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$0-- ;~ (~ 51 ~ 7 <br />MortTCwcE <br />MoxTCAr,I: LOAN No. L 23, 792 <br />KNOBtALLMENBY'['HFSEPRESENTS:71tat Ronald D. Coonts and Lois Coonts, each in his and her <br />own right and as spouse of each other, <br />Mortgagor, whether o~ or mote, in conaidera¢iou of the sum of <br />Thirty Thousand and No/100------------------------------------------`--------------^O~~ <br />[oased to said mortgagor by TEie (iquitabk Building snd i.rsav Assxiation of Grand Ishnd, Nebraska, Martgagee. upon 3~0 shoes of erode of <br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate No. L 23+792 , do hereby grant, convey and mortgage uneo the said ASSOCIATION the fotbsring <br />described real estate, sitmud in Nall Cotmty, Nebraska: <br />LOT SIX (61 IN 3LOCK ONE (1) IN BRENTWOOD <br />SECOND SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, <br />HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />together with aB the tenements, hereditamtnrs turd apourienances thereunto !xlongmg, including attached nuor coverings, aB window srxeem, <br />window shades, blinds, storm vnndows, awn'nr, heating, wr ~vndittonmg, and phrmbing and water equipment and acces,ories [hereto, purtips, stoves, <br />refrigerators, and ether fixtures aed egmpmem now ar hereafter attached to or used m conneciron with card rzai elute. <br />.dnd whereas the said mortgagor has egrerd and does hereby agree tt,at iht mortgagor shall and well pay J1 taxes and assessments levied or <br />assessed upon seat prernrses and upon this mortgage and the bond secured ihrre6v befixz the same shall 6tcurtie delinquent: to lmrush approved <br />insunnrr upon the buddirrgs on lard premises situatzd m the sum of 530 , DDD • OD payable to said ASSOCIATION and to dchver to said <br />ASSOCIATION the }x,liacs for sod insurance, and nu, t:t wmmn ur permrt any waste un or afwat stud premrses; <br />in cast ul dtfauit :n the pertarr+.rancr of any ut the terms and condruuns ut [hrs mortgage ur the bond secured hereby, the mortgage shah, <br />un demand, be rntrikd to rnin.rdtate possession ut the rnurtgagrd prcrruses and the nwrtgagur hereby asstgrrs. transfers end sits over to .he <br />rmrtgagee all the rrnts, reventres and mcumt to be ctenvril f rurv the mortgaged prermszs duonR such tune as [he tewrtgage indebtedness shall retrain <br />unpaid; acre! the trtortgagec shall rove the power io apptxnt any agem or agents at msy desire fur the purpox oC rrpauing said premises and renting <br />the same and cofket mg the renu, revenues arid income. and it may pay out u( said income all expenses of rrpuring reid pretruxs and netxasaty <br />rnmmrssrans and rxpensts incurred m tennrrg end trunagmg the same arid ul caittctmg rentals sheretrum; the hafancr rcrtiaming, if any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge ui _ud mortgage Indebtedness, these rights ut the trwrtgagrt may hx exercised at any tune daring the ezistentt of such <br />default. urespective n£ any tempuran~ waver of the same. <br />These i'reserz[s, however, .err apart the [~unduwrt, TFret rf the card Mortgagee .hail repay lard loan un ur helure [hr nratun[y u( card shares by <br />payment; pay ttxrnihly to ,aril ASSiIt t ATtU': of the sum spec+ird ur the 13und xcured hereby as interest crud pnnapai un lard loan, un or before <br />the Twenuerh day ut each and every nwntt:, weal card loan rs ! airy yard: pay all taxes and assessments lined against said prtrmses and on this Mortgage <br />and the Band ~tcurrd thereby, berate dtiuiquency. twnash epquved insurance upon the buildings thereon to the sum ut 5 3D, DDD. DD payable <br />to lard .ASSOCIATION, repay !o urd ASSCK IATI[[N upon dtnand all mucey by It paid fur such taxes, asscssrntnts and msutanre with interest at <br />itx ittaxrrnum legal rate thereon f rtnn date of pay:rxni ail ui wiuur Mortgagor hereby agrees w pay, permit nu west; un sad premises, keep and comply <br />wit!; aif the agrxmzris arut wnctrt_ans ut ohs BurW (er 5 3D, 000.'~~ :hu day gaven by rite said Mortgagor to Bard ASSCX1AT10N, and campty <br />with ail the rtgmrernents ul ihr lrxrsntutrun and u7 seed ASSUC1 A110N, then ritese presents >hall becunre null and .-aril, otherwise they <br />siaall rerrtam m full form and stay he sorec4es-ed at the upuun of the tried AS'SOC1A7lON af[a failure for three munt2ts to make any of said <br />payments or be three rrnmths .o ,irrcars ,n nrai.tng lard rwnthty pay runts, ur w i<rep and cuatpiy with the agreements and cundawns of lard Bond; <br />and Mortgagor agrrxs to !rave a:c,~rver appumled forthwith m each furcduswe p~uceedmgs- <br />It there a any ::Mange Iu uwaushap ui the real elute rrxxtgagzd hciew, try safz ur uthtrwur, then the zntue rrrnamirtg mdebtednesa hereby <br />suweJ stub, at ittr option ut The f~.gwtabk Building and Luu+ Assuratxm of Grard ksiand, Nebraska, bcconir uamediately due and payxbk withaut <br />further nuta;:z, :urd fix amount remanung due wider card bond, snd any other twnd for any addtUunal adwarxs made theceunder, shall, (rum the <br />date ut exererx ut sod opt,un, bear Irrertrst ,t the nuzsmum legal rate, and this narrtgage rtny then be forccfosed to satisfy the amount dot un said <br />laund, aml am other bond io: addnrura; adrnurxs, tc,gethrr with alt swtu pad by sasd ~i~tte t-.gwtabk Building and Luan Asxx:ratran of Grand lsfand, <br />V'iC~tseraska ?or inswanct, taxes anS asussnxrrt,. .urd abstracitng extrmwu charges, wnh Intetzst then v,n, Irom sate of payrtrent at the rrraxiruutn <br />'4 V" ratf. <br />As provided m the frond sr:.utef ;xerrbv. wink :hn irturtgagc reutarns .n effect the .^.wrtgagee may hereafter advance additumal sumx to the <br />trtakers of sad Buu he dsstgn<_.~: suuessl<rs m rnterzst, whsch sums shall bz w'rtkun the sewttty of tftiu mortgage the sanx as the funds urtginalty <br />secured thtrti,y, anwunt ~n nnncrpal dept nut ru exceed at arty tirrx the urig:nai amount of eh:+ ra.tttgage. <br />hated ~ . ~ 12th • :lay .,t 5eotembe r .,,. r, , ,„d0 <br />~- --- <br />>" <br />STATk: i7r NEBRASKA, <br />r ss- Un tars 12th, day ~_: CPp tP.l6bef X960 boom me, <br />CY)[INT y' Ui- fIALL 4 <br />:hr wider srgr:zfl, a `,utaq• !abbe m and tot lard Cnuu[y, p<•ruonxify yore <br />Ronald U. Coonts and Lois Coonts, <br />earn in his and her own r•; got end ~, >vot~se of earn ~:,toe rl,~-~ won are rer xtnauy known to <br />ux to ht fix ~,hoacai e,r; arn5 +u~,e rransS a Y'F_ ~ttued +,~ oIC atrrre u:.u uatker.t as m,ftigagu: ana' t-h2V uvata:7v <br />aeknuwfedgtd thn .ud mstnuneut t., ht tn~ 1 r ealurtrs.+y ace and dac<! i ' <br />k1 f X~ t Y urnd an V to ru rr a t ~sard ~ <br />wy t ~+;u r u . rxpr 7 ~ /~~ <br />^i~ -aY/Laif}1~~,~ r <br />:~; ,N ai <br />