<br />$~-" (105122
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this 20 _ day of S~ptemh r , t 9_~_
<br />by and between ..I)ARRF:r.i. R. Gt1TT&R At3[t AOHA M_ TruStOr, and FIRST Atti;RTr ArJ TTTT.F TNCItRa[}[I? rQTJUStee,
<br />St7TTE&, Husband & Wife
<br />and Postal Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation, Beneficiary.
<br />WITNESSETH: That the Trustor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Power of Sale
<br />unto the Trustee the following described Real Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now
<br />ar hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in Hall County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />The Northwest Quarter (Nth) of the Southwest Quarter (SW~) of the Southeast Quarter
<br />(S13tt;) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Ten (It7) North, Range Ten (10) West of the
<br />Sixth P.M., Hall County Nebraska.
<br />and possession of said premises now delivered tmto said Trustee;
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same, with all rights, privileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Tntstee,
<br />Ills exetuto>s, administrators. heirs, and a_+s;v~ns forever..4nd r_he Tr,astor bench,, expressly w?_xv~s, releases, and reLnqut~hes
<br />unto the Trustee all right, title, claim, interest, benefit, and estate whatever, to attd to the above-described premises and
<br />each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of the State of Nebraska pertaining to the exemption
<br />of homestead. And the Trustor convenants with the Trustee that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same
<br />against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever.
<br />IN TRUST HOWEVER, for the following described purposes: li'HERF..4S, the Trustor did on *_his date execute a
<br />promissory note evidencing a loan for rite principal amount of Shggg,_~.~.__ _ ____________.._______ _ and utterest
<br />thereon according to the terms of the note: said note being payable in equal munehiy installments at the office of the
<br />beneficiary; and Tina! payment being due on 5eytetabe: 15 ________ _,____ , 19 &9
<br />It is agreed by and between parties hereto That until tiling of Notice of Default. the Trustor shall: t 1) pay all present
<br />and futum taxes and assessments, genersl and special, agamst said properly before the same becomes delinquent or
<br />actionable; ('_) keep all improvemenu erected on the land insured as may be required from time to time by beneficiary
<br />against lass by fire and ether hazards, casualties and contingencies, in such amounts and for such :periods as are reasonable
<br />and may he required by beneficiary, and to keep all policies of such insurance in force or effect upon the property herein
<br />described constantly assigned and delivered to beneficiary, t31 pay and ,amply with all the terms and conditions of any
<br />lien, claim or indebtedness that may be senior to or take precedence of this Tryst Deed as soon as any such payment an or
<br />of suHt lien, claim ar indebtr'ness s hall berorns due; and upon faiiurz of Truster to keep auy said agrcentenis, benellciar},
<br />may pay such tax, pay for such insurance or pay oft such liens or claims or indebtedness :ts the case may be, and the
<br />money so expended with interest at 9`;i, per annum shall be secured by this Trust Drcti, and the Trustor aerees to repay the
<br />same upon demand, and upon fai-ure to da so the balance of the attached ante shalt become immediately due and payable
<br />at the option of the beneficiary; !~l speciftcaily confer upon the Trustee the power of sale as provided in Nebraska law;
<br />(5) retain possession of the premises and collect the rents and revenue's therefrom.
<br />Ugon payment of all Ute sums secured by this Trust Deed, the Beneficiary shall requ:st the Tnastee to reutnvey the
<br />pcaperty and shall surrerxldr this Tn?st Deed and all Hates evidencing indebtedness secured by this Toast Deed to the
<br />Trusted, Trustee shall reconvey the property without warranty to the person or persons legally entitled thereto: but ,f
<br />default be made in the payment of said note ar any part thereof or any of the interest zitereon when due or in the faithful
<br />performance of any or either of said agreaznents as aforesaid, then the whale of said note shalt become due and be paid as
<br />hereinafter provided, and this deed shall remain. in farce; the trustee or his attorney may proceed tea yeti the propertp m
<br />i#s entirety or in parcels at the option of the trustee hereinbefore described at public auction, to the highest bidder, for
<br />cash. However, the power of sale herein conferred upon the ttustea shall not be exercised anal t t) the trustee ,hall tint
<br />fide-Este roeotd, iUt the office of the register of deeds of each county wherein the trust property or some part or parcel
<br />thereof is situated; a ttotice .of default, identifying the trustee by stating the names of the truster and names therein and
<br />givinK the book and page where the saute is rect:rded, a description of the trust pragdrty, a:id ::antaining a statement that
<br />a l?raach of an obligation for which the trust propdrty was conveyed as security has a.:curred, and setting forth the natttrr
<br />4f st-ch, bleach atul of his-election #o sefl ar cause to be said sash property to satisfy the obligation; and t_2) after the lapse
<br />of not Iest-than. one month, the trustee shall give notice of sale as provided by Nebraska law. After natica of default and
<br />iylp~sC of-not less than one month, the trustee shalt give written hotted of fire time and plat-e aP'sale ptu•ticuiarly deurtHmg
<br />the proprrty t6 be sold by publication aT such notice, at (east five ttmds, once a week for five consecutive week,, the last
<br />pultleali4n to 6d at teas[ to days bent hat more that( 3t3 days prior to the sale, in same newspaper havutg a Krneral
<br />ct-t~ttstcat in each county in which the property to be sold, or some pare thereof, is sttuatrd. Upon such sale. the truazer
<br />shall execute and dtliver a deed of conveyance of the property sold to the purchaser or purchasers there~_;t att~i any
<br />staterpdnt stir recital of fact in such decd in relation to the exercise ctf the power of sale and salt: c,f ?rte 1~rope,ts dexnt?eci
<br />~dt t53K-r.,. ,mow
<br />