$0-~~~~~~ DEED OF TRITST
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this .................1~~.....day of .S~ptstabar .............. .
<br />19. ~0., among the Trustor, ...1~r. Tr., .$e3ti~~t, ,~~, j~t...F;t;t}gh,, ~Zt1$b$r1d. and ?T3,Y4 , , , , . , . , , , .
<br />..........................................(herein "Borrower"),.................................
<br />................................~~it. $.. Reid.............. (herein "Trustee"5, and the BcncfSCiary,
<br />..............................S.4i". ?'~??'tBeggs..?ua.............., a corporation organized and
<br />existing under the laws of ................ ~aPsF.B$ka ................. whose address is ............... .
<br />,2121. 2i Wal?b,;i4ad,,, Suite. 206_ Gra;tsf:. Taland, . Nebruadca .688dt.. _ (herein "Lender"}.
<br />OURRQWER, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants
<br />and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of lade, the following described property located in the County of
<br />........:..................Hall .Stale of Nebraska:
<br />Fart of the ;Yortheaat Quartar {N8~ of Section Pburteen {1$), in T©rnahig Tea (t0) North,
<br />Butge Ten (10) lttaat of the 6th P.H., Hall Cotnty, Nebraska, tyre particularly
<br />daacribad as falloras Beginning st the Northeast earner of said Northeast Quutrtar
<br />{~; thence running south alaa~ t?te east line of said Northeast fluartar (IV'~
<br />a distance of Six Hundred Si.zty (650.0) Feet; thence rotating neat a~ parallel
<br />to ttie Ilorth line of ssid Northeast Qurter {NB3a} a disteace of One Thousand Thras
<br />Hundred Eight (1,308,0) feat; thence running Barth a distantx of Sin Hundred Sixty
<br />{660.0) feet to the 1/16 coraer~ thence running easterly along sad upon the North
<br />lies of aald Northeast Qusrter {~ a diatanee of tkte Thotiaand Three Hundred Four
<br />and Eighty-five fiandredtlts {1,304.80 feet to the paint of beginning and containing
<br />19,794 acres taore or less incltuling road right-of-way an north and east sides.
<br />winch tws the address af......~. Z». Boz .f~ls.. 02'attd Island..
<br />isrreeu ~: ~r~t
<br />'!~ 68801... .. - (htrem `Property Address" t .
<br />tst^er rso z,o wort
<br />Tat:Errtea wnh add tlx ;mprovcmcnta nc3u or ltcn•aftcr ir~Ctrct t,rt the pro~ny. :ntd at3 CunCmCnt,. right+.
<br />appunenanees. rents (subTcc! how stet tc trhe rsghts and authorettcs ~t,en f;erern to Lender to ci~llcct and :,pplg ,ugh
<br />rents;, rayads, mineril, Uil and ga3 rtghi5 and prC.f"tts. water. watrr rights, and water stchk, and all tiatur~, rtuw ar
<br />hereatfi;rr attacht:d to the propene, afi of wh+ch, encftrdrng repdat:rmcnts and addtt3ons thereto, _.hali be deemed to be
<br />and re`lrrain a part of the prcrpcny ^.o+.ered hs rbrs Ucrd of T'ru,t, and a31 of the foreg<nng, together with seed pntpcrty
<br />(~ i}x k'asehodd estate if this Decd Uf T'rt3st es on s lca~chold} arc lt. re{n referred to a4 the "Prtrpertt
<br />Ta SEC1?ttE fU Linder (a} the repayment o[ tits rndetxc-dnc^„ clident td h} Snrrow'er's nrRC dared ..SOp LPAber
<br />l b, _ ~ ~... {herein "Note"} , in the princ:paf surir of ..Sri[1rY. twSt..thciu9and..aad .t}OII ~D:---.rte-. rrrr~.
<br />..:...:.:...... ~ . ...................... IJoldan. w;th interest thereon, providing fur nttrnth!_t :n,tatltrrcnt,
<br />of prrctstpad and interest, witiS the baGvncc of thr enalelriednc+s. rf not stainer paid. due and payable un .
<br />............ . ....'"...he~.1 ~. ~ig'{ . . - .. tix psymcnt od add other ,ums. with rrttcrest tfitrrcon. advan~ctS
<br />€n at'CiMdRtieC henMwilh tU protect the se>:itrAw_ izf fhrs Decd cif Trust, .tnd the pCrf:irmitnCe ue the cc».Cn;rnt, ;rntl
<br />aj;teatents of 8arrawer here"tn eattiaintxf. and f b} the repayment raf any future advan:cs, with ,ratrr.,t thcrcr~;t, m,rd~
<br />to Bvrrorgcr by Cendrr pursuant to paragraph '_ t ttercof { hcn:+n ' F'utur +~d+:anccs" t
<br />dBarro+ver CatiY,~nL thtu i9ittrdW~~ is iaW'ftallR ~rscd of tli4 Cstdte hC(ctfy {WtVt';ed .e n+~ hu±, the ct~*ht to ~;a;rn1 and
<br />convey iitr 1'riipetty, the! the Property tti unencumtrrretE. and that Bxxnrwee wdl warrurtt and de[en}! gcnrrall~ the
<br />tit{e tE+thc Praperly again%t till claims and dem,~nds. 4ub}i.~t tar any aleef;er;tttun,. cascm+ nt, :.r re,tre<t.,*n; lr,t~J ,r..,
<br />uiteditlc of oxtxptions to cFatteragc to any ti#k :nxurancc polr.i e;r,urm~ t.tndsr'h n;tcrest ,n the Prup~rty
<br />~,-1 to i iimt+y- }.'4--..FiIM1~FMLYt iMtiFYl11 IRLfRIFMLNt
<br />