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~~~ ~~~ 1'72 MORTGAGE <br />THI$ 77Ql71Eti'f`(7RE, made this-__-17th _._ day of September is 80 _. by and between <br />~D. Donald Vander Hamm and LaDonna Ni. Vander Hamm, husband and wife, each in his and her <br />sum right and ac Ql2otrse of the other ~_ ___.______ _ _ _ .__ _ <br />of Ha11 County, Nebrseke, ae mortgagor _S_, and Greed Island Trust Company of Grand Island, a corporation <br />orgariatd end ezietfng under the kws of Nebraska wfth its principal office and place of business at Grand Island, Nebraska, as mortgagee; <br />WITNESSETH: That said mortgagors ,for and fe conaideretion of the sum of <br />Ten Thousand '~ftree Hundred Twenty Five dollars anQ"OOllp¢=**-j~~3~,~325,00 i, <br />the receipt of which ie hereby aettooxledgad, do _._ by these presents mortgage add warrant unto~Mid-~t __ _ <br />_ rtgag6ti, ita~9hccessors and assigns, <br />forever, all the follasiag described reef estate. situated in the County of _ _ Ha 11 __ _--_---- _-- <br />artd State of Nebraska, to-wit: - - - - <br />Southerly Twenty-Seven Feet (27') of Lot Eight (8), and The Northerly Thirty-Nine <br />Feet (39') of Lot Nine (9), Ail in Block Two (2}, in W, at Park Addition to the <br />City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Taptis with all heating, air caaditiorring, lighting. sad piumbin}I egripe~ent end fixtures. ixludmg scroens, awnings, storm windows and <br />dons, and wisbw shads ter bliada. uead on or in connection xith said property, whether the same nr saes focatcai on said property or her after <br />plasd tisam. <br />TO HAYE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, togatier with all end sirrgufu the „eaemenu. hereditameatr and appurcenarwes thererreto bra <br />kagiag, of in aaY+ris apputamFag, taevar. sad wettest the rick to the lama. Said morgagor . s hereby covenant __ _- with said <br />trstatpgas list .__. - L hey._...__ 1rs<___ -.__ . et the delivery her®i. the lawful oxner -H ¢f the premises above cosvaycd and da.icnbed. <br />tad are _-- eaiard of • goal sad indefMarlrk estate ai inheritance therein, tree and clear of all encum~tanecs, and clot _ ~ hem .will <br />warrant sad dsfMd air title thtaero forever agaiaei, the cLirrw sad deratrw}s of all persona whotaxrmer <br />PROYiDED ALWAYS. ami Lhia inerrumeat is ezreuted tad delivered to seater the payment of the sum of _ -- --.---_-- _ _- _.--- <br />TTen Thousand Three Hundred Twenty Five dollars and00/100~~f$_ 10,325._00 _ <br />_ - r. <br />wifft imeeart tiosort, ttrpther with such charge and advances as evy be due an<3 payabk t¢ sad mortgage under the terms end conditions <br />of tie prnsmiaarry Hale ~ even date 6erswith and secured frereiy, execrrted by sad mortgrgrrr -- n_ to sad rrwrtgattoe, Payable as expresatd <br />8asaid awte, sad to seems tie psiorasnor of ati tie tarrm and canditions rnutsrrred therein. The forms o[ said note are hereby iravrrtwratcd <br />-lases iY liia radlaaana. <br />It is tie istratioa sad sitaararer. of the paRas lseraur that thts mtatgaga sbali also secure any Eatura advaacas made to said m¢rt~vgw - ?. <br />by Mid asstppa> sad aqy sad all irddrtad~a is additiort t¢ the amount above stated wheel, said nwrtgagors, or any of them, may owe to <br />said mrtatppe, htrwever erideaed, r6atiter bq mte, book attwunt or othtaxiae. Thi+ mortgage shall remain in full force and effect iret.ween <br />tie pattir hisser and tiro hates. penvaai refrreaaatativs, suers end argigas, until all amounu s¢tvred hereunder. urciuding future <br />adveasa, as paid in faL' with iruaeet, <br />Tie arortp!ger,--~ iaaby naign _-_.- to said crortgagaa all amts and income arisirtg at any and ail times tenor said pnrperty and <br />ai~an~lifg.a~ttiiatis acid msetpasa ar i4e agsmt. at ivt optiaa, upon detartft, w take ciar~ of said pzopa2y and cofkct ati teats sad iruwme <br />t~ ~ ~ ~ am t0 tie payaasat d l~.> pnarupal, iwe,..w». i,ramiyma. 6taea. aaeesameots, Rp•it8 O! L;.proVednerki4 <br />nwrasaary b krP said property is taoaobtrie em~iuon, or to other charges or ptymenls provided for herein w in the note; hexuby s cured. This <br />rant arwQrarat rdstl coatitrru io totes ttroil the rr»psid balance of sad ante is fatly paid. The taiung ¢f pnaseasiun hereunrtnr strafl m nn rrwn¢er <br />~#rratlt rr tataed srid atstpwa: is cis mUtc;ion of said alma 6y farsclocure or othecwbe. <br />Tie faihae d W aoartCapa b ateart say of its rights harwrader at any timr.ahail n¢t 6e cno.Ytnred as a waiver of ua right to assert the <br />natarr as say itdr ties= a~ to ir>aeat. upon sad safone strict ^aa*pfiaaee with a4 the fesass and provisions of said nose anti of C:,is na;stgag~- <br />If said wos{p/ar 8 siagowas to b paid to said rrrortgagee the satire amount due ii irerarruler, sad under the tortes and provttiuinc <br />d amid sale htevalpr aspuad, iar5adittg future adYaanet. sad anY estansioas or rYaBwale thYrsof in arxnrdeace asth the Lerrxrx and provisions <br />tisaef, sad g said mppgyer. & rriafl rnspty xm.k afI tie provitioaa of said nob and of caw mortgrge. LhM zlreeo peasants shalt br votd: <br />adiaEwaa fa.taritfa.fa# fes sad afrea, and acid msrtpgae shall beeoritfed ter ties possession of elf of avid property, amt rr>oy, at it9 option. <br />dtritsa air sdiaie a! rail sale sad ai adaL/eitas rapcessotnd thrahy io are iatmediataty due seed payahk, and may foreclose 4fw arorl.grlle <br />es ittia sap tale[ ipi aetiaa b paairtt rb y+iit. Appewammt waived. <br />Tlia atnyag- triaii it biadiag Lrpm sad shall aurae to the benefit of the heirs, exavtors, atlm:rwtratora, sta:teasora and assigns of t.hv <br />ntagaairs patties lrraan. <br />1N WlTNii;7tli tYHEAEf3;r, said _S- - ha Y~hereuatn set. L{24Fjp hand _.~_ the day anal year first shove <br />~ ~~ //'' <br />.._.._ .._ ____ __ _...___._ --___.. .__.._ _ ... _~.. lye,. '"~C.dY.`stKia`.- s'~ce^.II,.t.( -;~1~+C sr~--~~'. . <br />t1,,-, Dgna~d Vander Hamm <br />~~ , <br />----___s.__.____ _ .~_,,. <br />Luiiannn 'A. t'xtttder Haxar <br />