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1 <br />fpS~..-RELEASE OF MORTGAGE-Corpora3ton <br />i <br />1 <br />Huftman antl Felton 8 Woit, Ylalton, tie. 63461 - <br />vv° r r <br />IN C l~ ' IUN of the Aayment of tlse debt named therein, the HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN <br />ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND hereby releases ti:e mortgage trade to <br />IHOME FEDERAL SAVINGS 8 LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND <br />by RONALD R. HASTINGS AND NANCI C. HASTINGS, <br />husband and wite, each in his and her own right and as spouse of the other <br />orrtkt following described real estate, to-wit: <br />THE. EASTERLY 40 FEET OF LOT 3, IN BLOCK 16, IN THE ORIGINAL TOWN, NOW CITY OF-GRAND (SLAP <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />of Section in Township Rartge of the P- M., HALL <br />County, State of NEBRASKA xvkicit is recorded in Book of Real Estate Mortgnges, page , <br />of the records of said County. Document r# 78-0014! I <br />IN TESTIMO?VY IIzHEREOF, the said HOt•1E FEDERAL SAVINGS 8 LOAN ASSOCIATION has caused <br />these presenls to be eseruted by i~s~'~t~esident ~ff6citS Corl~orntr Seal to be affixed hereto this 18th <br />day of September rq 80 HOME FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN <br />.With __AS~~'.LA.~-1.01A--OF G/~1`!D_ . . N'J ..................___. <br />~. ~~ -- -- - ___...... _ - _. __ - _.-. Ry,~f `~..._~1 1 -- --- V . oPresident `• <br />~~'•., ~~ Step'he- R. Beltzer <br />.. _... . _'-~rtis..g -- .-... __...--. -_ _ ..Attrst -.. - . _ ..-_.. . -- --• ~SXdtA~Lti~X~+Yjit <br />SKA---------------------._--.----~ 18th September 80 <br />'-O' ~ ~ Ort this.--- day of_...- - --- .._-- ....._.._, 19..._.... <br />• .---.._.._---. __-____-____--.____.County ~ before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for <br />`.teohen R. Beltzer Vic S <br />Y ~~ _ - - -- _ . _ _ _ . ____ __ ..-.-- ........ .....~restdent b~~ke <br />HOM ~ AVINGS 8 LOAN_ ASSGrIATIvN OF =BAND ISLAND <br />t o -att <br />to me known to be tho' Yrestdent and tdenticat person whose name is affixed to the above release and <br />~ aclmttwtedged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and <br />deed of acid Corporation, and that its corporate sea! was thereto affixed by its authority. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at.--~"an.u--_'.s-I ~np,-'4EOraska _.-.-. , in said County the day and year <br />last above written. ,., ~ ^, a 1~. <br />a~rT,» 1-!=-~i~~._. 19-~e~'s _l r~'..+rr{~.L -',n'L-..._, Notary Pub&c <br />i..~ <br /> <br />