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<br />80-,- (~ 051:.3 t3 FvtQRTGti~GE <br />THIS'~~idRTGRGEis.mwEefhfia . 16-('h day of......Sentemtaer <br />]5 ~~..betweert<thaM°rt~rrr, .DONALD L,. KEEREN. AN6,MRRiLYN.MAE HEEREN.,_.hu5~and aod..... <br />,wife„ .......(lterem "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee, Home Federal <br />Saviaea:snd I;wn Assortati°it; 8'aa~Oratioa`ocg~triaed aad existat8 under the laws of The United Stag of <br />ptat~a~s#s=221 £3°aLh:I,bcttst9taeec: Grand Island, Nebraska {herein "Lender"M. <br />W~ea Borrower is truiebted to Lender in the principal-sum oi.....T,ylEHTY. FOUR .THOUSANQ t2QLLARS. <br />AN€7 NDf--~----_-----~-___~______~ cellars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />. Sepfiember 16t , 1980 _ (herein ..iVate°), Providing for monthly installments of principal and interest, <br />with'the bahintx of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on........ Al"#4beC. J,. zQQS .... . <br />TpSgcttaE tp Lender (a) the repaytaenr of riot indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the <br />payment td'alI other soma, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />lilortgsge, and the perf°tmattce of the covenants and agreements of Borrower 1, aein contained, and (b) the repayment <br />of any<futtme advances; wiRh interest tharcon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof {herein <br />'=Fsttnee gdyancey"),Borrower does ht¢}w taortgsge, grant amt convey to Lender the following described propeety <br />....................... <br />Ibtxud is the Coamty of .......... NA LL . ... , State of Nebraska: <br />LOT FIFTEEN {15), tN BLOCK ONE (J ), SLAIN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND <br />i4LAND, HALL AUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />w!irh:Arrrfita;a$tinrau#--...... `.~Z.~,.l~~t. ...................... ....Gcaud..island..........., <br />- tsr,.ay [citr7 <br />Neit'at54ca 688Q1 {1~Crsin"Pr°pcacy'tddress•,y: <br />- - - tarw:aartnr.c,s~trt -. <br />'1iaeETNast: . a~i the imp€°veaseais ~w or her~fier erected on the property. and ail ~asctttents, rights, <br />~;;retia, ra+S+a~, tai8ar#t, crit-and. ~ rights ant! profit,, water, water rights. and venter stack, axtd all <br />rraiME{s trove of ~,~ t0 the property, alt of +rlriah; incltrtf%ng,replacemrnta and additions thrreta, shall be <br /> be and # IMrI ~ party cc~ertal by tha N s,: at~I ul! of the fort:goin~ togetl~r with said <br />lY f ts# thaw if thie on a ieasebttlct} are herein t'eferred to a5 the "Property". <br />Jlert~atr-~ thalAflr+wwatis lawfully xeisecl of rite cststte hereby conveyed aatd has t~ right to ntartgage, <br />>~ aad Y the Y~pECty, thw;, the;:.PttsQorty is.nmcnctttulxerecl, and that Borxowvc:r will warrant and defend <br />grocraliy tile; titietn..tlMt. Property agt~twx all ciain_ts aut'3.damands, subjnet tst any dtaelttratians, ea~n~ats or restria:tiotts <br />lyKr~i is a aclla~ie, oL,atlt to,~ in aflg itt3tfratl6tF polr~y tn±atring L~en~r'c inttrasi iu the prrrperty. <br />~.~ ~ to s #`M(Aib,.,&t~tf. IIIiIF~- NiMF <br />