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I <br />8t7-•-~ €~ ~ 1 °~9 <br />%3, The mortgagor covenants and agrtxx that if he shall fail to pay said indebtedness or an} pa-t thereof when <br />due; or shall fail;to perform any covenantor agreement of [Iris inatntment or the promissory note secured hereby, the <br />eotii•e iadebtedhea¢ hereby eeeured shall immediately become. due, payable, and collxctible without notice, at the <br />optoe.of the mortgage or assigns, regardless of maturity, andihe mortgagee or his assigns .nay before or after entry <br />eeil:ssid property witftout,appraisement [the mortgagor having wai.•ed and assigned to the mortgagee all rights of <br />appniimnent) <br />1 t) at judicial sale pursuant to the provisions of 2R ti.5.(:. 2001 ~ a i : ur <br />(tt) at toe option of the martgagee, either by auction or by eolitxtation of sealed bids, for the higLeet and <br />btee bid enmplying with the tertns of Bale and mamer of payment specified in the published notice of sale, 6rot <br />giving four weeks` notice of the time, ternta, and place of such sale, h. aelyrrtisement not lee,. titan user. <br />detring eaeL of said four weeks is a newspaper pnoluhed or distributed in tLe county in which- said property <br />iasitnattsd, all other notice being hereby waived by the mortgagor {and said mortgagee, or any person on <br />behall of aaid.mortgagee, may Lid with the unpaid indebiedxro evidenced by said nets). Said salt shalt be <br />held at oc on the property to be sold or at the- Federal, county, or city courthouse for the county in which the <br />property is located. The mortgagee is hereby authorized to execute for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to <br />deliver to tLe purchaser at such Bale a sufficient conveyance of said property, which conveyance shall contain <br />maitab as to the happtaieg of the default open which the ezecution of the power of sale herein granted <br />depeadst aed the said mortgagor hereby tptutixutes and appoints tLe mortgage or any agent or attorney cif the <br />teortgagee,,•,the agt~nY sad attarney in fact of acid mortgagor to make aueb raitsla and to execute said <br />asnverriece` (,ad Lere67 covenants and agrees that the reeitaLt so made shall be effectual to bar all equity or <br />tzgh! of reaemptitw, liomntead, dnwtr, and all other exemptions of the mortgagor, all of which are Iterxh. <br />expteesly waived and"conveyed to the mortgagee; or <br />tLtt• take•any otter-appn,priate action pntstraut to mate or 1•~erleral statute either iu dale ur F~e+lera) <br />court or otherwise for the disposition of the properh. <br />In tLc egmt of a ask as herteinbefore provided, tLe mortgagor or any pttt+ons in possession under the morn <br />gager stall then become and be tenanu holding over and shalt forthwith !ieliver t=usaesainn to the purchaser at <br />each sale or be awamarily daposseseed, in accordance with the provisions of law applicable to truants holding to er. <br />The power sad agency hereby granted arc coupled with au interest awl are irreturable h, ~irat{t ur +~therxier, and <br />are granted ae cumnlaUve to the rtmtedies for collection of said indebtedness provided by law. <br />1. The prooeeda of any sale of said property is accordance with the preceding paragraphs shall be applied first <br />to pay the esW and eapttesea of said sale: the e:peases int:urted hs the mortgagee for the purpose of protecting or mains <br />tainin~ said propeetf, and reasonable attveaeyi foss; secondly, to pay the indebtedness aecared I.erehr; and-thinily, <br />to pay aey. snrplea or eueas to iLe person or persons Igtally eatithsd thereto. <br />a I4 tie event said praperty is sold at a judicial foreclowte sale or pursuant to the power of sale hereiaabove <br />greeted. atad tits procee.ii err sat stsifieient to pay the total indebtedness secured by thin instrttmeat and evidenced 6y <br />wd P~'Y ate. the mortgagee will be eatitkd to a deficiency judgment ter the amount of the deficiency taiifttwt <br />rartl to sprpairtssaet. <br />4 >a tie eves[ the tnorigagor fails to pay any Federal, start, ur local tea a.eeeameru, inwme tax or other lay <br />{lee, tdw•gq [eey or ether expeeat charged agaiest tLe property tLe nartgagee is hereby authorised at his nptian to <br />pay tie eases Asp sums sa paid by the morigagec shall be added to and become a pan of the principa) amount of tltc <br />ieieitet~eaa essideoced by said [toter ntbjeet to the same terms and conditions. If the mortgagor shall pay sod <br />disdtarge Sits evideacetl by said promissory note, and shall pay such cams and shall discharge all <br />taraaed lii~ anti;ite taW foss, and expenses oI making, tmforring, and ezxttting this mortgage, then thin ttwrtgsge <br />•lalt a atatsmiad and atrreedara+d. <br />?: "1'ltaew~ah4ieireinu cioruined airall Lind aed the benefiu sad adyautageb shall inure to the rreprctire„ruc- <br />ettssws atdasr~g~tr a[ rite pattis-IrMO. \Fiteseer used, the aiwguLr number shall iaelade the plttralr the phtaal ~iie <br />tttt~ttr, aeit tie rtes of sy ~sdarshaS itreitnde ail gttndeab <br />~._rl! rrairae oI stay asiresrant Itesaie or of ties obligatioe secured hereby shall at and ttmr thtn•after Iw heiti <br />i• ie a waitKt of tin terms lassawf ar of tin [tote seerrred hcreM. <br />9, A jgiisid tiicrss, arir, or Its~t 1mYies any pro-irao ur portiwt of thi. iurtrumeat invalid ur ~n~n~-- <br />1i>rrsia~le sitaii mt is ay way ittrp~tir or pretlnde the erforcesaenr of the remaining praviMOne or i.ortiaw of this <br />itlilitttAa~t. <br />~ ~ trtRillgr~tgMise~ttMa ittttt~iarsriia aaart~ar pursunt id she proriaicar of [Isis irstsuwrmt sluff Le ad- <br />~1luaintttt~Mlata f1fEfEir-,>t Bent 321, Gvrestti Islattdr ids. &flfllll <br />aed any xrittsa natiab to be issttetl to the mortgatee shall <br />Its adti~prrs~ w tin aasyyss at 3D4 1A~t 2ltird Str+eeG. P Q Htsx Iti98, Gr~tnd tslarxl, Ems,. ts5iiQ1 <br />'aeA 6GgM are [resat <br />