<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, made and entered into this 11th day of ^~pte~h~T t t , 19~f2_
<br />by and between DARWYNE $. LEE AND AIANi~I:LL)~L'-- , Trustor, and ~~t+-=r a ~ i T; «, T .. ..r ~.. Trrstee;
<br />Husband and Wife
<br />and Postal- Finance Company, a Nebraska Corporation. $eneficiary.
<br />18ITNESSETH: That the Tnistor do by these presents grant, bargain and sell, convey and confirm with Pawer of Sale
<br />unto the Trustee the following described Rea] Estate including all buildings, improvements, and fixtures of every kind now
<br />or hereafter erected or placed on the real estate, situated in Hall County, in the State of Nebraska:
<br />Lot Fo~tq (40) in Anderson's Second Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island,
<br />Nall County, Nebraska.
<br />and possession of said premises now delivered unto said Trustee;
<br />TD HAVE AND TO KOLD the same, with sll tights, prvileges, and appurtenances thereto belonging uncro the Tnzstee,
<br />his exei°utors, adminisraton, heirs. and assi¢rts forever. And the Tnzstor hereby expressly waives, releases, and relinquishes
<br />unto the Trustee al] right, title, claim, interest. benefit. and estate whatever, in and to the above-described premises and
<br />each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of the Slate of Nehraska pertaining to [he exemption
<br />of homestead. Attd the Trustor convenants with the Trustee that he will forever warrant and defend the title to the same
<br />against the lawful claims of ail parsons whomsoever.
<br />IN TRUST HQWEVER, for the following described purposes: 1VHEREAS, the Trustor did on this date execute
<br />promissory ttate evidencing a lawn for tl'ie principal amount ai Sr.~,;.g;~_ ____ __. and interest
<br />thereon according to the terms of the :tote: said note heittg payable in equal monthly installmrn*.s at the office of the
<br />beneficiary: and final payment heing due on __ September_ L6__ _ _ -- -_-- - -_-- . 10.$~-.
<br />It is agreed by and between parties hereto that until filing of Notice a7 Default, the Trustor shall: t 11 pay ail present
<br />and future taxes and assessments, general snd ,penal. against said pmprrty before the same becomes delinquent ar
<br />actionable; { }keep :all improve+nrttis crested on t?te land inst;,rd as :nay hr re:iwre:i from ante to time by beneficiary
<br />against loss by fire and other hazards, easualri>rs and contingencies, in such amounts and tar such ~zrriods :~ are reasonable
<br />and may be required by beneiicran, and to keep ail policies of such insurance to force ar effect upon the property herein
<br />described cwtstatitly assigned and delivered to txnr5ciary, t3} pay and comply wnh :ell the terms and conditions of any
<br />lien„ claim or indebtedness-that may be senior to or take precedence of ibis Trust Heed as loan a-e any such payment art or
<br />of soak lien, clairrt ar indebtedness sha31 became due: and upon failure of Tn:stcx to F~eep sny sold agreements. hrnrt±ciary
<br />rrsay pay fuuc~lt tax, Pay far su:h insurance or pay off such liens ar cfaints ar mdebtedrtess as zhe ease may he, and the
<br />money sa expended with initrrsi ar q ~% per annum shal3 be secured by this 7Yust Deed, and zhe l'ntstar agrees [o repay the
<br />same upon demand, and upon failure to do sa The balance of the attached note shall hecornr immrdtatrly due and payable
<br />at the option of the benefciary: t~l specifically confer upon file Trustee the power of ~alr as provided in !~rbraska law;
<br />{5}retain possession of the premises and collect tha rents and revenues thrreirom.
<br />Upon paytnen[ of all the suttts secured by this Trust Derd, the 8enrsrctary ,hall request the Tntster to recartvey the
<br />pmiperty and shall surrender the Tnrs€ Deed and all Hates evidencing mdebtednrss ,rcurrd by this Trust fh.ed Fa the
<br />Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the progeny without war-ant} to the persare +'tr persons lr~tlly entitled thereto; but if
<br />default be rnadt in the payment of r+atd note or any part [hereof or any of the interest zherean when due or in the faithful
<br />performance of an}° or either of said agreements :ti aforesaid, then t}re whole of ;aid note shall become due and be paid as
<br />Winer ~~:1, ant iba ~ sh:11 re,._a;n zn fc:ar: the tr=_srr or t,i3 xttornry +tta~ prc,~ed to sell ihr property in
<br />its, entirety ar in parcels at t#te option of ihr truster 1€erernbrtvrr dr.cnhed :tt public auLGan, to the highest htddrr, tar
<br />caith: 1`iotsravet, the pourer of salt herein ~-on-rred upon the trusty-r shall Hat be exercised until 1 i 1 the trustee shall first
<br />fib'fAt caard:, in lire offir~ of the regiot+ar a; deeds of :as:h iaiirSry wherein the trust property yr sctmn part ar parcel
<br />thereof is situated, a notice ai d+rfaetlt, tLletttifviritt the trustee by siaizng the names at the Cnzstar atsd narrtes theseut and
<br />givitsg the book and pag; where the same is rttordrd, a dr;etiption of the trust property, and ccmtaining a statement ittas
<br />~ ~bteach of an otfti~tecxt ~fot wlai~it fiat trtfst #ra~pes2y was conveyed as xctxrity has occurred. and setting Earth ihr nantre
<br />a~-SYCh bibaC'tt -atpi -of leis dee`tiwz to sell or c.aust to bt sold such propeny to satisfy ihr ahligation; and t~ t after the lapse
<br />Lrf-nt-i ~3#an. wee mamtb, the truster :fihslk give noticx of sale as provided by Nebraska law.:~fter Hotta of ttrfauit and
<br />f~ste of nett-l~s:than carte month, the tratstee shall geve written notice of the time and place of sale: pat:tcularly drscribtntt
<br />cite i~tty ks-he-.sold b?^ publia:atian of s_it+.h notice, at ltas<t Eve timei, once a weak for five cansecuUve wr~'ka, ihr last
<br />~ton.to bt ~t letrst 10 days but cwt nwre than 30 days pricer to the sale, sn some newspaper Itatsstg v general
<br />tFsrc+astion in each canrsty in whi,:h the property to be sold, or some part thereof, is situated, L;Lxrn soils ,qtr, the trustee
<br />shall-extewRt -anc~ deliver a datd of canvtyanue of the property solo tit file purchaser or purchaser± nc~rrvl sold rtny
<br />~atg#lest oe rae~itat-of fact an rah deg.: in r~azaon to the exrrca~x of the power of sale and sale r+i tier. t~roprrty Jzscnhr~l
<br />was i~~i ,._ w--~
<br />