80- t~ U 5112
<br />MORTGAGE IRAN NO. L 23, 794
<br />-Uto~vAU.Mt<arav'lxtserRlst~rns:'ntat James +~. Caredis and Bill$eb~ec~aredis,2ea~h8in his
<br />and her aam right, and as spouse of each other
<br />- --- Mortgagor, whether one or more _in eorttidetatian of the sum of
<br />Fifteen Thousand and No/100 ------------------- ------------- ----- DOLLARS
<br />Idaeed to rid tttalga6nr hy'!be Equitable 66 and Lrutt Asttxiation of Grand Iceland, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 1 50 shares of stock of
<br />aid. AS50C(ATION, Certifrah Na. L 23, 794 , do tweby gnat. convey and mortgsge unto the said ASSOCIATION the folbwiog
<br />dsnstbed teal eWte, sitvaxed in FiaN Cotmry, Nebraska:
<br />tagsthu with >r the ienemtets, heeedisaaments noel appinteoanaes ihereonto txbegutg, ieidtdiog attached floor aoveritga, >U wiednv streets,
<br />aiedow shwdes, bleds, 4atm wodowa, arrn®g, hea[ittg, air trmdatianittg,and plumbing and water equipatertt and aooeaoria thereto, pertgia, stoles,
<br />ralrigaata-s, arced other fiatmea atd egttipmerat naive or hereafter atiadted to or reed b wmrectton with said real euate.
<br />And >ttltneaa the said roortptgor hat agreed and does hereby agree trot the ^wrtgagor stuff and will pay all tares and araessments levied or
<br />atnaed trpon said pnetmsa aed uQon this mortgage and the band tite~by before the same shaft berotoe detinqurnt; to furnish approved
<br />toeeaeoe t~stn the btn"Warpt on sad prerttsas sstuatedia ttm sum af> QUU . 00 payable [o sad ASSOCIATION amt to deliver to aid
<br />ASSOCIA770N the polies for mid insurance; and rat to commi rx perrtit any wrste on err about sad premise::
<br />[s cat-~' default in the perforaratitx of any of the terms atni cfaiditions of this rnartgage err the bond secured hereby, the rrrortgagee ah:ll,
<br />as demand, be entitled to irttmediate paastasiort of the rnartgaged premises attd the ~ttonpgor trsreby asngu:, transfer and seta over to the
<br />aU the rents, reventtea and tneotee to be derived from the tnortgaged prertrnes drtrirtg mch tune as ttte mortgage indebtednea afu11 rereain
<br />tatpaid; sod the roacigagse shall taut the porser to appear any agcrtt or agents it. ntay desire for the purpose of repairing acid pramiaes and «»tittg
<br />tit sere aced ediectirtg the reefs, revenges sad utcoree, and it taay pay out of said irtootne aft espetnea of reproving said pteutiaea and rtWeaaty
<br />at~inna asd~xpemes incurred in renting eat meeagiatg the scut std aC coltectrttg rentah therefrom: the balance retnaiuirtg, if aey, to be
<br />a/liiad d~urJr~r6tc of yid rnortp~t iadebtednesc: ihea rights of ttK crturtgage,~e may be eaef8aed at any tune dtttiee Use e:mlettoe of wdt
<br />dam, smgtyary wyaer nt the scent.
<br />Tbcae Nreaeats, hoecver, ate upon ttte Condition, Ttut if the said Mortpgor shelf repay sad ban an or t efore the rrr$tnrity of said shales by
<br />payseM; PaY ~~Y to said ASSOCiA7tON of tfre stun specified in the Bond secured hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before
<br />tFe Tbeetieth daY of each said every month.tmtil said roan is frdty ped: pay all taxes std asaesamrnes leved against said premises aced im this Mortggc
<br />aced sic Boed aegtred tltcteb7r, before delirpuermy, furtridt approved imaratt« trpren the bnitdmga theraan in ttx sum of S i $ .000.00 payable
<br />to and AS9fll]IA77fXV; repay to said ASSOCIATION upo:t demand al! toasty 6y it paid for such axes. asraamtrtU eat issunece with iatetest at
<br />tit tsoaitnean ~ race taxeae from date of prytttrnt aH of which irlortgaaur hereby agrscs to
<br />!rf'Y: f><rfnit ~ wast4on yid presniaes:keep and coatpty
<br />witlt>~ lira awomteets eat rne~ttiom d the Uood for S i cJ , 000.00 this day givsn by tie raid Mortgagor w aid ASSOCtAT10N, aced ootuply
<br />vgfh aR tie ragiigemeslsof th_tCattstitwtionstd $y-Lavasaf aitf :4~SOC!!t'nON: then these p<tacnts sbaN become nuA and rvirl. olhmriae thty
<br />aloft.teeaaiu.ie fuY foreq aed racy 6e fotectwcd at Ute oplian of tic said ASSOCIATION efts[ failure fa three axuttin to make any of said
<br />plgnMrdt tx ~6a three tnoaths in arrears in tnaicitq said monthly payments, w to keep std comply with the
<br />ac.~tiartyrot aynea to lave a ravtiaer appr>anted fartlewith in stxJr fora:ktsure proceedings, agreements aced cotditiatis of said Band:
<br />if there is aey cheese iu ownership of tit real effete mortgtpd herein, by sale err othetwiae, thw the eotirc remaiaiog indebtedoesa hereby
<br />saorsd they, at tits ayttioe of The iquitahlt) and Loan Atttacalion of Graved ldand, Nebraaita, Fre,x,toc imteediately due and pyabk witltout
<br />feather rtoaiee, aed the reserves rertitirtptg doe rtala said bond, std any ether bold fa any addiliard adwaces tttark thereartder, shall. from the
<br />dsle of eaascaae of yid optior, boat mtersts at tie tnaximitm )esd rate, eat ttiit mortsase may titer be forerutaed to auiafy the ttngimt dire on aid
<br />htrad,aed aey otYa treed for addiuo~al adwoces, xosttber with aIl aaeta paud by aid The Fquitdtle Iteadius and iosa Aaaosyatim of G,and isiatid,
<br />Ntdtsatiu fa itsrawx, tatty eat aaatatrstau, and a4strarains esnnaon t#tarsee, with intetnt6 tt~,-son, !teen date cf
<br />~~ payment at the msaimttm
<br />As paossdtd iu fie seed leaned hereby. vritie ibis rottrt~e reaiaioc in effete the may ttereaftu adverts additiouat ntna to Ute
<br />aaltrs-of"sditl •aagati~ aftria or-wcoaiaaa it intppt, wdtiti wmsshai[ he witiin the aeauity of this mrartgase the same at the fuo~ arisimapy
<br />sacirad tittaehy, tin, total atstoftnt of prat drdtt rros xo exoaed a any tit[te the atigufal amount of this tmrtgase.
<br />Slatad/hiu 15th, day a[ Septefntzer A.f>..ly R~
<br />E~~l1ie:Y. Caredis
<br />'~ ,y,~~ ~'}era.. on Haut ISth. day of Se~tetN7er t+3 ~ , wfort wee,
<br />)) rite uodt[ai fwati, a Notary Public itr and fns sasd County, parrwntty came
<br />.flames I~. Caredis and Billie V. Caredis, each in his and her own ri~~it, and asps olsof
<br />ex~h ether are ware
<br />tr'te bR t4 ir{aptir~- panog5 xhr~aa camas are affixed ro rite abr~aaruslPttmcat u ntpstgagoc 5 and t he ~~.ttvcrai#y
<br />adteotrM~edllra>~ R tuba. their voix~ntarl-aerated deed. ° ~ .
<br />wiTlmcs ray n.od rnd t'7otariat=Sa1 the dale afaroyid, i" Ps+e°~- ? i
<br />1dY Gone expesa ~~,.'2.- ~.r' ~ ~ ~ .. ~,,,,
<br />_ .__..,i___
<br />MTigl4 et ~1riMERrtI. k{;i3,7"= t. ~ a ~sas~ ~ '---~~- Nata'ry Pu61ic~~~~
<br />t _ tet~L~ 4Y U~9aS"-*1
<br />