so~ ~©104
<br />UN[FORM Covetvexrs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as (allows:
<br />I. Paymewt of Ptdneipd attd LNerat. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the
<br />indebtedtteu evidenced by the Note, prepayment and late charges as provided in the Note, and the principal of and intereu
<br />oa any Future: Advances secured by this Mortgage.
<br />2. Fulls,for Tattes wad iwseaace. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shalt pay
<br />to Lender ondhc-day monthly installments of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in full
<br />ars[mt-{herein"FiraM"l equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Merrgage;-and ground xrnta on the Property, if any. phis one-¢weffth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance,
<br />plnsoittrtwelfth'of yetirly premium installments. for mortgage insurance, if any. all as reasonab}y estimated initially and from-
<br />timedo~fiine-by-I.endtr on the basis of assessments and bills and reasonable estimates [hereof.
<br />The Futxls-shalt be held in an instftu[fon the deposits ar acrnunts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federat ar
<br />state agency {including Lender if I.cnder is such an institution ). 1-ender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />insucaace premiums-and ground rents. Lender may net charge for so holding and applying the Funds. analyzing said account,
<br />or vuifying and compiling said asstxstnents and bills, unless Lender pays Harrower interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />petmits Lender to make such a charge. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Mongagr that interest on the Fundc shall be paid to Horrower, and unless such agreement is made or applicable !aw
<br />requires sndt interest to be paid, Lender shall ntu be required to pay Horrower any interest ar earnings an the Funds. Lender
<br />shall pve to BatY9wer, without charge, an annual accoun;ing of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. 11:e Funds arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured
<br />63` this Mortgage.
<br />Tf the amount of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents. shat) exceed the amount required to pa}' said taxes.
<br />asaemnents, insurance premiums and ground rents as they taB due. such excess shall be, at Horrower's option, either
<br />promptly repaid to Bortuwer or credited to Horrower an monthly installments ~: Funds. If the amount of the Funds
<br />held by Izrder shall no[ be sutfidtent to pay tales, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due_
<br />Borrower shat! pay to Lender any amount necixsary to make up the dcriuency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by Leader to Borrower t'eyuesting payment thereof
<br />Upon payment is full of all sums secured 6y this Mangage. Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds
<br />heW by Lender. [f under paragraph 18 hereof the Properv :. sold nr the Proper} is otherwise acquired by Lender, Linder
<br />shalt apply, tta later than immediately' prior x+ the sale of the Proprny or ns acqutsrtian by Lender. any' Funds held by
<br />Leader at the time of application as a credit against the sums ,t-cured h~ this tiiangage.
<br />3. A~pYrallott of PrgeterK. Unless apphca6le Saw provtdcs otherwise. all payments received by Lender under the
<br />Kota and paragnphs ]and 2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first in payment tit amounts payable to Lender by Borrower
<br />uadez paragraph Z txrraf, then to [merest payab#c ~+n thr :late tt+er. to the principal of the Nate. and teen to interest and
<br />principal on any Future Advances.
<br />4. CYtttgtr, Liens. Borrower shall pay a1! t..txes..rssessmrnts :,nd nthrr charges. fines and impositions atuibutable to
<br />the Property which may attain a pnotit}' over this 4tottgage. and ieasefteid payments ar gmuad rents, if any.:n the manner
<br />pmvided ttaAer paragraph 2 hueni or. tf avx paid m such inanrer. b} Harrower making payment, when due, directh' ro the
<br />payee thereof. Borrower shelf promptly furnish to Lender all ponces of amounts due under this paragraph, wad in the event
<br />Borrower shall make payment directs}'. Barrewer \hafl promptly tarnish to 1_ender rrceipts e\idencmg such pal ntenis.
<br />Iorrower shall promptly discharge any teen which has pretty over this Morgagr: provided. that Borrower shalt nut !>e
<br />iequi[ed to dischuge any such lien sea Zang as 8orrawzr shall ague as wrung to the payment of the abligatiun arcurcd by'
<br />Bitch lim in a tttartau acceptable to Lender. ar shall in ge.~,d fatih .arrest such lien b+'. or defend enforcement of such lien in,
<br />legal ptttceediogs which operate to peeven[ the enforcement at the hen or far¢esturc of the Property or any par thereof.
<br />S. Illltratrl Itssraaee. Barrowxr shall keep the impmcemenn now cxnung nr hereafter erected on ilia Property insured
<br />against 3oss by fete, hazards included within the [rrm "uiendrd coverage .and xuch other hazards a+ Leaticr may requue
<br />wad in such amounts and for such periods a_s Le=+der may require; provided. the[ Lender shall rat require that the amount of
<br />such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay the ,wins >et turd by this Afargage.
<br />The imuraoce carrier providing the insurance shall tie cfiaseil by Harrower subject to appro\•aI by Lender, provided,
<br />the[ such appmval shalt not be unreasartably withheld. .431 prrmeams on msurancr paltctes shall be paid to the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof vr, it not peed in such «iartrnr, lay Harrower making payment, when due, directly m the
<br />iosuraaoe Cirt'iu.
<br />Ali insurartee trolicies oral seaewais thcreut shalt tx is farm urceptabk to Leixier wad shall include a standard morgage
<br />t:laoet is favor of acrd in form atxeptable to Landes. Lender shall fia\e the right to hold the policies and renewals thereof,
<br />wad-~orrowir shall promptly fura~h to Lender alt renewal rollers and alt receipts of paid premiums. In the curet o[ loss,
<br />BotltiwEl shah give ptontpl nofice to ilia insurance r_arreer and Lender. lender tt~ay nlanc pram of foss ii not male promptly
<br />by'Borrotrer.
<br />iJniess Ltttder and Borrower atheru'rse agree in wrinag. tnsuratsce pr«:~'ds shall be applied to restoratit,tl or repair of
<br />tiro 1?ropetty damaged, provided Bitch restara[eon or repair a ecanomecally tensible and [hc securt[y of this Mortgage ,>
<br />not thereby itapsired. If such restoration or repau is not ecsuioni:caliy tc.asible or it the scxurtty of this Mortgage would
<br />be im~aircti, the insutattce proceeds shall be applied Yu ifie sums xcured 6y this ivtatigage- ++'rth the excess. if any. geld
<br />to Bot?<owtr. If the Ptoprrty is abandoned by Borrower, air if Anrrawer t:s+ts to respond to t.cnder wethtn 3t1 du}s from the
<br />date oo¢ice-is matted by Leader to Borrower that the insurance carnrr oilers to scttfr a claim for rnsurancc ben<:tits, Lender
<br />is authotizrd to collet and apply ilia inwratkr; proceeds ai Leaders option either ro retoratton or repair of the Properp
<br />yr to thesttms sesursd by this Mortgage.
<br />IlDirres Lender wad Borrgw'er otherwise egret, in wrong; an= such application of prcx:reds to prncipal shaft nee extend
<br />ar postpone the due date of The manthiy itrs[allments referred to til paragraplts ; gnu '_ herr+:f or change. she amount of
<br />sth,h iastallriieats. If uttdet paragrapb lfil het~aT the Property zs acquued by Leader. all right, tole and interest of Borrower
<br />is and to any ir[swanee policirs and in and to the p€aceeds therea! resulting !rum ilaneage to rite Pmpert;~ poor to ilia sa{e
<br />or atquisiiioa abaft ;wss W I-ender to the extent of the autos 5ecurttii b} this \targage +muaedtatcty pror to such sale or
<br />titioa.
<br />ti, l4asezvatiau. alai 1Flaiateaaace of Property; t,aaxMiit~r, Coadotaiaiums: Planned fiat[ I?esetoptaeats. t3orrawer
<br />shad kap the Property i[i good repair and shad rat cam[nit waste ar permn rmpatrment ar deteriarauun of the Property
<br />wad shill-~utapiy with-ilia proviswns pt 'any leaae tf chi: 3lortgagc :. an u leasrfiofd. !f this Mortgage is on a unit nl .:
<br />condntbinitun ar -a planned ut}it developmersi, $errawer shall perform aft of Borrowers obftgaut+ns uoder the declaraiian
<br />or covenants ctralutg of governutg the caridamrnium ,?r planned amt drvelopmcat, the b\'-laws and rcgailatxnt, u( thr
<br />e~ o,pJantt~ wait de~•>F-14~p1!. end >:ons*_iau~'ut dEUUmeni-*- It a t~._latntnivm ur plamler! unit Se+rlupmem
<br />iid6r-~erieCnt4d-by Borrrr?rei and tccarded together ,:;th the ',eturtgage, tlv:: +oveu.inls attd agre;:mcn[s at su;;h rider
<br />i,hall #lG,i~kporat4d iota aMt shaft aracnd rend vuppl+~nu tit the ca:rnants aiid urilreemants a: th s htartgage as if dx ndci
<br />were a-part. hereoL
<br />i. Ihttle<dsai 4F-6.eNee`a Sectarity. Ef Bam7wer €atYs to pcrrform [tie covenants and ::grcements contained to this
<br />of 1f any aGtibt[ ar proceratng is catamenced wha.h malcxtaBy a1les.ts I,ende(a + urrut in the Praperq
<br />7a,Cltl~tt[,~„ hat ant, bitnited ta, CLtiieri:CiA domain, insatvenc}, codr nfnrti•ttitnt yr atranNemcrus pre s:udtng, i~nal+~urg a
<br />haeittupt or dt¢BtlCAti, tlwn 1_ender at Lender`s upuan, upcvt aatice fa Harroxrr, :nay make such appcerances, dr.hun+ >vJl
<br />aunts ~ takp suet[ at`ticiti as is sieiessary to protcYt l-emiet`s interest. ~nctuding. but rat hmne.! u:, tl,.l+uisenxnt ~ .
<br />rea-otuble- atuyraey's fees and entry upetrr ilia Prapcray Ea make retorts- Il Ixndcr rcyuired nrutgaga uuur.urw .., .
<br />ciltsy#itiaa of nrill[ng itre loan secureu by thou 'victrigag,:, Harruacr s;,afi pap the prcin:u:us ragUltc'-tf tt, tnai~el.:~u ,tic'[
<br />tJ~tt7aiCe m,e~t untd 5`ifCf! t[taK ~5 till: tCf~,'3tremCnt for ~kSilt tn34Vt atLiCC lCr mXttiAfl,S t„ Ji Cltrdail~C `~Itfi B+H Ct~w Ct ti a:ttl
<br />