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~~.._ <br />R <br />8p-- U05~86 <br />r'~ttd it is further agreed that should thirty tad} days' default be made izz the payment of <br />any such tax, assessment, water rents or goverrzrrzerztal charge, or in. the payment of a premium <br />foa• suckinsurance or should any default he made irz the obligation to keep the mortgaged property <br />in aatiafactory repair and condition, tken the Mortgagee ma.y pay any such tax, assessment, water <br />rents, governmental charge, insurance pre;nium or the cost of ptacing the mortgaged property in <br />satisfactory repair and rozzdition, and the amount sv paid shalt he added to the moneys ou~iny on <br />said Hate and shall be secured hereby and shall be due a>xd payable on demand with interest at tke <br />rate of * per cent per annum; *in the Nate <br />Aad it is further agreed that the Mortgagor shalt deliver to the Mortgagee receipts <br />evidencing pagtments of taxes, assessments, water rents and other governmental charges within <br />ten days after payment thereof. If such receipts are not so delivered -within ten days after such. <br />taxes and other charges shall become due and payable, then the Mortgagee shall have the right <br />ttr praeure a>a official tax search, tke cost of which shall be added to the moneys owing on szzch <br />note and shall be due and payable upon demand; <br />'~ttd it is further agreed that tke Mortgayee shalt h¢re the authority to demand and <br />receive alt moneys payable under an.y of said policies of insumance, and to settle or compromise <br />adl clainss therertnder, and aU moneys so receiz+ed inapt be applied on account of tke indebtedness <br />secured hereby or zased to repair or replace the oxildings oa the anvrtgaged property, as the <br />Mortgagee shall elect; <br />ltd it is further ag-reed oral, if at any tune all or any ptrr-tivn of the within. described <br />premises shall be taken. yr damaged by rnndernnatiora pa~aceedinys under the power of eminent <br />domain, all rvmpensation ara~anaed therefor shall he oaill directly to the Mortgagee and apptirt <br />on the indebtedness hereby secured; <br />salnd it is further agreed that, ii there stroll be any clurnge ire the ownership of the <br />mortgaged property,'tken and in uck ea•e•nt, tke afvrrsaid priarcipat .~•arnz with accrrrerl izterest <br />shall, at tke optiarz of tke Mortgagee. become drtr and payable irazmeditz.telu, a.ltkvugh the period <br />above Linz-itrd far tke paynxent thereof nzay >aot t;a~e r-xpired, anptthvu} herein contained tv the <br />contrary notrcitkstarzding,- *without the prior written consent of the Nrtgagee, which consent <br />shall not be unreasonably withheld <br />~ttis it is further agreed that tke Mortgaar•e may cotlert a lute charge not to errerd pre <br />r~eGs for evsrh dollar of sack payment anon than liftrera d<zla+ in rarrear•.~, to serer the r-xtra <br />expense insolved in kandling drtinguent payments. <br />end it is further agreed fhat, skoutd defaaztt he made ur o,rrt „i alts frrnta• hrrrnt yr of <br />any obligation secured hereby, then: <br />(a) fibs Mortgagee znay inter rzpvn and take passesrivzr of thz~ mortgayed property <br />and rent the. sazrze, either ire its name yr in the Hoene of tke vu~ner r~i suck property, and <br />r€ceive tkr rents, issues and profits therevf, anti apply the xame, niter the paptnzr_nt vi the <br />ttersssary rhargea axd erperzscs, inrludixy rnexnagerreent cvrrarnissiorrx, ors aeta:~nt uj the <br />nxoneya kerctsy secured. being arcountabtQ vazly for hark rtsrts and prvf:t.; nx are cnttected <br />oy it xkile in poeasessivn; <br />b Tke rent,4, isstces and profits of tke naartyaged prvpr•rty, irrclurtirzy those za<kiek <br />aduall taaz~e aerrue~l prior to axy rlrlaatf aaz~l tk,rse zrkicls neap! tkerrrttter- accrzte, are kerehy <br />aassm::ed is tk€ Mortgagee: <br />Ica f'pvn the filing of a rvmptairat ix fareclrxKUre of t.kis m€artgaye. the .lltrrt.tagee shall <br />tae entitled to the appointnzrttt of a re~ceire-r vt the rent3 of the m_vrtgaged prritrst?y zvitknut <br />true necrsaity of prot*iny eitkrr inadequacy of tkc seeuv-ity cr irrfvlsexe~y of tke Mortgagor yr <br />any per°an who may tea Irtgally or equitably t:al,le iv pay rnaneys secured hereby, arzd the <br />Mortgagor and each sorb person u~aire xuck proof and consent tv tkr appointment v! such <br />rtctitrtr. <br />~4t attached Addenda. consisting of 3 streets are keretry made a part of this Irzxtrzrment. <br />mortgage ,shalt ba b tndi~ty upon tke piarti+gs herrta and their etecutvrx, admirzistra- <br />tma, keira, surceasvrx and ¢saigres. Tke card ":Ifortgayvr" shall include the plural therevf if <br />llterc be ntorr than one. <br />~a lOtftu~cs ~beisaf, the :Sfortgagrsr kas set itt3 Rand rrtd seat or has <br />caz~eed tkia Mortgage to lie xigtud by itx proper G:~-pvratr officers grad sts cvrp;<rate ss¢l ker~unto <br />affixed and attextral, tke day and year first aba3,e written. <br />~. ~ sad ~lrfiuered GRAND ZS~i1-ND AfALL, LTA t <br />4a ~ {ttra+rarr at <br />mss: - ._ _.'~.. <br />$ziC ii. sesiz< <br />heat) <br />t l ~ ! <br />z~y: ,~ --- - : ~ r~ <br />Pater ~ Cates . ne lust <br />y `~~ } <br />,--- <br />gY~~orgor~t , ner'a.L`'Par`~nez <br />~y: <br />Mawr ce s. Tied rasa ant <br />