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<br />MORTGAGE <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L Z3> 795 <br />KNOW ALL MEN BV THESE PRESENTS: That Donald J. Leifeld, a single person <br />Mortgagor, whether one or amore, in consderafitm of the stsm of <br />Eighty Thousand and No/100 ------------------------ _-------------------°-------- DOLLARS <br />Warted to said mortgagor by The Egt[itabk26~wld~tuy and E.oan Association of Grand island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon $QO shares of stork of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certif'icau No. L y'J , do hereby grant, wnvey and mongt~e unto the said ASSOCIATION tha followitq <br />tftestxibad real eatau, situated in Hall County, Nebraska: <br />LOTS THIRTEEN (13) AND FIFTEEN (15) IN BLOCK NINE (9) <br />IN UNIVERSITY PLACE, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with aB the [emvcnu, hrrcditaments scot appurtenants thereunto 6efangmg, mdtrdicig atucJtad Hoar wvterings, all window acrtxns, <br />wetdow shades, blinds, storm windows. armirigs, heating, an conditioning, and plumbing and water eyuipmem and accessories thereto, putnps, stoves, <br />rcirigeutots, and other fixtiues and egruprrria now ar htreafttt attached to w used en connection wish sa[d real elute. <br />Awd vvhereaa [he said mottgag[rr has agreed attd dies hereby agrce that the mortgagor shad and will pay ai3 taxes and asvcssments levied or <br />asatsaed upon sad prermses and upon [his rnongage and iht bond secured therthv before the same shall become delinquent; to furnish approved <br />irsmaau upon the brriidirtgs t>n said prcmves sittnted M the sum tit S $Q , D00. QQ payable to sad ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said itmuance: std not to camatit or permit any warts an ur about lard premtses; <br />to cat of defatdt in the performantt of any of the terror and rnnditions of thts traetgage ur the bond seeuced hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />on demand, be tntitkd to unmediate posseaasn of the nwrtgaged prcmiaes and the mortgagor htreby asvgtis, transfers and sets avsr to the <br />mxtpgee alt the rents, seventies and income to be derivsd from the mortgaged prcrnises dtumg such time as the mortgage indebtedness shag amain <br />tuprd: and the matAagee shill hays the power to appau[t any agto[ or agents i! rrar desue fur tht piupos of repairing said premises and centiog <br />the same and cdfe~tiing the rents, revenues std iricoate, and it any pay out of said irrxtarc akl expenses of reporting said prcm»es attd neasaary <br />rni and cxpetsr~ incurred in renting and marAging [ht same and u( wllecting rentals therefrom: the balance rcrtnistirtg, B any. i v be <br />tovrard tht disclurge of said mongage indebtedness; these rights of iht mongagx may be exercised at say time dtttmg [he existence of such <br />defiatt, irrespective of any temporary- wuvu of ttx sarte. <br />These Fro=nts, however, arc upon the Caitdiuan. That tf the said !stongagoc shall repay sad ban tin or before the maturity of said shares by <br />paytnrnt: pay rrrtmthfy to said ASSOCtATtt?N of iht sum spt:ei#a:d in the &md secured hereby as mteres! acrd ptmcepai on said loan, an or before <br />the 7'wentitth day of sad[ and every month, until sad ksan is fatly paid; pay a!1 taxes and assessrmnu !evkd against said prcinises and on this Mongage <br />and the Rood segued thereby , before dtlveyuency; furnish appmved instrrance upon the buiidirga thereon m the slim of S $Q , OQQ . DO payable <br />fo said ASSOCIATION; repay to said A'SOCIA"fION upon dttmrd all money by it paid frar such taxes, assesumnts and insurantt with mtetest at <br />the nnxisrrum legal rau therson fmm [fate of paymtt[t all of which Mongsgor hertbY agrxs to pay: permit nu waste on sad prnnise:;keep and wmply <br />with sB theapeeatents aitd crzoditiom of Ilse Btmd tar 3 $0>Of)0. QQ this day erxn by the sad Martgagur to sad ASSOCIATION, sad wmply <br />vviW aB she ra[pvirrnents d the Coastitutioa and BY-Laws of sad ASSOt:lAT1ON; rhea these ptesenu sink became nuB std void. otherwis [trey <br />shut remain m itdi farce and tray be foteJ[iaeri at the ope ui of [lac sa[d .45,SiXI.gTtON aftEr ta:ltur fu[ thru nwaths [u make any of said <br />paymeata of be throe ninths in arrears in nnkttig sad rtinntlily pay[nents, or to keep aml wtnply with the agreentznta and eonditioas of lard Band; <br />sad Mortgast>r agrees to have a retciver appointed forthwith i[i stilt torakxu[e pruteedittgs. <br />If tlseu is any d[atr~e in awaersltgr of rive real esusc rdrrtgacct herein, by sale or utherwire., then the entire reseairrirrg irdsbtedrseae hereby <br />sK[tted shag, at tht option of The Egtvitabk Budding and Lom Aanciatitxi of Craod Island. Nobrasita, beanae iirrinEdiately dot scat payable without <br />fwtha nditx, and tlve rimowt[ rermiamtt due unties said 6oat1, and any athcr bond for any sddiriood advarrtts made thereur«kt, shag, from the <br />date of crtercue of said optiao, beu inteaeat at the rvrximwn kYl rau, and this triautgag~e nay thrn be fottxLosed to satisfy the arnuimt due on acid <br />iioed,aed any older Isoad for abdiliaaal advarxxs, together with art wtr[n paid by said The 6-gtiiubie BuiWttig and Luan Aswciatinn of Grand Island, <br />Nts4raska fw iiiaiuantx, taxes and asaeasrnertu, and absitaeting ex¢ertaon rh°rges, with inwtst thereon, atom dais of p:yntent at the nnximum <br />kyatrate. <br />U provided in the Bard ssete[ed hereby, wfiile [his murtgaga remains m effort the mtrtgagee rosy hereafter advaaae atid[trtioal moms to the <br />msksua of acid Bt>ad. thtir asrigrts or sticeebius in inarrest, whtch rams shaD be wiihm ilie security ui this nwrtgage tht soma as the funds originally <br />seett>Yd thesebry, She itytai arrwuat of ptincipai titbt nut to txxed at any time the origuui wtwiant of this mortgage. <br />Dated thv .;}7th ~ ~ Septetci'uer .n. ft.. !4 $0 <br />S3`A7EQFNFr~•~~, ~ Onthb i7th day of September <br />tYJtfIITY (?F HA1:L i y i3D . betarc ore, <br />the tuutessrgned, a Naury Public m and far sad Cuwtty, pacs[rrsally carte <br />ibnald ,I, Leifeld, a single person who is parxrnstly lcrwwn to <br />Iqe W be the idsatid perscut whoxt,nanie i S affraa[i w the abao~ untruus~t as s.-:vr~gaga; and h~ 1kd41tii~t <br />a3awwlsdrlW the.wd instrument w ba hi 5 voluntary act srzd deed. <br />i <br />WITNESS mg hand' and Notes ial Stsl tfvs date aforarad f <br />s ".%~ n <br />My Cumtniatuon expires ~ t <br />bfitt~E1!.=.i79F .5xs~E fai<::..i.~ - ~[.'"_....-~-~..~_. -. Nota4 ift[b}yt"' <br />aF3aYf[ at 7t A. ~' _ <br />