~o~. a o ~ ~ s ~ ~v~TCAC~
<br />THIS MGRTGAGE is made this.......... `9~..........day nf....S~B:~ember ...............
<br />i9"...., between the Mortgagor,..Yanls. ~1ec±ric, Ccm.L??Y",. ~, carparation ........................
<br />...................................... (herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee,.~9~~2`pa..~ ~$~~r~
<br />Savings, and ,t,oan. Sssz>cia*ian ....................... . ....... a corporation organized and existing
<br />.......
<br />under the laws of.....llab~'aska„ . ..........................whose address is.. 4501, l;oci$e, ,5#~get; . .
<br />. Elsa>. ~lehraska. _ 6R:32 . . . . . . . . .. . . . ............................... therein "Lender").
<br />WHEREAS, Borrower is in bled to Lender in the principal sum of... ~:ax ty, Five thousand. anti-,I;1pj~.CD
<br />__~.r..~.....__-_______~~_~ {~tt5 ~0~ Etip) , .. _ Debars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />............................s...~....
<br />dated . Se~tem.Der . _ , _ , , 1980 (herein "Note"), providing for monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid. due and payable on ..... Octabe~ ,1,. 2010 , , , , , , ~ .
<br />To SECURE to Lender 1a) the repayment of [hc indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of all other sums, wifh interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment
<br />of any futwe advances, with interest thetian. made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein
<br />"Furore Advances"), Borrower does herehy mortgage, grant and :onvey to Lender the following described property
<br />lacatW in the Coan[y of... i~~2 ................................... State of Nebrasiea:
<br />„;;t ~^~ t~, h1~i_ ~svran (^_ 1; t_ntt one ~nntinental `:ardens; an Addition to the 4itl of
<br />Grand Zsiand, E'sali vaunt} , ;:ebraske,
<br />wkw:.h it~c the addt~s of, ....~ . °. >t._ .=°......... .... .... ~;:... "i3°ad......
<br />tsvwr; ,c=rr;
<br />+Ei.Ytia&k.: 6$S ~tl ... .
<br />...»,..... ,(herein "Property Address"f:
<br />t~s >n~ z;# ~aebi
<br />TpsE'f3teR with all the improveme[ttx ttaaw or }ureafter crated r+n tttc prs~prrt}, attil aft casements, rights.
<br />apprtt+tnltgr~c,,tata~w rrryaities, tnitural, ail and gas nights and pruQr~, water, water fJglsta, Brat water stuc;}t. anti a!d
<br />fittYresn[r+tc nr hereafter atwchtxt to the prot.>zriy, ail t:f whiwls, irtcltrding, replaccrz:ents a:ttl additiz~tss th+:retu.. shall be
<br />dmrn-td hs be aryl rcrna)n a part tzf the. property coven:d by this Mortgag.:, astii ail c,f the forcguing, u,hetlur with said
<br />~~frertp ;~ tf~ leasehohi t~[:aie: if tfl~ !+4origah Is r?rz a lcix+'al) arc It~r~,ca re:fcr;vd try as the "f'reepeet4 .
<br />HRrscrwQr raa~runants fftai Barevw~r ~ lawfully seisCti asf tlt€ estate her>aby iunvz,}ed sad has the right a3 znurtga~z.
<br />grant tz't#tc.} the Pxtrpttly, that ths` 1'r+blx t2y is uocncumtrered, anei that Bcurawer will wsrranE xed def. ad
<br />gr<t~rad[r tlt!e title tt> t#~ Ptopertp a~unst ail claitt2s and d%[nan:t5, ~uhjcct :+~ arzy i'ciaratirms, _ascmint~ rx restrt~uons
<br />l+~tcd in a sclr,:dufe of cxs:ptians [tr ctaecragc in any titir insuran,:- Q:;tz¢y utsuriay I-ender s nrtcrCSt iu tfze. 1'r,rps rt}.
<br />--t Et±4 r`~f9g-. &; i- fMltt<,:'iMtMG #Ni$'9~fit 61q'fayNtRT '=~r >.>~.~.._ ~.. -
<br />