad d iads6l~cs repsasaetid thraby m be irpmadiately due aad payable, aad may iorec{nee this artgage
<br />m tcYa.fcp' athar i~al atxim to P~ its! right.. APRowaynt waived
<br />Tits nwRpas slap be 6i*dig nPSa awd aieU enures to tie bsaa>gt of the. hafts, execrttors, admioistntors, snCOpaeora and assigns of the
<br />m+Reet+rs Dtatin lasers.
<br />IN NTI2T1F.8fi WHEREOF, said Mortgtgor_.R,_ 6a ~~hateunto set. _ hand-_~_tlre day and Yerr first aMrvo
<br />