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80-- t~05 189 <br />EXHIBIT B <br />All of the Grand Island stall Subdivision, an addition <br />to the City o€ Grand Island, Hall County, Nsbrasl:a, except <br />the East 40 feet thereof da~icated as right-of-c•:.:y for t•?rbb <br />toad and exczpt the tract cf land conveyed to the City of <br />Gran.. Island by the iVarranty Deed filed for record on <br />1:, 1973 in 9001: 170 at Page 441; an3 all being Wore pc:ticu- <br />larly described as follow:: <br />All that part of the East Half of the tortheast Quarter <br />of Section '2, Township 11 North, Range 10 West, Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, bound a-d described as <br />folloxs: Coma^encing a*_ the Northeast corner of said North- <br />east Quarter; then South 00 degrees 00 r:inutes 00 seconds <br />East (assume:9 bearing) along the East line of said Northeast <br />Quarter a distance of 2;46.00 feet; thence North 39 degrees <br />20 r~inute<: 54 seconds t•:ast, parallel to the North line of <br />said t:ortl:.:ast Quarter a distance of 40.00 feet to the true <br />point of beginning; said point being on the t9est right-of-way <br />line of i9ebb Road as now established; thence South 0 degree <br />00 r,~inutes 00 seconds East, along said West right-of-wey <br />line, a distance of 1,425.37 feet to the Northeast corner of <br />t:e tract of land conveyed to the City of Grand Island vs <br />described herein above; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes <br />13 seconds West, along the i7arth line of said tract of land <br />a distance of 670.00 feet to the ttortl~ti:est cozner thereof; <br />thence South 0 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of <br />370.OD feat along tFte West line of said tract of land to the Southwest <br />corner t~~~~f, beans a phi t an the -South line of said Northeast <br />Quarter a distance df 710.0 feet t•:est of the Southeest <br />corner thereof; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 13 <br />seconds tVast, along paid South line, a distance of 531.68 <br />feet to the East right-of-way line of U.S. Highti.ay L7o. 28t, <br />as now established; thence North 0 de?roes O1 minutes 10 <br />seconds West, aionq said East right-of-tray line a distance <br />of 1,8E3.99 feet to a point in a line drawn 756 feet South <br />of and parallel to the North line of said Northeast Quarter; <br />tit.-nee South 89 degrees 20 minutes 54 seconds East, along <br />said para2lei line, a distance of 824.35 feet; trance South <br />0 degrees OD minutes OD seconds East, parallel to the East <br />lino of said tlorthcast Quarter, a distance of 90.00 feet; <br />thence South 89 degrees 20 ninutes 54'seconds East, parallel <br />to the North tine of said Northeast Quarter, a distance of <br />378.DD feet to the point of beginning. <br />The fosegoing deticription was prepared by Chicago <br />Title Insurance Company. <br />I <br />L..,.. <br />