52-A-RfAt. ESTATE MORTtS`GE-(With lax Clausey (Revised iSfi2)
<br />HESE PF.ESENTS: That ~jOlin ~. Yanaski and bens td. Xanoski,
<br />of f'.+uttty, and State of . in consideration of the sum of
<br />Ft~rty-eight thtnisand dollars {~ltff,~p.(30)---------- ~oLLAxs
<br />in--hand paid, do- hereby SELL and COlYVEY unto L. ~'.. Stewart and Ac:dre, ,4.. Stewart
<br />of Fall (',panty, state of Nebraska the following described premises situated
<br />in ~jall, County. and State of Nebraska . to-wit:
<br />~a~ sN {7), rn s~cx ohm (1), z ~itvrs so»nzvss~aN,
<br />xu.L cot~N2r, l~~B~sx~.
<br />The intention being tp convey herehp sn absolute tit{e in fee simp}e, indudiag ati the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AND 'Ta HOLD the prnmises aMxe described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, onto the said
<br />mprigagee(s) and tp his, her or their heirs and assigns fareve r, provided always, sod these presents are apon the axpreas
<br />amdatimt that if the said mortgagor(s), his. her or their heirs, exc.-utors, administrators or assigns shelf pay of cause to be
<br />paid io the said rnortgagre{s!, his, her or their heirs. executors., adtninistratprs or assigns, the principal sum of $ ~!$,f7f)0•C:~?
<br />payable ea foltpws, to wit: doe Gi> P,Ot6
<br />;s
<br />with interest according to the tenor and etiec:t. p[ the mortgagors written promissory Hate bearing even dart with theses Present= j
<br />and shad pay ail taxes and a•.wes.~tneats ?evu~.i ptxm , vd real estvte, and all other taxez, :cotes and assossmrnts i-vtecl upon this
<br />mortgage pt the note which this mortgage is given to srs:ure, tsetare the same becomes delinquent, and Jeep the buildings on 1
<br />said premises immured for the sum of S loss, if troy, PaY~le ip the said mortgagee, then 'these presents
<br />ttr be void, otherwise ru he and tentaitt in ful! fond. i
<br />IT f$ Ft1FtTHER A(=REED (7S That if the said mortgagor shah flit to uay such tares or ar«~ure ~ntc}t iruzurpnc~e. the
<br />saxi-tnocl;a~ aaay pay such uses and procure such ituturattce: and fhe sum srs advaucs~, with interest ut per
<br />cent; shall lse repaid teY said mortgagor. sod this mortgage shad stand as security far the carne. (2) That a faiium W Pay arty
<br />of said rarsteY. ritlzer priocipa) w inier~t, when the same isecortses due, or a failure to carapiv with soy pf the foregoing
<br />agrednpa#s, atoll cause the wbolr sum oTf mpnaY herein secured to }eccume due and tullet:tible at pncr of the option pf the,
<br />nm SiFped this ~t~,r-~' day af.~ff~s,~.~~'~"~. /'~'!'~. i9 .,.t _ i
<br />` ~ ` ~ i
<br />~) .,~
<br />In presrrecr of 'S - ..~-,~' '~-'~ - -._ i
<br />ABB..[}} .,._.. ~-~~~`~°~'t.~ ..___, (.;panty of-.. -.u-~-...n`"-_:'~'.z-r~~:.~ . .,
<br />E3e3ore me, a notary public quali$ed for slid chanty, peraotsallycame ~i3~S ~. YA~tlS1',3 a~.~~?f ~
<br />Y~ . r ~ ~ ~ =, `- E
<br />iesgtsgt tri .ran to be-the- idet+titai peisna ar perstuss w-}p signed the foregoing instrument and sgit~ywJ ,tb;~ ,exriertiria ~
<br />tLerse# /a he. hiy.::har. or their vrduatrt3 act aced dead. t - ~ _'-
<br />VPitosr. my h+twi sad,-itatarisl ssal on.......?a~-'.J`~"~.4-~~'7zs..r ~'t...... ~ 19~"~._:r = ..
<br />11fy-«ap~iasiw'r tncinisa-. _..,._... _.. ~~ c ..-~ .-' . , ~1 `, f
<br />,~°``...._~?.Y.., 19_x',,.3 ...: _..!-....-~c.w..~-:.K.n..,..,.......r'„ ,c, ~rY I'ubiic. f
<br />8?A'1'6 t]Tt..._-...,_...._.._.........,._._..,` .................._..._ - ~ Entered an numerical inlet arui filed far trxard 4
<br />' ~ in the Ftegisiee of 1Jssris OBrce of said C.nunt7 ttte
<br />i
<br />. ....................... - .._...._..._.... 19....,.....,, st...._.._...._...-......-.....p`elac)t aad......_..........._ -.minutss .. .4t.,
<br />~" std rawrdaX ire. >idoak,_. ~.._...,.....,., ...pL.__..__ _. _.... - ~
<br />_ ..... _ as pages. .- ......._. _.. .._ _._ _. ..
<br />_ _. .. -.._.__ _ fteg. pf Dceda
<br />Hy.._. _.. .. -. -. L)aPUtY i
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<br />The Rudman C,enenl Suppty !{auso. Lincoln. Nebr.
<br />