8d- ~ ~ ~ -~ ~ 6 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE
<br />HAROLD GREEN, JR. AND DELORES A. GREEN, husband and wife
<br />of the (:OYnty Of HALL and State of NEBRASKA t+ereinafter called the party of the first part, in
<br />consideration of ONE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND AND NQ(I 00------------------------..--_____°-DOLLARS
<br />!n head paid, do hereby grate, bargain, sell and convey unto the Home Federal Savings & Loan AssodaUon of (:rand Island,
<br />Grand IaLnd, Nebraska, and its auccewors sad assigns, the following real estate, situated in WALL
<br />County, data ~ iJEBRASKP. ,-_, fowl(:
<br />Together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all covenants in all the title deeds runnIag wlUt s..id real estate,
<br />a~ all the testa, issues and profits arising therefrom after default in performance of any covenant or rnadition hrxin con-
<br />taiaad; ^nd warrants the title thereto perfect and clear empt far this mortgage.
<br />Doting the time this mortgage is in force the mortgagors agree:
<br />First. To pay all fazes and special assessments levied against said premises, including all fazes and assessments levied
<br />upon this mortgage, or the debt secured by this mortgage.
<br />Second. To keep all buildings thereon insured against loss by fire, lightning and tornado in some company, to be ap•
<br />proved by the said Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island in the sum of ~ i n su ra b I e va ! ue :oa
<br />the beMfit of the said Association, and its successor or assigns; and to deposit said policies with said Association, and shall not
<br />commit or salver any waste on said premises, and shall pvt and keep said real estate buildings and improvements in good
<br />order.
<br />Third. To pay ~ cause to be paid to the Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island. its successors or
<br />~, the sum of tt ONE ~U'IDRED TEN THO'-SAND RPJD 'JOi I GO-----------------------------DOLLA*tS,
<br />payable as follows-
<br />$ I 10,000.00 C:!E :I~~TGBEn ! , i 9'!
<br />wfflt it thereon payable, according to the tenor and affect of the one certain iirt mortgagg -n of said mortgagors,
<br />basting even date wilt these presents. After maturity said bond drays interest at the rate of ~ cent per annum.
<br />U said-fazes aed asseameafs ate not paid when due, or if the bulldiags oa safd premises are not insured as above pro
<br />vided. or # as® od said interest is not paid whm due, then said ~P shall become due immediately, at the option of the
<br />said Assodsaton. sad shall thseesiter draw itrierest at the rats of ~ cent per annum.
<br />The mortgagors busby asatgn_._ to said mortgagee all ants and income arising at any and all times frrom said
<br />pit~operty atxd hereby authorize said mortgagee ar its agent, at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and
<br />roller( sll tents sad income therefrom and apply the same to the payment of interest, principal, insurance premiums, fazes,
<br />asseafinerrti, repairs or improvements necessary to keep said property in tenantable condition, or to other charges or pay-
<br />ments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured. This rmt assignment shall continuo in force until the unpaid bal-
<br />aate of said note is fully paid The taking of poasesaian het~eunder shall in no manner prevent or retard said mortgagee in
<br />tht cofteetion of said sut~ by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />~P6sthett said debt becomts due by lapse of time, or by reason of the failure of the party of the first part to comply
<br />with say condition herein, the said Home Federal Savings k Loan Association of Grand Island, the successors and assigns,
<br />shell have the right to begin the foreclosure of this mortgage at once on the whale debt hereby secured, and to include
<br />tbare3n all fazes, asaastneats, insurance premiums and eases, paid by it or them; or said Association, iLs successor or
<br />iaaigaa, may foreclose aO2g 8a to ihC :.tm past due, withosd injury is this mortgage, ar the disPlacemevt or iafpairm.,nt
<br />of tic lira thereof.
<br />Aad ihs said fvst poky and the makers of said Hate, especially agree and declare that the separate estate of each and
<br />every one of them, including both that sow awned and that hereafter acquired, is pledged and bound for the payment of
<br />the dot tetchy aerated.
<br />After the cammeocsmrat of any suit in foreclosure the pLiatitf thereto shall be cntitlad to rite immediate possassion of
<br />sped 3-sal the appolatment of a receiver thetefoi, not+rithstanding they may be the homestead of the occupant and
<br />nattrithstandiog the prrtisa liable for rho debt may be solvent, and toe first party hereby canaents to the aPpo~tment of a
<br />Bsca[vsr rayon the produMion of this iadeature, without other evidence.
<br />TMa faaagdog eondtliaw aa! agreemants, all and siaguiu, being fully Performed, this comveYance ahaU be void, other-
<br />wise to 6s sad ewatain fn full farce and sties(.
<br />giyat8 thi#.._.-_._._._..._~_._._'. `'~~' _~_.._day oL.____ ` ~ ~ ' ~':"r e-! -r-_-._.i_ a. D..,,1 ( i
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