80- U05111
<br />MottTGAGE LOAN No. L 23, 793
<br />ga10WALLMEN$YTHFSEPRESENTS:That James A. Schultz and Mary A. Schultz, ear.h in his and
<br />her own right, and as spouse of each other
<br />Mortgagor, whether ore or molt, in considentfoa of the sttm of
<br />Six+v Thousand and No/100 ---------------------------------------------------------not3.ARs
<br />coined to said toortgigor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, Mortgagce, «pon 600 shoes of sWCJt of
<br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23, 793 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage unto tare said ASSOCIATION the foBawing
<br />tletaibed real estate, sitwted in Ha6 Cotmty, Nebraska:
<br />ta¢ttter crith all the tentrrsents, hneditamenu and appurtertances thereunto belonging, including attached none coverings, ail windrw sheens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heating, air mrditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves,
<br />reftigenxors,a~ other fixtures and equipnrnt rww or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereu the said toortgagcr hu agreed and does hereby agree cost the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and aszeaments levied or
<br />asxaed upao said promises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured therebv before the same shall bernme aslinquent; to furnish approved
<br />iosunitce upon the buiWirgs on said premises situated in the sum of S 6D , OOD , DO payable to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insnrartce; artd not ru commit or permit any waste an or about said premises:
<br />in we of defatxh in the performance of any of the terms and condaions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shah,
<br />m dereasvd, be entitled to immediate possesrion of the mortgaged prcroiss and the mortgagor hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the
<br />» a6 the rents, revenue and income to be derived from the rmrtgtged premises during such time as the rxtortgage indebtednea shah rcrrrin
<br />taspdd; and the rratgagae shah have the pwvsx to appoint any spent or agents it rosy A..bre for the purpose of repairing said premix: and renting
<br />the sae and collecting the rents, revenues and inmroe, and it any pay out of said income all experaes of repairing said premixs std neotaaty
<br />nos and expenses attuned ut rentirg and manaputg the same and of collecting rentals ihercfrom: the balance remaining, if any, to be
<br />toward the disclurge of said mongalae indebtedness: these rights of the rnorigagee may be eurcised at soy fleet during the existence of such
<br />de nlt, ir[e~ective of any temporary waiter of the sarrc.
<br />Thex Pnsaents, however, are upon the Condi[iort, Thax d the sad Mortgagor shall repay sad loan on or befost [he maturity of said shoes by
<br />paynerrt; pay monthly to said ASSOCtAT[ON of the sum spaifed in the Bond secured hereby as interest and principal on said tom, on or before
<br />the Tvreatieth day of each amt every month, nets said loan is fully paid; peg all taxes and asressments levied agatins[ mid premise: and on [his Mortgage
<br />and the Boad secured thereby, before delinquency: furnish approved insurrutce upon the buiWirigs thereon m the sum of 5 6D , DOD. OD payable
<br />to aid ASSOCUTiON; repay m said ASSOCIA7ION upon deaund all money by it paid for such taxes, assessments and insunace with interest at
<br />the emxitetm legtl rate thereon fzom date of payment a8 of whtth Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit oo waste on said premixs; leery sad imply
<br />vait-t a8 the ngseetrrents and medicines of the Bona for S ~0 , D00. DD this day given by the seat Murtpgnr to said ASSOCIATION, ana wtnpty
<br />wish a0 the tequaements of the CasMlitution and ey-Laws of said ASSOCIATION; then thex prewrts shall become nub and void, otherwise they
<br />shill. romrin in fas6 face and may be forecloxd at the option of the said ASSOCIATION af[er failure for three months to make any of said
<br />payaeats or be [bete months .n arteus Ira nuking sad mortth]y payments, or to keep and comply with the egreemenis and conditbas of said Bond;
<br />and 111ortptgor agrer:s to hsve a receiver appointed forthwith in sod[ foreclosure proceedings.
<br />if that is any ~ in ownessltip of the real estate mortgaged heroin, by sale or othetwve, then the eatirc rettuitting indebtedness hereby
<br />aacured shall, at the optim of The Equitable BuSldiug and Loan Association of Grand Island, Nebtad[a,becotne imtoediatety duo and pryabk without
<br />fitrthet ootiae, sad the amo[mt retreitting due under said bond. and any other bond for any additional advances made thereunder, tha8. from the
<br />date of excrcite of aid option, bear interest ax the maximum kgd eau, and this tatxtgage may then be foreclosed to atisfy the ansttunl due on said
<br />l+oad,aad aaY other botd for additional advances. together with a8 sums paid by said The Equiuble Building aril loan Association of C,nmt Island,
<br />Nebssska for inwrance, taxes and assescmenu, and sbsineting exter[es:vua charges, with u[ierest th!rean, from date of payment at the maximum
<br />nle.
<br />Ace yrovided ~ the Band Secured hereby, while this inortgagc rert[ains in effeu clue mortgagee may hereafter aavan[x additioral sums to the
<br />ntakan of .said Bond, their aaigrta or su.;oeaors in interest, which stuns sha0 be within the secu[itY of this mortgage the same as [he funds ongiwlly
<br />aacwed thasetry, tare total smaunt of principal debt riot to exooat at any time the original amotmt of this mortgage.
<br />C}igd that 15t my of September A. v-. lv 80
<br />~ I
<br />-..-,d. ~t ~ -- '
<br />Marx A, chuttz ~--~
<br />STATE Op NEDRASiCl1' as. On this 15th say of September lr$0 , betsxe me,
<br />the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for aid County, pusotudly tame
<br />Jalges A. Schultz and Marx A. Schultz, each in his and her own righWhnandares spporYs~~ own to
<br />each other
<br />i to bs the identical perana 5 whore were S are afiixod to the about ir;sssattt@ot as mortgagor S and they severally
<br />arianwMdpd the said iapAiwesu to be t het C voluntary act sad doed. ~ -
<br />wrlxESS my hood and Notat::l Seal the date aforeaid. % ~i
<br />My Comiwaiw[ expires . G-CI-C.c4 a: ~ 4 --- - ~- ~ ~'~_','_~._
<br />~. --~---- ...---- -----~--- - -Notaryy ~Pubtic ' -
<br />ut-ar as GE[tEAAI NfYTiUIY •SYIS d 11a6ra1ia
<br />J#MES W, oLSON
<br />A4la atY Gomm. tse• Nar. !1, 1g13
<br />