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~~ <br />= ~u~~.~3 <br />i9 :',tb~' Galem L. Mooa and Patricia• A,.- Moon, husband and wife <br />(i~eir~adter reiar:ed to >r rtortga~ar} aced the Adminiaatrator of the Staatl $anainda Admiaiauasias, an aaenep of the <br />Gsreeaotert of'tite jlniteti;Staw of America (heradttafter inferred to, as moRaadec}, xha amai'teira as o6ce and <br />alwr+ti~ia+s'~ Smpire State-Building, 19th and Farnatn S*_reets, Omaha, Nebraska b8102 <br />;tkrt.far the cartiaiaratiats.,Leeairalter mated, roeript of .rhieL is hem aduwdwlsdpi. tLe <br />a~ct~Me-iw raMrf~s++~1: Rt'~: ~P4 +~ ~a°re7! ~=~:~+6~+ his iueeerarE aced a~ipa, all <br />of the t~bwsis d~etiisd p~setl rmitoatied'a~d beieyf-3a the~Gon®tT of Hall <br />~`~ Nebraska=c <br />L'ot Z`ixs (2), Woodland First Subdivision fn Grand <br />Island, lfail Cottnto, Nebraska. <br />7'gpsr t.:Hk,iwd i~allbnildius~, ~)t facts i~+ei~taiiat{ bue mtt limited to aU p~fumkfng, heatittgf. ti~M. <br />~. ~„ta~ri$IC,rdi3nlt. iwri~eaatiagf, au,r~dh7an~p, rPParitata, and elrYxturs (this n.urt~gc+r hxrehy <br />.t~wattsti~.iataatd~tdi#~rt.tbae_iteatA huei~t.enu~cratci ai~4i i,c +ier-mr+d :o hsre been pernun~ntFy in- <br />-tadirti.~hr Pik uf. Akc rrarlt~ j, anal a13 iatagtrafi'rments nrrw ar hrreafter eaiateng therran~ tike lteredit@maptlte end <br />~~:~tu~-d:~ oliPe~ ~6nt+c~tta be~~ing,_f~u' in aay+s~rie aPPertaiuitt~4, +wd tite rcrensolt Hari rt- <br />Yettsir~..tearai;t~Slr_and tentritadera~ ail rirlti~ rf acedc®iNian, and the rent., isatter, aid-profit: aE the ahorr. <br />~itMneriia~~: {~vided. hp»evatx', Thai tlu tuurt$attar ,haul he rntitteal la the pua~ee~,siun of ,ai.l propeNy <br />aaui ftrtpllert' atrarraiattie newts, iaasat~, a~ ~eatfitr~ unNi dFefauk -henwwieri. 'f'a bare atad tw haid the a~a-ae <br />tuia ll~, ~ erred aea 'iuxt te~e~~eE the ~ [urrrer iae tie ~~ gas h otlecr ~sttte, <br />ata}~r ri~i!+ara~ia+ <br />'lM...ryyR e....,.r t4 inr:ia ~jre~i~t nitrd;irai p of atMi. ban thn rt~fF,N atiAa$.aai eawvy~ said <br />~: eMat t1a grata r tree frame-,~-~ taaarpt .lienhuLrt~e rtlr3ta~it ani`~N„he haraM bird. <br />l arl his attawrns u iataenr'c to +ratsrrt.rtd da(aad-the title aforcaaid thence aad eery part thatreof npirat <br />f~e11f)~b ~ ai! !~^ tia4rrer: <br />,ttt ~*i~~~aa~~ {y b ~a~ ett l_, d ~a icier- A: Ittton <br />.. '- ~~ iatWraaauraN l~ ei•m lu eeettre the paXasemi-aYI[ --_-~~~ Mtb3' ,~_„~., ,,n -~ _ <br />~~,i~'~~#s!?,9iNt(1Q ,•ai~ralri! Prrsaident, Sgcsekary and Patricia A. Hoots <br />~1+r1utilFaf. M. egad it. Fiett4 €:t~anq, Inc. <br />€.e. ~atx as:#.u...s„aEy.,~rrr.a..-, <br />