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:. ,, <br />$0~--vi~~ ~ ~ ~ <br />The Mortgagee agrees to pay its pro rata share of the <br />real estate taxes on the above described premises in respect of the <br />1980 tax year, which taxes may be paid during 1981 as permitted by <br />local authority. The Mortgagee's pro rata share of such taxes shall <br />be eight months and fifteen days. It is hereby agreed that, in <br />the event the Mortgagee fails to pay its pro rata share of 1980 <br />taxes, the Mortgagor may make such payment itself and set-off the <br />amount of such payment against the amounts due under the idote <br />secured hereby. <br />~11gt!}tt with all and atxYvJar eke buildings and improuereexta now Located or hereafter <br />placed upon said property and any part tkareof, with their jizturea, machinery, equipnreret and <br />appurtensneea and any and all additions thereto and ezttxaiorea thereof, and all and singular <br />tka tene~nenta, kereditamenta, rights of way, taaamexta and appurtexaxeea thereunto betongixg. <br />~p~ ~(/O, all the estate, right. title, interest, p+opertg, paaseasion, claim axd demand <br />wltataoever, as wet! in law as in equity. of said Mortgagor, oj, ix axd to the same axd every part <br />and parcel tkertof, ~k tAe appurtenances: <br />(~O ~iCt ~lpb tea ~~'-~ the above granted and described property urith the appurtenances <br />unto eke raid Mortgagee, its sueceaaosa axd assigns, to its and their owx proper use. benefit and <br />bslwof forever; <br />Etta Hite said Mortgagor does covenant u*itk the scut Mortgagee that the Mortgagor is <br />seised of an indejeasibte ertade is fee simple ix said property and wiu icarrant and jsrever <br />defend the title Lkereof undo eke said Mortyragst against alt lautjul ctnims whatsoever; <br />~ItOtidtD .~14t=~l. and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said <br />3iortgaygr- shall utell and trrly pay to eke Mortgagee all moneys secured htreby when eke same <br />slra~lt 6saorne dse and- payable, uadkoui deduction or credit for any amount payable for fazes. <br />t+teu these presents and eke ertads hereby grunted shall erase, determine and be -void; <br />tls Mortgagor covananta and agreaa to pay to the Mortgagee the principal axd ixtereat <br />owiwft on said Hots sad otltsr payeienta provided for therein and the printial and interest on <br />wary utksr obtiyatiea aeeur hereby uxtkrtut any deduction or credit for any amount paid for <br />tares assessed ar• to be arsesaed upon the mortgaged premirea; <br />~f Morigayor ayresa <br />{a) That there uritl be added to each mUxthly payment required n.ereunder, ar render <br />iju. evidssnce of eke debt secured hereby, an amount estirnatsd by .tiortgage€ to Le suf jicien' <br />to enable ~[ortyagBe to pay at. leant thirty (~) days before they shall besam€ due, all rases, <br />alglsatrnsfrda awei atlter s'ia-+Za•r cltargea against the above described premises. such added <br />psyws.da alYatt wod be, or be deemed to ba, trust funds but may be commingisat with the ge»- <br />eraG frads.of MsFrtgagee, and ~ ixtereat ska~ bt payable in respect thereof. Upon demand, <br />1[ortpsyor agrssr to deliver to ~(ordgagea suck additioal funds as are necessary tv make up <br />au+y defiCisnEy as Lis aawuxt necesaarg to enable Mortgages to pay tkc forsgving items; <br />{"bf ar altsrnatioeTy, at the option of tIu 4tottgagee> Mortgagor utitl dtirectly pay a1! <br />lars~t aras.saenta, water Tanta ar other goaernixendal charges levied and axsesaed against <br />t~ nrxMtyay4d propsXty ~ ikirty 1"3f-) days after eke same shall be due and payable; <br />(al y'Ae Atertyagpr aia~t keep eke buildings on eke mortgaged property insurxd for eke <br />brnsfit of the Mortgages against loss or damage by firs and suck nthtr hazards or the Mortr <br />gr,~Iq,aAs4i[ tify, by :nsurara a>ad in amounts approved by the Mortgagee, and d€tiver <br />nrcli-paligF,sr polieitrs sf isturance tQ tks Mortgagee; <br />jd). Tkr~ortgagPr alaall kxrp tks tsuitdixga on the m4rtgagsd pro-psrtg iri re;~rtir axed <br />caadition satistac~ry to eke ldortgagse. <br />