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<br />1VI~.IRTGAGE <br />gQ,.,. [~ 0 5 ~ 39 <br />THIS MORTGAGE is.made thib;...... , , i 6f h der of .....September........ , <br />1Q 80 . ~~ „. R ICFf9RD. It, .OQRDS ,AND, ;CHRIST, N~ ,J . ,CORDS, _ husband. and . , . <br />.. W.i T$, ...... .:.......... . ....... (herein "Borrower"!, and the Mortgagce, Home Federal <br />Savings turd Lean Aaattciatiwr, a coapont3on organized and ezistittg under the laws of The United States of <br />' America, whotasat>is 22I South I.oeost Street, Grsnd Island, Nebraslra 4herein "Lender")- <br />1Rt~erts{ns, $~rrower is inrkbted to Lender in the principal sum of... TW~MTY, THREE _ T~~SANR .FOUR... . <br />. ~~O~~O. ~~~~~. i1N6 ~/. ~ 09"°:-'^"'-"-. Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />. , , ; , ,September _ 16,. 1;980.. (herein "Note" ), providing for monthty installments of principal and interest, <br />with the balattee of the itulebttdoess, if twt sooner paid, due and payable on.... Octoger, a,, 1995........ . <br />" To St3etntEaO Lender (a) the repaytrtent of die indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />paymint of-all othu sums, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />Mottgage; attd the performance of the covenants and agreements of Borrower het in contained, and (b) the repayment <br />of any future advances, with interest thtreon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof (herein <br />`T?tttate Advances"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following descn'bed property <br />located is the"Coanty of...........HAlL ............................ State of Nebtacka: <br />THE EASTERLY FORTY t40) FEET OF LOT THREE {3), IN BLOCK SIXTEEN t16), iN THE <br />ORI8INAL TOWN, NOW CITY Of {RAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />wl>klrlt+~c ~addaars.oi............ 3t~,l~s~ .6th .................. ... Jarand. Js.l.and ..........., <br />taa.w rc+at <br />_ Nebrasira t;88Q1 ~(hwtia"Property-Addrsss"); <br />" nwr~w4 tir:c«ISi? <br />`I`ot+aTlslta '+ritA• ap Rhe itAprovtateats now, w hereafter ereettd on the property, and atl easements, rights. <br />appartcnaatea. troya; taintcal, oil and gas tights and prdils, water, water rights, and water stock. and all <br />fi~arrc aow or henea6rs ~tr~ed to ire pcoptrty; a#I of which, inclsxting rtpiacerttetds and additiora tlttrzto, sltafi bt <br />dararsed to be and reAtira ap~y of ebz,ptt~perty t~verpd by )1~rtgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said <br />ProPaity {or the learelhoiri oetltte if this is ore a leasr¢hu~) are ,herein ruerred to as the "Property". <br />Horroe~grnttxeeltst0l ti-tHorro~(is,lawfaily seised of ihetatate hereby conveyed and has the right to mortgage, <br />gan; aad ~'mY-tbF thR+prgtjr, tYat t~4:Prop~.y is ttnencutttbcred, and that Borrower will warrrnt and defend <br />gttwrauy the titiett±he rnoptity apinst;all clw~ and 8etnamis, subject to any dtclatations, easements or restrictions <br />licttd in,a xirerhlk of ettrapliau, to covera/e is tat)r title itteurtttite policy insuring Lender's interest in the Propwny. <br />^l ta+t Eaailr-.i f75-•tl~Jlts1~, tt 1tRt~It <br />