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<br />8fl-' ~OSI ~'~ <br />ADDENDA TO MORTGAGE <br />1. The mortgagor shall not cause. or permit any building or improvemerzi upon the mortgaged <br />premises to be removed, demolished or structurally altered, in all or in part, or any future or ar- <br />ticle. of personal property covered by this mortgage to be removed or destroyed without the prior <br />written consent of the mortgagee. Tke mortgagor will not abandon said premises or cause or permit <br />any waste of the buildings, improvements, fixtures or articles of personal property covered by this <br />mortgage and will at all times maintain them in reasonably good condition, and wilt comply, and <br />cause all occupants of said premises to comply, witiz all laws and ordinances relating to the main• <br />tenanee or use of said premises and with all requirements, orders or notices or violations issued <br />by any governmental department. <br />business <br />~. The mort agor shall within three (3)/days upon a request by the mortgagee in person or <br />within ten (IOYd~t'rt~requert by mail furnish a duly acknowledged written st¢tement set- <br />ting forth the amount of debt. seetered by this mortgage and stating that either no offset or defenst <br />exists against the mortgaged debt, or, if such offset or defense is alleged to exist, the nature thereof. <br />3. The mortgagor warrants and represents that as of the date of the execution and delivery <br />of this mortgage, it is the legal and beneficial owner of the su'>ject premises and that the proceeds <br />of the mortgage Zoan will be used sntely for the OpfipllNma*purposes of the mortgagor and Lhat the <br />said mortgagor has no present intention of transferring the mortgaged premises. <br />*partnershig <br />1. If at any time the existing use or occupancy of the mortgaged premises shalt, pursuant to <br />the zoning or other law, ordinance or regulation, be permitted only so long as such use or oci-upaney <br />shall continue, the mortgagor rviU not cause or pcrnzit such use or occupancy to be discontinued <br />without the prior written consent of tke mortgagee. <br />5. affray of the, following shall be deemed, at the option of the mortgagee, a default hereunder, <br />entitling Lhe mortgagee to all rigkts and remedies provided for hereon on default of any of tke terms <br />and p~Ovidsions of the within rrfo gage and aceompanz ing note in accordance with the lawn- ~~ u ~~ <br />.¢.(re_~...t'~ re ~ir~ ~:w:~d iti--~ '3~~-~-jS ~}'~-c r' not?e.c~ lacfe,~+- }~.e 1"" ~'io n ~+c.< sl~,a It v~-. <br />f ~ {r.a RA. u'i -}~'.'~ cG~ n ~' ~ 0. jJp ~.iA t~~R. ~ ~'7 slip- i- N ~~~~....~~.. <br />a. commencement of any actzon or pro~ee~gs to f4rect~se any other lien other than tht tuft <br />of tkis mortgage upon said premises or any part (hereof including the improvements, fix- <br />tures and articles of per•soriat property covered hereby; <br />b. in the event that any rnechanis's Lien is fi'ed againsi the premises after the date hereof and <br />said lien is not discharged by bonding or otherzvise within 30 days after said filing; <br />c. failure far 30 days to comply frritk any fauns, regzcda:ionf or regzirements of any govern- <br />mental authority haaring juri.4diction over the use and.: or occupancy of the premises cov- <br />tred by tkis mortgage; <br />d. any rriolation of ary of the terms of She note acrompanying this mortgage, ::*he terms of <br />whiek are incorporated herein and made part hereof; <br />aZ7caacar~iadlaao~atsic~C~CSa~aptfis~ia~:mtdxasiiti~zRtit~[t~so~zita <br />tf~>~ii~~~ir~It x$ii~~FZ~~ ~ixleie~t <br />~ICia[~ ~ 7os:~ta~tlebtaac}ntttl~yttfN~~dti <br />f • Conti.tsued on page 3 of ~R~id;er~~ <br />8. Pt is undtzxtoad and agrted that, to protect the mortgagee against tht effect of Ultiform <br />Co~rcial*in the event that (a) any fextfere oft fhe mortgaged premises is replaced or addrd to, <br />or any new future is installed or subatituttd by the mortyagor, and {"b) surh fcxturt is or may bt <br />subjtet to a ssefirity interest held by a stiltr or any other party; <br />*Code Section 9-313, as same may have been enacted in Nebzaska, <br />A. The ntort~agor skalf, before tkt repkteement, addition, installation or Fubatftution of arty <br />fi2tare, obtnirt the written approval, of the mortgagee, and giz+e rwtice That a security agrternent <br />fcitk reap€tt io suck fix#sres has been or will Zre consummated, zchirh notice shall contain the fol- <br />fofaing iaforuration: <br />a. a description of tkt future to be repfacad, added to, ir~stalied, yr sul,stitzited; <br />b. a rtclta# of tkt address at zekiek the fisture will Z>e replaced. aided to, installed, or sub- <br />atitattd; <br />c. a statefntnt of tke Hams and address of the holder and amount of iht security interest; and <br />d, tkt date of tkt purckaae of suck ftrtfire. <br />Tke failure of tht mortgagar to give. seek notice akad# be a mat~•z-iad breach of the mortgagor's eov- <br />tftan~f under tht mortyaige and skal#, at the optitm of the r~iortgafree, constitute a default hcre- <br />xni#er, emitliny tkt mortgagee tp old rights and ren:ellies provzdEal for herein osa default or ang <br />of tk,r ttz-nui and provisions of tht uritkiri mortgage and arrompanying Hate and in accordance <br />with lafo, <br />-1- <br />r<sra iyaoc as <br />