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~a-d Uu52f~9 MORTGAGE <br />THIS- tltlDfiNTURB, made this 19th d,y o{ September _ -- 19 $~ by and- Between <br />Olga L. Muirhead. an unmarried person ____ _ <br />of -1iz31 -County, Nebraska, as mortgagor - ,and Grand Island Trust Company of brand Island, a corporation <br />organised and misting under the laws of Nebnake with its principal office and piece of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as' mortgagee; <br />WITNESSETH: Tha4eaid tnortgegur_ ~ , far sad in con.9ideraJaon of the sam of - . <br />One Thousand One Hundred Suety dollars and 00/100 ********~*~*~ffi~:fy,l-.,]~ (~ __J <br />tl~ receipt of which ie hereby aclowwk+dged, do - by these presents moo gage and wartaru.qutoegidmgrtgag@BC ite;suceaiears'and assigns, <br />forever; all the followigg described teat estate, situated in the County of _ _._ _. _ _ lie L 1- ----- --- <br />oad State of Nebraska, to•wic: <br />The North Half (N-'~) of Lot Twelve (12), and Lot Ten (10), except <br />the North Eight Feet (8'), all in Block Twenty-eight C28), Highland <br />Park, in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Tiigathar with all heating, air eonditionmg, lighting, and ptumbing eAvipmertt and 6ztures, including scrwns. awnings, storm windows amt <br />loon, ~ window shades or blinds. used an or m connection with said property, whether the same ern now located on said property or hereafter <br />plead fhteaoa. <br />TO HAVE ANDTO HOLD THE SAME. together with all and singular the tea®ents, Boreditamenw and eppurte~aces thereunto be- <br />~, w in anywise appartainmg, ftever, and warranE the title to the same. Said morgagor _.. _. Hereby covenant S .with said <br />mortgagee that -._.S he _._,--fS_- , at the ddivery hereof. the lawful owner - of the ptemiaes above conveyed and deacritxd. <br />sad i8 _ saiitd of • good sad indefeasible estate of inberitartce thetein, free and clear of atJ encumbrances, and that ~ he____ will <br />wareant sad dsfead tie title hereto forever egeirot the claims and demands of all perstws whomsoever. <br />PROP"IDEIT ALWy1YS, and tAis iastrumntt is esantted end delir-arad Co secure tie payment of the sum of <br />One Thousand One Hundred Sixty dollars and 00/100 ********m~Ja__1,160.00 _ __ <br />--- - _ _ _- - -- i. <br />with itttanet thatesn, together with aueh cirrgw and advances as maY he duo and payable to saki mortgagee under the terms and conditions <br />of tie ptaatieatry auto of erns date 6eeerrith and secured hereby, a:ecuted by said tmrtgagor ..__ w said tnortgsgee, payable as expressed <br />is said eels, sad to seoun the psrfoemwoe of all tie tame and canditims conteiotd theteio. The terms of said note are Hereby incorporated <br />heads by rile rsfaaaoe. <br />It is tie Llaatioa sad egtseataatd tie partir lento that thin mart~e shalt also setvre any tutors advrrces tnarie to satd ar>rtgegar_-- <br />by stud raatppe, sad say sad all indehtedow in rdtfition to tie atnottnt above stated wbicl. said m`mgagara. or aay et them, may owe w <br />said mortpgaa, howarsr evitieod. wiether by mte, book account or othecwfse. This n»rtgage shat) remain in full lartx and effect between <br />the patties hoab sad their baits, parnaal rspterentativee, sutxeesors and assigns, until ail amounts sewtcd herruttdtr, itxlvding iuturc <br />advatrora, an paid in fuC with intatsat. <br />Tie soetttraor,. ia'ebX assign S to said mortgagee atl trots amf itxaame arising at any and aII Zitraa fmm said property and <br />hetaby aufharve slid tmripga a its agent, at its op[ion. upon defatttt. to Wtn cturga of said propavtY anf caltys:t all rents and income <br />timoroa=sad apply the sear m tie payataot of iEforsst. ptiacipat, iaeuraaa premirwa. taxes. aeetmtttaenta, repairs ar itnpnoveanmts <br />secretary to leap aaidpeo@sty is taaantabie nanditim, ar W ether charges or payments pmvi&d far hrtein of in the note hereby secured. 't'his <br />scat nwgara~t sioN wotiwe in fans until the napaid balance of said note is fully paid. The taking of pacxxaion herru~i~r shell in m rnsnner <br />. -. laaeaat er-ntaed fYd. ~lgages is tYa milaciion of said soma by #arerJasvra or othorwi~. <br />The [ailaaot tie matSagse W assert aqv of its rights hereander at any tuna shall out Be c<ntst^ued u a waivec of its right to assert the <br />same st say laiar tins, and W insist ttpoa sad eaforoe staid tarmpliance with etc tie terns and provisions of said otue and of this mart fcage. <br />if said tn0et~gar mail taunt to 6t paid to said mnttgsgee the entire amount due it hereunder, alai under. the terms and pmvtsrons <br />oil said eats hanby squad, including tatuee advances, and say eateasiova or renewals tBe:mf in accordancat with the Leers and prov iseone <br />thassd, sad it said SAP- aia11 cawply wits all the pravisioae of slid note and of this truatgaga, then these prtmvtus shell be vo,d: <br />ditnsiwgtlltaiuialttt-itttraadaigtdG, std tuidmatlgatps riall6ssntitld to the poaseasion of a!1 of said prt~erty, and may. at its option. <br />dreiir+tha w1raU d said slats and aQ iadablydtrr tapreaaotad Hereby to be itnmediatdy due std fxyabb, and may turorJose Chia mortgage <br />q felts asy dYt lupY atom to peotact ly right. !typraiasmettlt waived. <br />Tiia-rtiotnfi/ap slap Iw bieditg atwe atul shall enure to tie beneSt of tlu hdn, executors. administrators. succaason artd a_astgas of the. <br />rupattire pntiria lrrato. <br />IN WITNB$S WHF.RF.OF, said JNor;aagor __... ha ,S__ hetertaW set. __._... het... hated, the day and year first shove <br />wtsYea. _ <br />- -_ _ - _ __ _ _._ __ .- O1S~~1 d~~'~-.fZt'.G~a'S.~'. _ _ <br />~...__ <br />