An ordinance to vacate the eastlwest alley in Block One (i), Cunningham
<br />Subdivision, conditioned upon the reservation of the vacated alley for a public utility
<br />easement; and to provide the effective date hereof.
<br />SBCTION 3. That the east/west alley in Block One <1), Cunningham Subdivision in
<br />the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, bounded on the east by Kruse Street, on the west
<br />b7 Qutar Avenue, and between Thirteenth Street and Fourteenth Street, be, and hereby
<br />ia, vacated; provided sad conditioned, that said Citq reserves for the public the
<br />satire vacated alley for a public utilitp easement to construct, operate, maintain,
<br />azttad, repair, replace, and remove sanitary sewer mains, water mains, storm drainage
<br />33nsa, overhead and electric transmission and distributive lines, padmount
<br />tramfozmeza, secondary terminals, high voltage Terminals, gas mains, telephone lines,
<br />television lines, and appurtenances tbereta, in, over, underneath, and through said
<br />utility easement, together with the right of ingress and egress through and across the
<br />utility tasemant for the purpose of ezercising the rights herein granted. No trees,
<br />ahsabbery, fences, improvements, structures, or buildixzgs of any kind whatsoever shall
<br />b! allured ia, upon, oz over the utility easement herein retained.
<br />The foregoing alley vacated, and the public easement reserved, are as shown on
<br />Eshibit "A" attached hereto sad iacorperated herein by reference.
<br />SLCTION 2. Subject to the public utilities easement reserved, the title to the
<br />allay vacated by Section 1 of this ordinance sha21 revert to the owner or owners of
<br />lets or lands abutting the same in proportion to the respective ownerships of such
<br />lots or grounds.
<br />S6CSIDN 3. Slot this ordinance is haraby directed to be tiled in the office of
<br />the A~ister of Dasds, Hall County, Nabraaka,
<br />SRLTIOEI 4. This ordinance shall ba is force and take. effect from and after its
<br />passage and publication without the plat, wi[hia fifteen days, is one issue of the
<br />6ramd ialaad Daily Iadapandent, as provided by law.
<br />Enacted ]3 ~2'~ 80
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